The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

How is a major event decided

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you mean like a meteor strike, volcano eruption, etc…?

first, Omni decides what is gonna happen
then they roll a dice to see who will be affected
then they do another roll for how strong the event’s effect is gonna be

i think this is what happens, but im not too sure

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Sorry everyone, something came up so the next round is pushed to tomorrow.


Here is my new flag.


seems a bit weird

but its good

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Now, this is just me, but the coat of arms seems small and it blends in slightly to much with the background.

it isnt just you

also the red crosses are a bit too big

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That is simply my preference. In the other one, I find the creatures too big and hiding the cross. I admit I might have gone too far by making them smaller.

maybe give it a shield as a background?

No, but I do plan on making a coat of arms for each province.
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I am making a lot of flags. these are for my provinces

Flag of Gaziir:


Flag of Baruun Omod:


@OmnipotentFNarr why does everyone else’s turn summary have their country’s name on it, while i have Mongols (instead of Mongolia)?

i think its because you were a group of people and not a fully fledged nation

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no one was a country at the beginning of the game.

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You did name it Mongols and not Mongolia at the start of the game

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oh, that makes more sense then. but it doesn’t really work anymore

You can probably rename your nation to Mongolia now that you settled

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hey Omni, can i be called Mongolia now?

The flag looks good, but i would make the red in the cross slightly darker and the symbol not as small, but i’m not an expert so random letter

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New version of my flag.

*double post
Yesterday, I learned that the Golden League was based on the Golden Horde in a random video speaking about empires.