Right, but you can’t really include “people who deny reality” when discussing whether FTL travel is possible when it’s not currently reality.
I responded to your hypothetical statement saying that “if we knew FTL travel was possible there would be no argument against it”. If FTL was proven to be scientifically possible, then it is likely that a group of conspiracy theorists denying possibility of FTL would arise.
Oh, I understand now. Thank you for clarifying.
Yes, but what I mean is that it either is or isn’t real and us not knowing it has no true effect on it’s realness or un-realness.
Like for example was the Earth both spherical and flat before we found out the true shape of the Earth? No, it was always spherical, and us not knowing about that had no effect on it. Just like us not knowing whether or not FTL travel is possible or not doesn’t have any effect on it. It is not in between the two states simply because we are not aware of it.
But Earth has been observed by humans for hundreds of thousands of years. Millions if you count our prehistoric ancestors. The exact nature of the Earth varied between cultures because they didn’t have the science to explain their environment. But, thanks to modern science, we know for certain that the Earth is round. However, no human in history has ever observed FTL travel. It cannot be observed because we don’t have the science; and if we don’t have the science, we don’t have the means to apply the knowledge practically. However, if we knew that FTL travel was possible, we would’ve done something with it by now. It would be reality.
We climbed Mount Everest because it existed. It was there. It was reality. If we had no idea it existed, we never would have climbed it.
“‘Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, “Because it is there.’”
Knowing about something absolutely has an affect on our actions.
I am not talking about our actions, I am not saying that we have the science, I am saying that it could be real, or it could not be, but us not knowing which is true doesn’t make both true and/or false at the same time.
We climbed Mount Everest because it existed, it also existed before we knew it existed, if we had no idea it existed, it would still exist.
I’m not really buying the argument that FTL is either possible or not possible because we don’t currently know. We do know a lot currently and all of our understanding points to: it is not possible. Which is pretty sad because I’d love for FTL to be possible. But it is still plausible that we’ll discover something new that makes it possible. It’s just that all of the knowledge we have so far points to it being impossible so giving it a 50/50 chance of existing is not really accurate.
DID is a fascinating thing to look into, while there are some disagreements over how it forms (with the 2 main theories be children having multiple personalities BEFORE or AFTER the events that cause the amnesia barriers to form) it’s quite a well studied (but still relatively unknown) disorder.
Does anyone have any experiences with DID or OSDD?
We say it’s impossible because our current understanding points to it being impossible. We cannot say with absolutely certainty that it’s impossible because it’s never been observed or tested.
i do, however i never get the amnesia barriers thing because i co-pilot my body.
i found a way that something could be practically indestructible to anything but extreme heat and lightning. basically it’s just have a bunch of dodecahedrane molecules with all the hydrogen removed and you make them all share faces and boom you have a version of graphene that is strong in all three dimensions. of course i don’t know how well it would work because of lack of evidence gathered by real experiments and if any have been done i haven’t seen them
i do, however i never get the amnesia barriers thing because i co-pilot my body.
Wait are you also a system? I didn’t mention mine as I didn’t see it as relevant, but if you’re also a system that’s neat
“someone needs to push the frame back up!”
a new cycle will soon be.
i will somehow will survive that
yeah, most of the time it’s me and the one i named the profile after piloting and all three of us(there are two other than me that i know of) share memories when we co-pilot
who eat poo ?()not me
please start making sense!
forums has been kinda quiet theses days, huh?
anyways, by some weird reason my brian finally understand text programation and now theses two years of scratch are making sense…