I can’t run Thrive on my Mac, it crashes every time it loads with exit code 139:
Full log
Playing 0.8.0 for Mac (Latest)
Thrive is starting. Log output (due to buffering this is likely not in real time):
Thrive was not detected as having started correctly. Will attempt to start Thrive again, attempt number: 2
Thrive is starting. Log output (due to buffering this is likely not in real time):
Note: error lines may not match up when they happened in relation to normal output due to buffering.
Error lines are any lines received from the game’s stderr output stream.
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m Can’t open dynamic library: /Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib. Error: dlopen(/Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib, 2): Symbol not found: __ZNSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE4openEPKcj
ERROR: Referenced from: /Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 12.0)
ERROR: Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
ERROR: e[0;90m at: open_dynamic_library (platform/macos/os_macos.mm:236)e[0m
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m Condition “!FileAccess::exists(path)” is true. Returning: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
ERROR: e[0;90m at: open_dynamic_library (platform/macos/os_macos.mm:233)e[0m
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m .NET: Failed to load hostfxr
ERROR: e[0;90m at: initialize (modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp:393)e[0m
Child process exited with code 139
ERROR: Restarting Thrive due to detected startup failure
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m Can’t open dynamic library: /Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib. Error: dlopen(/Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib, 2): Symbol not found: __ZNSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE4openEPKcj
ERROR: Referenced from: /Users/[[[me]]]/Library/Application Support/Thrive-Launcher/installed/Thrive_0.8.0.0_mac_osx/Thrive.app/Contents/Resources/data_Thrive_macos_x86_64/libhostfxr.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 12.0)
ERROR: Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
ERROR: e[0;90m at: open_dynamic_library (platform/macos/os_macos.mm:236)e[0m
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m Condition “!FileAccess::exists(path)” is true. Returning: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
ERROR: e[0;90m at: open_dynamic_library (platform/macos/os_macos.mm:233)e[0m
e[1;31mERROR:e[0;91m .NET: Failed to load hostfxr
ERROR: e[0;90m at: initialize (modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp:393)e[0m
Child process exited with code 139
Thrive exited abnormally with an error
If the game did not start correctly, please try the Thrive launch workarounds available under “Thrive Options” in the launcher settings
This is most likely due to me running Catalina, 10.15.7, which is very old. However, 0.6.3 works.
That’s most likely the case. The oldest macOS I tried the game with was Ventura. That is the oldest version Apple supports so no one should be using an older version. You really should update to an OS version that still gets security fixes.
I cannot really recompile the game for an older macOS version as I had to update my mac mini to Sonoma to even be able to install the development tools.
My mac doesn’t let me update the OS past Catalina. It’s an old mac. I should probably try forcibly updating the OS at some point. I do not trust Apple when it says ‘oops, your thing’s too old, better buy a new one!’
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
You can do basically anything with a computer you own. Apple won’t let me update the OS normally but if I put effort in I could probably find a way to bypass that, however annoying it may be.
I wasn’t aware that older Macs were excluded. I have one extra 2018 (or maybe 2019) mac mini with Intel CPU for use with testing the game and that updated just fine to Ventura (and in fact would have wanted to update all the way to Sequoia).
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
There should be tutorials on doing that somewhere…
Apple clearly is preventing me from updating, because in System Preferences (seems to have been renamed to Settings in later versions), it tells me that my Mac is up to date… on Catalina. In fact, I have all of the update options ticked. So Apple isn’t even being honest and up-front with preventing me from updating the OS.
Stupid oligopolistic industries…
(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
It’s quite hilarious to me windows users have to work to avoid unwanted updates, and mac users have to fight to get updates. Interestingly that puts android in the apple camp, my phone isn’t getting any more updates, I’m like a version behind unless I get a custom rom (I hate that they’re called roms, they aren’t read only or memory)). It also suggests MacOS is much, much lighter weight than windows (as windows 11 tends to make older PCs struggle, so you wouldn’t want to upgrade if you can help it). I can’t be bothered to get a mac unless I intend to use it, them costing the better part of a thousand dollars for a several year old machine and all that, but I’ve seen it suggested elsewhere that macOS is lighter than windows.
If it’s got an intel processor you don’t even need fancy asahi linux, you can get any distro you like, and the one’s i’ve tried on intel integrated graphics play thrive great.
I’ve been thinking about Linux but haven’t gotten off my rear to actually install it. I’m sure I’d be happier if I did, but… well, it’s just kind of hard to do things sometimes. Also, I’d lose my tabs (I have several hundred collected tabs because I don’t have better ways of saving cool things I find).
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
maybe you can copy their links somewhere?
(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
That sounds aggressively painful for non-upgradable ram.
I know everyone likes to bash Apple (me included) but any mac so old that it doesn’t get updates anymore (and isn’t a laptop) is quite likely to actually have socketed RAM that can be swapped out.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
And then it can be converted into a linux or something?
Yes, you can install Linux on most Macs. The latest M2 and newer stuff is so new that the community hasn’t managed to hack those to run Linux yet, but the Asahi folks are trying.
(i nuked zenzone and will never let him forget it)
The asahi linux project is so cool, it makes me want an M2 macbook (M3 I expect no support) so if I ever have a spare thousand dollars and nothing better to buy, I might join the group of mac playing thrivers. I just, wouldn’t lay on OSX, because corporate OSes are bad. Kinda defeats the point, but, yk.
I have no clue which eras or macs have socketed ram lol. All I know is the older mac pros with xeons had the slots in silly places and the new ones aren’t upgradable.