The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

After I give blackjacksike the cure I’ll give you some resources I mined from the meteor.

i feel like i am going to get it first since it landed near me

it also said it landed near me what

it did hit me though


So i read it like it landed close to where my tribe is, but evo was directly hit by it

Yeah sorry I didn’t write everything in the same sitting so some details may be fuzzy. It’s definitely closer to Evo

what do you mean “just as your allies have”?

i think he means that we wont help you in this fight. i might trade you weapons but this is your fight.

i’ll win, i have a secret weapon that will render his cavalry useless…

Spears? Yeah, I read your stuff Zenzone

Edit: also I have bows and arrows and your pikemen would get mowed down without any shields.

He may have a virus of some sorts but I doubt that

But how would that specifically counter my 6 cavalry units?

I don’t know, just a thought of mine. I won’t reveal anything else.

he does have a pm vote
that’s probably his secret weapon

I thought as much. But I don’t see anything that he could do dangerous to me

Yeah he does, but I’m not revealing anything yet
I’m also assuming I can also vote in there

Wait, you know his vote?

Yeah it’s in his banana bois pm vote I think

Darn. That sucks. I wish I could know what he was doing.

so in your opinion how much do you think it will change the outcome of the battle if you can reveal that