THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 1)

What do ya mean “Sharing is caring,” what does it mean?

I don’t understand! I donata understanfa aahahhahhaaaaaah!

Nice design on that creature! @RoboRomb I wonder if you have any intelligent life form designs I could take inspiration from?

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Are you in need of medical attention?

EDIT: @Magic8Ball04 I didn’t design it, a friend of mine did. He’s been helping me with a few of my projects.


Heart stroke right now. Only one thing can cure me! Underwater civs right now! smeltal meltal!

Don’t say that! The reality police will hear you!


Wait, what’s the reality police about? Real numbers? What about imaginary numbers!


Finally, ah.

Ah the Community Forums!

EDIT 2: Thanks, RoboBomb.

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I had an idea for a fungal tree that migrates in large herds, something native to the Umbruke’s homeworld, Umbrogia.

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Where does your new pfp come from? Day of Defeat?

Nazi propaganda depicting the Schutzstaffel.

EDIT: Speaking of Nazis, I based the Umbruke off of Nazi Germany quite a bit.

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Terrible ending. I am afraid, Dave. As SHODAN from System Shock 2 trailer said, “What is it like to be afraid?”

Also, I found a new bug. I am also omnimorph but in another way. . .

2 Capture

Gotta go. Good night.

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I’ve been thinking of a game that’s human vs robot but as realistic as possible. I’ve run into a snag that there is no way to make this game balanced since robots would be superior in every way. The only way the humans would stand a chance would be to make the robots unrealistically bad at aiming.

Now I’ve begun think of a game set in the future without militarized robots but with realistic energy weapon combat. Once I’ve worked out the details it’ll probably be another long post on the video game suggestion thread.

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Or you could just wipe them out with EMPs or hack them all. We are superior!

P.S.: haha


made meme

Me when I reach Gen 14 in Thrive, but the game crashes.

Why is your profile picture Nazi propaganda in the first place?


Hey I can change my profile picture too.


Why is your profile picture a headless woman?

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Because I changed it for Halloween and haven’t changed it back yet. You haven’t answered my question tho.

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i just need about a 100 posts to reach industrial. Watch out world, the tea will conquer all of the economy, then the entire world! muahahahahahaha!!!

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Does anyone have any intelligent life form concepts (written or drawn?).

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I thought it looked nice. I hope you don’t see me as some sort of Nazi sympathiser.

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Why? If it’s because you don’t find the picture, I can help you (I still got the picture on my chromebook for the meme I made about you and XCOM).

Well, you could use this one too (it’s from Day of Defeat, game made by Valve).

You could crop the image to one of the soldiers’ face.

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