Thrive crashes on startup using launcher (Windows 11)

The game crashed on my Windows 11 laptop using the launcher and version 0.6.6, CPU is Intel(R) Celeron(R) N5095 @ 2.00GHz and error code -1073741819. i tried reinstalling 3-4 times, restarting my computer, and using “Thrive Options” in the launcher settings and it didn’t work. The launcher log I found was at game crash - but I couldn’t find any crash report from the game. I think the problem could be my CPU or missing files

Did you check if there is anything in C:\Users\pizza\AppData\Roaming\Thrive? If Thrive got even a bit started there should be a logs folder there with some log files (note the AppData folder is hidden by default).

So not even the OpenGL mode worked? I’m hoping those Thrive logs do exist and shed some light on this, because otherwise the only thing that you can do is download the Godot Engine 4.2.2 and check if that works on your computer.

oh there are some logs there

Godot Engine v4.2.2.stable.mono.official.15073afe3 -
OpenGL API 3.3.0 - Build - Compatibility - Using Device: Intel - Intel(R) HD Graphics Gen11

USER WARNING: 2D MSAA is not yet supported for GLES3.
at: render_target_set_msaa (drivers/gles3/storage/texture_storage.cpp:2236)
This is Thrive version: (see below for more build info)
TODO: reimplement unhandled exception logger
Startup C# locale is: en-US Godot locale is: en_US
user:// directory is: C:/Users/pizza/AppData/Roaming/Thrive
Game logs are written to: C:/Users/pizza/AppData/Roaming/Thrive\logs latest log is ‘log.txt’
Cannot use full-speed Thrive native library due to: CPU is missing AVX 1 extension instruction support
CPU is missing AVX 2 extension instruction support
CPU is missing LZCNT support
CPU is missing BMI 1 (TZCNT) support
CPU is missing FMA support
Using slower Thrive native library that doesn’t rely on as new CPU instructions
Checked that required CPU features are present
Thrive native library load failed due to: Unable to load DLL ‘C:\Users\pizza\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.0_windows_desktop\lib\libthrive_native_without_avx.dll’ or one of its dependencies: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (0x8007045A)
Native library is missing (or unloadable). If you downloaded a compiled Thrive version, this version (may be) broken. If you are trying to compile Thrive you need to compile the native modules as well
Please do not report to us the next unhandled exception error about this, unless this is an official Thrive release that has this issue
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘C:\Users\pizza\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.0_windows_desktop\lib\libthrive_native_without_avx.dll’ or one of its dependencies: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (0x8007045A)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.Load(String libraryPath)
at NativeInterop.LoadLibraryIfExists(String libraryPath, IntPtr& loaded) in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 537
at NativeInterop.DllImportResolver(String libraryName, Assembly assembly, Nullable`1 searchPath) in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 496
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.LoadLibraryCallbackStub(String libraryName, Assembly assembly, Boolean hasDllImportSearchPathFlags, UInt32 dllImportSearchPathFlags)
at NativeMethods.CheckAPIVersion()
at NativeInterop.Load() in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 106
at StartupActions…ctor() in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/engine/StartupActions.cs:line 99
TODO: re-add harmony init
Skipping settings apply as the game should close soon
Preventing startup due to StartupActions failing
Closing Thrive “normally” due to a detected problem
No SteamClient class found, not initializing Steam
USER ERROR: Condition “p_width <= 0 || p_width > 16384” is true.
at: texture_set_size_override (drivers/gles3/storage/texture_storage.cpp:1117)
SimulationParameters are good
This version of Thrive was built at Saturday, 27 April 2024 10:25:01 from commit bdc1b7fed2490b3a1c99804be1ace0e915794e83 on branch master
Beginning Thrive news feed fetch
TaskExecutor started with parallel job count: 2
Skipping main menu initialization due to quitting
Loading mod Nodes into the scene tree
Skip native side debug draw unregister as the native library is not loaded
Shutting down native library
Skipping native library shutdown as it was not fully loaded
Shutdown actions complete
ERROR: 2 RID allocations of type ‘N5GLES37TextureE’ were leaked at exit.
USER ERROR: Texture with GL ID of 12: leaked 2284 bytes.
at: ~Utilities (drivers/gles3/storage/utilities.cpp:79)
USER ERROR: Texture with GL ID of 296: leaked 3064 bytes.
at: ~Utilities (drivers/gles3/storage/utilities.cpp:79)

