like it doesn’t feel the same as when I compare with Spore. Thrive has nearly no narratives and achievements. Yes first time you are playing it is good, you are trying to evolve and exc. The catch is to finish prologue you don’t even need to evolve, yes you are not able to play as multicell or 3D but what the point If I even play this eras. In the spore atleast they made it a bit game like, there is a story behind literally you can feel you get stronger, better.
Thrive feels like strategy game with no purpose, basicly cell sandbox. There is a games we can take good examples. Frostpunk, yes through the all game you are nearly doing the same things, but the games, brings problems to us to solve. At the same time, because there is a narrative and cutscene , you feel somethings happening in the world so you need to adapt more.
So basicly i am saying that, It needs to be a little bit fun.
Add evolution tree as spore did, add consequences of our evolution: make it harder to evolve back carnivore to photosenthesis , or add simple effects on the game, bring some events not everything should be deterministic, maybe some unknown invaders species can consume most of the materials, exc. exc.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
This is pretty much going to be the case when 0.7.1 releases as the dynamic oxygen and carbon dioxide levels will make photosynthesis way less viable for mobile cells due to CO2 trending to be going lower than before.
I get your point, but Thrive isn’t even close to being finished. I’m pretty sure achievements (and similar) are coming later.
(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
…I totally failed to get into frostpunk. Obviously, I grew up with spore, I get what you’re saying, but I think it’s not that bad. The problem is basically that there’s not enough cool stuff to wonder about as opposed to cool stuff to optimize. The problem is basically that cells are boring, and so are untextured blobs, but they won’t stay that way for long, if you’re in a truly alien environment, this sort of complaint won’t make sense.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I think that the stages will be getting more interesting and engaging the further they are into their development. We are yet to see proper events implemented for example.
Correct me if I’m misremembering, but I’m pretty sure Spore had no achievements in it, like it was a bit earlier than it was expected that all big games had achievements in them. So I don’t really see how Thrive is worse in terms of overall motivation to keep playing. Of course as Thrive only has one almost complete stage, and a bunch of prototypes, the motivation to play the game to progress is much less.
Again, Thrive is only a cell sandbox because that’s the only really done stage.
Okay, so your post is actually about having more variability between playthroughs of Thrive with having more events in the game the player needs to respond to?
I had the same thought. With 0.7.1 there will be fewer initially unlocked organelles, and no starting oxygen. So there’s more progression in the Thrive game world with needing to first get oxygen before being able to add metabolosomes or evolving toxin types that require oxygen to produce.
(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
Spore definitely had achievements. I grinded a lot of them as a kid. (I played cell stage so much as a kid, but it still took me ages to get iron cell or whatever the achievement name for beating cell stage quickly was)
I think a world that makes you deal with it would be really cool. Right now it feels like the world is a static challenge, it’s a fun challenge, but a predictable one. Kinda like spore cell stage… Lol. Maybe sporification isn’t a great long term plan.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Good that we have such a large list of suggested achievements, we still will need to choose which to use really…
That’s why Thrive abandoned the title of “Spore 2”
I don’t recall achievements in Spore. It could be that I’m just misremembering, or that the achievements weren’t added in the first version. I tried searching for when Spore added achievements but I couldn’t find any info on that. I do remember playing the Spore physical release where the space stage wasn’t patched yet so it was extra bad (which is probably part of the reason why I never actually beat Spore).
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Well achievements are for sure in spore now. Thrive would definitely benefit from having atleast a couple of challenges to achieve…
It’s just that it would mean throwing 2 major features out of a release to make time for making the achievements (assuming I make them, of course if someone volunteers to program the system then it could be done as early as next release, but only if someone else works on them).
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I see. So achievements will most likely get added via mods then.
I don’t expect Thrive to be Spore 2, but still wish there was more developers, founders, designers with passion, I was in high school when I learnt about thrive now I am close to finish the university, it only visually and code based improved. Gameplay is nearly the same, Like you are controlling the cell there is nothing special about it I get it, trying to find resources replicate and evolve, but IDK as a player I expect some more improvement feeling, little bit fun or a pride that I finish the game which seemed like it is hard to do, or the joyment for a build it takes a effort but there is non , as I said before you can literally finish the game without evolving.
And to be honest I don’t know what is the solution is to this, maybe a better story narrative, storytelling about my cell, or making game harder or maybe making the map UI cooler so you can adapt the feeling that you are that cell which tries to improve. There is should be more “Coolness”.
Why wouldn’t they be added to the game? Do you suspect that whoever does them does so shoddy work that it is not accepted?
As an open source project anyone can make a pull request of any changes to the game, which we then review (or more likely me). So assuming a feature isn’t against the goal of Thrive and is made with sufficient coding quality, it will be accepted. As such I think it would be pretty silly to try to make achievements as a mod. The core achievements framework should at the very least be in the main game. If someone then wants to add extra silly achievements as a mod, that I could see happening.
Please don’t double post. Quote the relevant posts you are replying to instead, like I just did.
It is not about the stages, i can play spore’s cell stage for days without getting bored. But there is only special moments to dedicated to spore the game and it is unforgotble and creates memory on players which is at the same time making the game unique.
For example:
When you hear this sound, you will definitly know what game is this, there is no option because it is unique and fun feature. Or whenever you see this MF, you are in danger and reminds you all other feature you can do in the game.
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(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
Well, maybe the reason I only remember getting any memorable achievements when I was not a very young kid was because when I was young I played the physical release… That would make a lot of sense actually. I looked it up and there were achievements in 2008, so if you like playing games offline, you wouldn’t have gotten them. There was some conflicting evidence but it was all new so it’s ignorable.
So , if we are going in another direction what should the narrative be the game is already about universe domination but the term " domination" have no meaning right now as there is 0 unity between the individuals of 1 spiecy making the term “domination” just a concept, in fact what we could control now ? Ressources : some fer and gilicose and phosphore from time to time ? How to control it when you don’t know the basic knowledge of you environment even when you could communicate with individual from you spiecy you environmental awareness does not grow ( you don’t have a map of ressources or threats) and even basic orders are just too basic to create a strategy, maybe we should make some sort of a map with ressources where communication could be used to be more aware of your ressources and your compitition and “dominating” will have finally some meaning as you control ressources and thrive in your little world.( This just a concept of how to make the microbial Stage more meaningful and aligned with the basic concepts of world domination and thrive)