I’ve been considering the Auto-Evo by Nick, and (correct me if I’m wrong) I believe that the simulation currently doesn’t take detection of mates into account like it does prey when hunting. While trying to brainstorm a solution I could propose to him, I came up with something brilliant. A way to improve the behavior editor.
Basically, how it works is as follows:
If an organism detects a certain (player-defined) stimulus, it reacts in a way that is determined by its creator.
Stimulus must be able to be noticed to be used (I.E. You can’t notice a particular color if you can’t see).
Therefore, if an organism is the only one its environment to possess a specific sense (sight, smell, pheromones, etc) then it can reliably avoid being detected while communicating with others of its kind.
For example:
Stimulus: An organism detects a certain color of display on a member of its species via sight.
Reaction: The two organisms mate.
This example was the exact thought that made me come up with this idea. With stimulus-based behaviors, the game becomes more realistic and thus more likely to simulate accurately.
Anyway, thanks for reading! I would like some feedback on the idea, especially if I messed up something on accident, so feel free to comment!
I know this is a 5-year necro, but this could also work with exosymbiosis.
Your cell overproduces glucose. As a result, other cells cluster around your cell to eat the glucose. Auto-evo can’t detect this. But if auto-evo was able to notice this as a specific stimulus, then it could write it into certain organisms’ code. Thus, you can have a cell species notice that you feed them, so it learns to stay near you. This then causes the cell species to survive more if your species is more common, incentivising the cell species to evolve ways to defend you, and you yourself are incentivised to feed this exosymbiont more to encourage it to stay near you more.
Of course, that’s… pretty complicated, since not only do you have to now simulate specific symbionts’ effects on each other directly, you also have to consider indirect traits like cells defending each other. But then again, that’ll be implemented eventually. Better now than later - make a more impressive cell stage!
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I could see this sort of exosymbiosis being a requirement to enter endosymbiosis if more complex endosymbiosis is to be ever implemented.
Exosymbiosis with prokaryotes of some sort is used even by large multicellular organisms, so it should be implemented under some form at some point.