The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

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So do i have to repair each of my cities individually or can i do it all in 1 action

The archetype is ok, thanks. I’ll write actions later

Yes, each city has to be repaired individually.

Right now, you can have up to 5 villages.

Isn’t it supposed to be the opposite?

Maybe, I didn’t feel like looking back at the old posts so I just went with what I felt made more sense.

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Kugeland must teach my people about the old world so I can invade it better for science and stuffs

How did my one demand fail to be met, even though i gut a 20/20 on my treaty roll?

Ah, I realized that Phoenicia was left out of your demands, so I decided to trade that with the city. However, I agree that with a 20, the city demand should also be met. To balance that, demilitarization will be up to 25% instead.

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i was just leaving the war. the one thing i wanted was my city back.

So you don’t care about Phoenicia’s outcome?

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I need to leave the war if i want to help them, as at my current strength i dont stand a chance. So at the moment, the Persians still fighting Phoenicia is none of my concern. Hopefully i can ally with the persians and convince them to stop.

Alright, I’ll rectify the outcome next round.

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Also, since i have an embassy in china, shouldn’t i know any problems they are facing and/or their enemies and allies?

That all comes with the embassy roll (which is next turn)

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are you giving me the ability to create embassy or are you making one in my civ?

Oofer’s gifting the tech, since you can’t trade and set up an embassy in the same action.



can you offer a bit more as the deal seems to be a bit pricey on my end (5 levels of math and 3 level of science is alot)

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technically, you dont really facilitate these trades. i just put it as my action, and if it succeeds, it succeeds.