THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

belguimetry of course!


Wouldn’t it be belgiumery or :belgium:ery? [1]

  1. ↩︎

Is it about march 9th or the one sentence story game

You’re not sure why huh? Maybe look at march 9th, the one sentence story game, and the art thread.

This for John to read

neither, he said something about petty controversies eventually leading to nuclear war :o

yee i have cake



Oh, same level different category I guess

I got my first one a few days ago : )

Also, @OoferDoofer I finally released Krzywokreskas inner workings, but not in a .pdf file. Krzywokreska Showcase.

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Yes, my bad. I actually just watched a video using belgiumery instead of belgiumetry and that’s how I just realized my mistake.

Can ya’ll stop posting the bad words? It defeats the whole purpose of using the censor word.

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No it doesn’t because they arent using them, they are just writing them.

I don’t get what you are trying to say… following the rule of self-censoring is pointless if you then post the bad word you tried to avoid multiple times just after saying belgium.

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It could be said that they were using the word only to talk about the very word itself, in an intellectual manner.

FTL travel is currently impossible we don’t have the science. It can’t be proven if we don’t have the science. Therefore, FTL travel is neither possible nor impossible because it is beyond our current understanding.


This took me a while…

I decided to try to map the path of the Dobrzyca - Sośnica F2/T5 tornado from February 17, 2022. I based this map on the visual documentation of the inflicted damage, mostly on this drone footage: Cyan stands for F0, Dark Blue for F1 and Green for F2.
The worst part is that this is just a small fragment of the path, like 10%~15%, and it also was the easiest to make, the rest will be much harder, mostly do to the lack of visual evidence*.
*and by that I mean that it might be somewhere, it’s just hella hard to find.


It either is or it isn’t us knowing about it has no effect on that.


Yes, it does. If we knew FTL travel was possible there would be no argument against it.


Pretty much. Unless we include people who deny reality.

What do you mean by “people who deny reality”?

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Flat Earthers, evolution denialists, “mudfossil univesity”, ect. These kinds of people.