Thrive Odyssey Research and Enrichment Center

Does that mean we should shorten the first stage?
Forget the predefined path. What I meant was that when we mate, we become a species that has really existed (e.g. Australopithecus).

thats exactly what a predefined path is

Well then, does that mean we should automatically remove the first stage, thus removing the foundation of the original game?


we should be able to evolve our own species
and we shouldnt go waay back in time
so about 5mya should be the maximum we can go

Yeah. primates is too early, but evolving our own species deviates the game from what it was supposed to be. That’s the problem. You want to evolve your own species, but I don’t want to completely change the OP.

Yeah but does it though?

i don’t think we should go extreme and become sentient dogs


Hmm, good point. But how would it affect the second stage?

I feel like we should take the archetype further and have the first stage affect the 2nd with traits, maybe becoming neanderthals lowers diplomacy but increases combat effectiveness

maybe your custom species can do thing other can’t because of something physiological like maybe your species is vegan so any hunting would not provide any benefit

like spore

You convinced me. Change of plans in progress…

What genus do you guys think we should start with?


For Belgium’s sake, it’s harder to read here than in Wikipedia.
We should all start as the same species, which would be a common ancestor we mostly agree on, then it’s up to the players how to make their path.
Let’s make a poll. What group should we start with?
  • Hominoidae (Apes)
  • Hominidae (Great Apes)
  • Homininae
  • Hominini
  • Australopithecina
  • Homo (Humans)

0 voters

Hmm, I think we need more voters.



@TeaKing, are you an electron?

Still, three voters ain’t enough. Should we invoke the grand master?
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(thats a jojo reference btw)

i am an electron
likel my brothers mechanical and roboromb

How many voters would be required to make the sample relevant? Hmm, should we mention players from the forum game or at least those who were at the beginning of the game?

@Mr.Pigeon @Pentaphon @OoferDoofer

I have mentioned you because I think you were in the first stage IIRC. Therefore, I’m asking you which branch of primates would you like to start with in a future game. Please vote in the poll in the earlier post. If you were not part of the first stage or if you would like to read an explanation of the current conundrum, please tell me. I will answer.

yp wanst in the primate stage

i just voted. also, why isnt this a pm?

It isn’t a PM because a PM has a limit of 500 posts. Therefore, we would have to create a new one every time we reach the limit.
It is decided that Hominini is the group we should start with.

Hominini incognito is the starting species.

Damn, I’m confused. I wanted to make a tree of species, but there are some complications.


Apparently, humans and chimpanzees would have speciated around 10 millions years ago. It is not known what species was the last common ancestor.
Any suggestions?

Template for first stage

The story or introduction to the new round is found here.

Round X

Time, Ancestors – The Biological Odyssey, Aware

Player 1

Player: @username
Species: Genus species

Results & Explanation

Phylogenetic map of the player’s species. It tells from what other species it branched off.
Location(s) of the player’s species. It tells where the player is located or where he is spreading.
Location 1
Description of the current location of the player’s species. A map could be displayed for further information.


Sorry for the double posting.


the whole thing will likely not be used for a year lol

the game is gonna be long
super long

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The template is for when we’re testing the mechanics in the future (after our discussions and agreements).

IF we start a new game. this game could die (unlikely) or just lose popularity. the game could also slow down to a point where a round was every month or so.

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Honestly the only reason I was able to pump out so many rounds every other day was because of quarantine, but as soon as school starts again rounds will probably be more of a weekly thing.