apparently the version for crappy CPUs won’t load

1 Like

Yeah, that’s pretty strange. I’ve never seen that specific error before. If you use the launcher to browse the installed Thrive files you should be able to find where the Thrive.exe is and that lib folder that should contain libthrive_native_without_avx.dll. After checking the file is really there you might be able to get a better error message if you just double click Thrive.exe and run it like that. Sometimes that makes windows popup more informative DLL errors.

I unfortunately do not have Windows 11 compatible hardware so I can’t verify if Thrive has issues there or not. Though I would be able to verify if the same bug happens on Windows 10 when trying to load the slower library, but no one has reported this problem before so I’m not sure if we would gain much info from me trying that.

Godot Engine v4.2.2.stable.mono.official.15073afe3 -
Vulkan API 1.3.212 - Forward+ - Using Vulkan Device #0: Intel - Intel(R) HD Graphics Gen11

This is Thrive version: (see below for more build info)
TODO: reimplement unhandled exception logger
Startup C# locale is: en-US Godot locale is: en_US
user:// directory is: C:/Users/pizza/AppData/Roaming/Thrive
Game logs are written to: C:/Users/pizza/AppData/Roaming/Thrive\logs latest log is ‘log.txt’
Cannot use full-speed Thrive native library due to: CPU is missing AVX 1 extension instruction support
CPU is missing AVX 2 extension instruction support
CPU is missing LZCNT support
CPU is missing BMI 1 (TZCNT) support
CPU is missing FMA support
Using slower Thrive native library that doesn’t rely on as new CPU instructions
Checked that required CPU features are present
Thrive native library load failed due to: Unable to load DLL ‘C:\Users\pizza\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.0_windows_desktop\lib\libthrive_native_without_avx.dll’ or one of its dependencies: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (0x8007045A)
Native library is missing (or unloadable). If you downloaded a compiled Thrive version, this version (may be) broken. If you are trying to compile Thrive you need to compile the native modules as well
Please do not report to us the next unhandled exception error about this, unless this is an official Thrive release that has this issue
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘C:\Users\pizza\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.0_windows_desktop\lib\libthrive_native_without_avx.dll’ or one of its dependencies: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed. (0x8007045A)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.Load(String libraryPath)
at NativeInterop.LoadLibraryIfExists(String libraryPath, IntPtr& loaded) in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 537
at NativeInterop.DllImportResolver(String libraryName, Assembly assembly, Nullable`1 searchPath) in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 496
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.LoadLibraryCallbackStub(String libraryName, Assembly assembly, Boolean hasDllImportSearchPathFlags, UInt32 dllImportSearchPathFlags)
at NativeMethods.CheckAPIVersion()
at NativeInterop.Load() in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/native/interop/NativeInterop.cs:line 106
at StartupActions…ctor() in /home/hhyyrylainen/Projects/Thrive/src/engine/StartupActions.cs:line 99
TODO: re-add harmony init
Skipping settings apply as the game should close soon
Preventing startup due to StartupActions failing
Closing Thrive “normally” due to a detected problem
No SteamClient class found, not initializing Steam
SimulationParameters are good
This version of Thrive was built at Saturday, 27 April 2024 10:25:01 from commit bdc1b7fed2490b3a1c99804be1ace0e915794e83 on branch master
Beginning Thrive news feed fetch
TaskExecutor started with parallel job count: 2
Skipping main menu initialization due to quitting
Loading mod Nodes into the scene tree
Skip native side debug draw unregister as the native library is not loaded
Shutting down native library
Skipping native library shutdown as it was not fully loaded
Shutdown actions complete
ERROR: 2 RID allocations of type ‘N10RendererRD14TextureStorage7TextureE’ were leaked at exit.
USER ERROR: Parameter “RenderingServer::get_singleton()” is null.
at: ~CompressedTexture2D (scene/resources/compressed_texture.cpp:464)
USER ERROR: Parameter “RenderingServer::get_singleton()” is null.
at: ~CompressedTexture2D (scene/resources/compressed_texture.cpp:464)
USER WARNING: 4 RIDs of type “Texture” were leaked.
at: finalize (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp:9655)

