The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

They are highly mobile ranged units though. They aren’t built for melee.

ok so will this change when we get to mechanized troops or will they be in one of the categories?

I know this is very far away, but i was curious

It’ll probably change by then, almost all warfare will be ranged.

Can I create another thread in case someone starts spamming his anger? It would avoid 100+ useless posts in this thread.

Why would you make a new thread? This one has quite a while to go before it gets locked

That’s not my point. Remember what happened everytime zenzone started being angry? It would always create a huge and unnecessary discussion, which is frustrating. The new thread would be for that purpose only.

But The Point Of This Thread Is For That, This is where the arguments happen

That is why its called the council as its the place for everyone to try and come up to a solution for a conflict

I thought it was to ask the GM about stuff…

The reason it was a huge unnecessary discussion was because no one thought to just stop and try to figure it out. If they wouldn’t do that, they definitely won’t switch to a different thread. Plus, we already have to many Odyssey threads.

Okay so after this whole war ends zen won’t try to pollute the main thread with his anger and instead post it here?

Don’t get me wrong I like the conflict in the game to some degree because it keeps the game interesting but suddenly declaring war on a nation in the main thread is gonna E X P L O D E.

Yeah. Declaring war should happen there in your action thing, but the argument should happen here. Also, when I defeat Zen, he won’t be able to declare war.

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He probably could since he would restart but from a new civ but that would be a really bad idea

Yeah Oofer could just kill him again. And again. And again. And aga - you get the idea.

He would basically be a population farm for me if I wanted.

Well there is a cooldown fortunately so there would be breaks between endless war

Yes, but I am sure that the cool down doesn’t let them become a full on superpower.

Well he is a banana so I guess you can grow him to feed your people

Actually please ignore that idea

Been awhile since the last one and this will be put into the wiki post

Current Alignment From What I Can Tell:

– Neutral :green_heart:

Mr.Pigeon [Mexica]

Evolution4Weak [Tarkahmehd] (Looking To Create An Alliance With Nover)

- Non-alliance :small_red_triangle_down: -

Pentaphon [Laestrygonians] (Fighting With Potassium Party)

- Union der Europäer :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: -

Blackjacksike [Britannia]

Nover452 [Kugelland]

– Banana Boys :banana:

ZenzoneGaming [Bananarama] (Fighting A War With OoferDoofer)

TeaKing [Phoenicia]

MechanicalPumpkin [Hollow Sand]

Yp363 [Hellenes]

– The Golden League :orange_square:

Currently At War With ZenzoneGaming

OoferDoofer [Mongolia]

~ Special Alliance ~

- The Plague Buster :drop_of_blood: -

Currently Inactive

Nover452 [Kugelland]

Evolution4Weak [Tarkahmehd]

MechanicalPumpkin [Hollow Sand]

TeaKing [Phoenicia]

OoferDoofer [Mongolia]

Pentaphon [Laestrygonians]


  • Non-Alliance Is Someone Who Is Not Part Of A Alliance But Is Also Not Neutral (Not Hostile)
  • Hostile Means You Are At War With Someone
  • Special Alliance Are Not Real Alliance But More Like Organization That People Already In A Alliance Can Join
  • :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Union der Europäer is technically not a alliance but a future federation of two civs but it is convenient to list them as a alliance of 2 separate civs for now
  • :drop_of_blood: The Plague Buster Is Inactive Because The Plague Has Been Eradicated But Has Not Been Disbanded Yet Just In Case Another Plague Shows Up

Can you put my alliance as ‘at war with zenzone?

That depends. If he started from the same civ, then there would be a cooldown. But if he starts over somewhere else, there shouldn’t be any cooldown since it’s only to gain more stability.