The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

Yeah he should

And Oofer should try to upgrade his weaponry

that what he is currently doing and should help reduce the bonus gap which is really his only advantage right

What yp364 suggested to zenzone sounded to me like defeat in detail/divide and conquer

So who do you think will make it to the industrial revolution first?

Pentaphon probably as i feel he is currently the most advance right now

Yeah and I think he also has the most population too

We are still in early antiquity
For industrial revolution we have to see how well he will go in the middle ages
I think blackjack will get there first see gets the relevant techs

I have read the art of war my friend I have a hardback copy of the thing

Ok so how about we stop a world war from happening? It wouldn’t benefit any nation, except the ones that didn’t fight, as these wouldn’t lose anything from the conflict

Yes I’m announcing my neutrality

you still challenged my authority and must be purged.

Will there be a UN?

Well if you attack me then I’ll fight, but until then, I’m Switzerland

yes blackjack, ill create the UN hq

someone should probably call for a peace talks thread…

The talks is going so fast that my gmail can’t keep track of all of it.


after the bananarama vs mongolia thing im gonna make the UN

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for real, the whole issue is making me take care of my people less than i should be

Ok so crisis averted right?

So isn’t concrete supposed to already exist?

I feel like if we are going to create a UN we should not call it The United Nations

since this is a public thread can a mod moved the fight zenzone just had to here?

You have to ping one, Hhyryylainen muted forum games.