The Public Thrive Odyssey Council

What do you mean by this?

Like the lamp thing you said you researched earlier… do you remember what gave you the idea?

I just wanted a flying thing, and i liked that one

new round @OmnipotentFNarr?

everyone has not posted yet

@yp364 hasn’t posted, no new round can be made, or at least i think it is yp364

Also thank you zenzone, i was getting bored, now people are talking again!

Don’t ask him that. He’ll post it when he can post it.

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he waits a day, and everyone has to post.

I am going to post some results from the poll
This was probably the biggest post i have ever made

:sparkles: The Unofficial Official Thrive Odyssey Ranking :sparkles:

Based On Round 54 (The Year 400 B.C)

:speaking_head: The Self Rank :speaking_head:

All of These Stats Are Based On How People Rank Themselves

Self Rank - Ranking
  1. ZenzoneGaming
  2. OoferDoofer
  3. Evolution4Weak, Yp364
  4. TeaKing, MechanicalPumpkin
  5. Pentaphon
  6. Mr.Pigeon, blackjacksike
  7. Nover452
  8. None
  9. None
  10. None
Self Rank - Ranking + Stats
  1. ZenzoneGaming
  2. OoferDoofer
  3. Evolution4Weak
  4. Yp364
  5. TeaKing
  6. MechanicalPumpkin
  7. Pentaphon
  8. Mr.Pigeon
  9. blackjacksike
  10. Nover452

Average Self Ranking


:busts_in_silhouette: Peer Ranking :busts_in_silhouette:

All of these stats are based on what other think of them

Peer Rank - Ranking
  1. OoferDoofer - 3.38
  2. Evolution4Weak - 4
  3. Pentaphon - 4.56
  4. BlackJackSike - 4.89
  5. TeaKing - 5
  6. Yp364 - 5.56
  7. Mechanical Pumpkin - 6.13
  8. Nover452 - 6.25
  9. Mr.Pigeon - 6.33
  10. ZenzoneGaming - 7.75

Average Peer Ranking


:desktop_computer: Algorithmic Ranking :desktop_computer:

All Of These Stats Are Based On Your Stats

Algorithmic Rank - Tech Score
  1. Evolution4Weak - 36
  2. Pentaphon - 35
  3. Yp364 - 30
  4. Nover452 - 29
  5. BlackJackSike 28
  6. ZenzoneGaming - 28
  7. TeaKing - 27
  8. MechanicalPumpkin - 26
  9. OoferDoofer - 25
  10. Mr.Pigeon - 22
Algorithmic Rank - Military Score
  1. OoferDoofer - 157
  2. ZenzoneGaming - 140
  3. Evolution4Weak - 97
  4. Pentaphon - 78
  5. Yp364 - 76.5
  6. Nover452 - 63
  7. TeaKing - 63
  8. Mr.Pigeon - 62
  9. BlackJackSike - 36
  10. MechanicalPumpkin - 24
Algorithmic Rank - Culture Score
  1. TeaKing - 50
  2. OoferDoofer - 50
  3. Pentaphon - 40
  4. Evolution4Weak - 40
  5. BlackJackSike - 40
  6. Mr.Pigeon - 30
  7. Yp364 - 30
  8. ZenzoneGaming - 20
  9. Nover452 - 20
  10. MechanicalPumpkin - 10
Algorithmic Rank - Civilization Score
  1. Evolution4Weak - 620
  2. OoferDoofer - 516.5
  3. Yp364 - 400.5
  4. Pentaphon - 347.5
  5. Mr.Pigeon - 322.5
  6. TeaKing - 321
  7. Blackjacksike - 268
  8. Zenzonegaming - 268
  9. Nover452 - 221.5
  10. MechanicalPumpkin - 201.5

:bar_chart: Overall Ranking :bar_chart:

This Is The Average Of All Three Ranking

1. Evolution4Weak - 1.5

2. OoferDoofer - 2.33

3. Yp364 - 5.66

4. Zenzonegaming - 6.66

5. TeaKing - 7

6. Pentaphon - 7

7. Blackjacksike - 9.66

8. MechanicalPumpkin - 9.66

9. Mr.Pigeon - 10

10. Nover452 - 12.33

:high_brightness: Bonus Poll :high_brightness:

Community Ranking Of Categories For A Civilization
  1. Military
  2. Population
  3. Stability
  4. Technology
  5. Economy
  6. Culture


  • Ranking: This Is The Raw Data From The Polls
  • Ranking + Stats: This is the raw data ranking using population to have a Actual Leaderboard, The Ranking will have a higher importance than stats
  • Tech Score: Tech Score Is based on the amount of technology you researched, I am only looking at the tech tab so some tech will not be counted
  • Military Score: Military Score is based on the amount of soldier and the technology they use
    • Current Formula Is This: (0.5 * Number Of Soldier) + (Combat Bonus * 3)
  • Culture Score: Culture Score Is Just Based On How Many Different Facet Of Culture You Have (This Will Be Revised In Future Editions)
  • Civilization Score: Civilization Score Is The Combination Of All Three Score Plus Other Factors
    • The Formula Is This: (Population / 2)+ Culture + Tech + Military + (Economy * 6) + (Stability * 10)
    • Population Might Be Too Much Of A Factor
  • The Overall Score Is Based On The Ranking Of All Three Category With Self Ranking Weighed Less
    • Lower The Score The Better
  • In case of any ties, Population will be used to break it

If you have any feedback or think i made a mistake inform me
I do think the algorithmic ranking is the most accurate


well i’m the weakest civilization i guess, i must change that!

Yeah it surprised me that zenzone was higher than me

probably shouldn’t count self ranking at the average

Zenzone Self ranking really made the overall ranking a bit too skewed

that why i weighed self ranking less but i am not sure if that was enough

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I was going to ask how my tech was so low, but then you said you didn’t count military tech. That probably dropped my multiple places:

Yeah i counted military tech for the military score

i would say that a “better” ranking would be the average of all of the stats

how am i not even in the top 10 if we’re 10 players help

That would the civ score as that just factors your stats

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I’m still angry that zenzone has a higher score than me, but after all, i’m one of the players that joined after the game started

zen is actually the weakest lol
you are still stronger than him
he is just narcissistic


The ranking was thrown off by his narcissistic voting.


This is also based on the last round stats
so anything happening this round and the next did not have a effect

just noticed this:
mother :belgium:!
look where he is!!!
he stole my spot!!!