that’s the log I got when I ran Thrive.exe

So that’s the same result. Well unfortunately I cannot really determine anything right now. We need more info like if this is CPU specific, Windows 11 specific, or maybe that fallback library has some issue on Windows or just Windows 11 specifically. There’s lots more info that needs to be gathered related to this problem. I may have enough time next week to get some testing on Windows 10 which will narrow down some things.

So for now there isn’t much that can be done without more reports of this issue, unless there’s someone who would be able to use some kind of debugger on the dll loading process to see where the problem is triggering to start narrowing down the cause. If we are super lucky I’ll see this problem happen on my Windows 10 computer when specifically forcing loading of that slower library. But if not, then this is going to be very difficult problem to solve.

Edit: I had now time to test on my Windows 10 computer and the result is that it can load the without avx variant of the library just fine. So the problem is either with Windows 11 or wit the CPU you have. So I need to wait for more reports about this issue before I can plan what I could do about this.

Decode this 68 69 67 65 20 67 6u 64 20 6l 6l 62 62 62 62 62 62

Um, what do you mean? Where are those numbers shown and how are they related to this topic?

I also have this problem, I cant play the new versions.

Can you provide any information? For example logs from C:/Users/YOUR_USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Thrive/logs folder (note that the AppData folder is hidden by default)?

