The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

i would say the symbol looks like a masked country ball

It was supposed to be a boat and also a coast (with a sun), though it does look slightly like a countryball

Actually it was first gonna be a boat but i ended up making it a coast

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I would try and make a full on coat of arms, then put it in the middle

Here is the flag of Kherzit, the capital of Mongolia. It is located in Geriin, the main state of Mongolia.

NOTE: the flag above is actually the flag of Just Burkhag Beleg.

EDIT: whoops double post

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more flags yay! is this considered spam?

The flag of my second state, Stadtburg, where Zweibach and Stadtburg are located

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alright. just made flags for all of the other cities in Gaziir. notice that they are all in similar style. that is because each state has their own flag format.






@Nover452, could you make the blue part in my flag a bit darker, like in this one?

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i understood this


the flower isnt in the center and its bothering me


Yeah, it is slightly to high

oh god why did you do this teaking now i have to remake the entire flag noooo

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Isn’t it blackjacks? Just have them live with a badly centered flag.

No, the flag must be remade, it’s not an option

Well, i’ll remake the flag later, right now i’m making the words of a conlang (and suffering with it)


You want help? I made my own semi- complete language

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is the conlang the one we both worked on together before eventually stopping?

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Remember when you had less than 100 troops?

And the song that you were talking about was very bad, i could actually improve it, and it would still be below decent

we talked about in which period of history we are, maybe we should make our own periods of this alternate history

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Yeah, two days ago I was reading through the Thrive Odyssey and I laughed at that.

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In some turns you will see “I have 1000 troops” and the same thing will happen

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Well 1000 troops is t event that many. Both up and evo have had more than 1000 at one point

*isn’t even

Yeah, I just broke a rule.

In addition, I’ve been out for a while because I was making the base for my flag in Inkscape, so that Nover doesn’t have to do everything all over again. Now, it only lacks the dragon, the lion and the white rose.

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