This is when I have started a game in thrive launcher

2024-05-17 14:28:22.4179|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Program|Thrive Launcher version 2.1.5 starting
2024-05-17 14:28:22.4814|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.LauncherPaths|Config folder is: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5605|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.LauncherSettingsManager|Loaded settings from C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\launcher_settings.json
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Services.LoggingManager|Logging level: Info
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Program|Applying configured language: English (United Kingdom)
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Program|Launcher language (culture) is: en-GB
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.LauncherPaths|Default Launcher storage and Thrive version install folder is: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.LauncherPaths|Temporary folder is: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\temp
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.TemporaryFilesCleaner|Cleaning any old temporary files in C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\temp
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.StoreVersionDetector|Not a store version of the launcher
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5654|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Program|Launcher starting GUI
2024-05-17 14:28:22.5891|INFO|ThriveLauncher.Program|Start running Avalonia desktop lifetime
2024-05-17 14:28:22.8834|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|LogHost: Initializing to normal mode (.cctor)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.1043|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|[Binding]Error in binding to ‘Avalonia.Input.KeyBinding’.‘Command’: ‘Null value in expression ‘{empty}’ at ‘’.’(KeyBinding #17096567)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.1043|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|[Binding]Error in binding to ‘Avalonia.Input.KeyBinding’.‘Command’: ‘Null value in expression ‘{empty}’ at ‘’.’(KeyBinding #19651376)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.1043|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|[Binding]Error in binding to ‘Avalonia.Input.KeyBinding’.‘Command’: ‘Null value in expression ‘{empty}’ at ‘’.’(KeyBinding #42644663)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.1043|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|[Binding]Error in binding to ‘Avalonia.Input.KeyBinding’.‘Command’: ‘Null value in expression ‘{empty}’ at ‘’.’(KeyBinding #48257652)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.3098|INFO|ThriveLauncher.AvaloniaLogger|[Binding]Error in binding to ‘Avalonia.Input.KeyBinding’.‘Command’: ‘Null value in expression ‘{empty}’ at ‘’.’(KeyBinding #22985394)
2024-05-17 14:28:23.3899|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Fetching Thrive launcher info
2024-05-17 14:28:24.1412|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveAndLauncherInfoRetriever|Downloaded launcher version info signed with production_1.cert
2024-05-17 14:28:24.2980|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveAndLauncherInfoRetriever|Saving a cached copy of downloaded info to: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\cached_version_info.bin
2024-05-17 14:28:24.3017|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Version information loaded. Thrive versions: 43, latest launcher: 2.1.5
2024-05-17 14:28:24.4998|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|We are using the latest launcher version:
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7137|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Starting playing Thrive for Windows (Latest)
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7137|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Checking that Thrive version is good to play or starting download for it
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7274|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Thrive installation verified, starting Thrive next
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7274|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Trying to start Thrive from folder: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.2_windows_desktop
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7274|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Hiding the launcher window after starting Thrive as configured
2024-05-17 14:28:41.7354|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Starting C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.2_windows_desktop\Thrive.exe with working directory: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.2_windows_desktop, arguments: --thrive-started-by-launcher --thrive-launcher-hidden --thrive-launch-id=bb0f8f32-3389-48a0-9946-beef26243a82
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive process exited with code: -1073741819, total runtime: 00:00:13.6102455
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|No log file (or data folder) location could be detected from game output
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.LauncherPaths|Expected Thrive user data folder to be: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive startup info file doesn’t exist at: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive\latest_start.json
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive was not detected as properly started
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Will attempt to retry starting Thrive (start count: 1)
2024-05-17 14:28:55.3493|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Starting C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.2_windows_desktop\Thrive.exe with working directory: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive-Launcher\installed\Thrive_0.6.6.2_windows_desktop, arguments: --thrive-started-by-launcher --thrive-launcher-hidden --thrive-launch-id=630c379a-6b55-416c-8759-f4b29155cf67
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive process exited with code: -1073741819, total runtime: 00:00:09.4564037
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|No log file (or data folder) location could be detected from game output
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive startup info file doesn’t exist at: C:\Users{PRIVATE}\AppData\Roaming\Thrive\latest_start.json
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive was not detected as properly started
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Ran out of Thrive start retries
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive only ran for: 00:00:09.4568071, showing startup fail advice
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|WARN|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive didn’t run successfully (crashed or another problem occurred)
2024-05-17 14:29:04.8088|INFO|LauncherBackend.Services.ThriveRunner|Thrive exited non-successfully but no crash dumps exist
2024-05-17 14:29:05.3055|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Showing the launcher again after running Thrive
2024-05-17 14:29:11.2962|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Created full game output text (length: 811)
2024-05-17 14:29:29.6761|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|User requested cancel of current playing of Thrive
2024-05-17 14:29:29.6761|INFO|ThriveLauncher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel|Closing play popup due to cancellation

That’s the launcher log which doesn’t include any output from the game. The game logs are what is required.

That just confirms that the game is unable to start correctly (as it doesn’t write the successful start file), but takes a little while to crash over 9 seconds if I read the duration print correctly.

Is this the game log?

Godot Engine v4.2.2.stable.mono.official.15073afe3 -
vkEnumerateInstanceVersion not available, assuming Vulkan 1.0.
Vulkan API 1.0.24 - Forward+ - Using Vulkan Device #0: NVIDIA - 930M
USER ERROR: vkCreateComputePipelines failed with error -1000012000.
at: compute_pipeline_create (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp:6653)

Yes, that is the game log. Looks like Vulkan doesn’t work on your computer. Have you tried the option in the Thrive Launcher to force opengl mode for Thrive?

It workss!! Thank you

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