Thrive Rules of Nature Competition

It does look admittedly similar. That’s partially because what I’m depicting looks sort of similar, but also because I tend towards reptilian/salamander like visages when not drawing things that look like Earth invertebrates

I finally got around to making a page on the community wiki! Everyone’s mutation history is on the “Species” child page.

Now I’ll catch up on some questions:

I decided to have speed not be intrinsically affected by size. On one hand, larger volume means more surface area for undulation and longer strides with legs. On the other, due to the square-cube law, past muscular force wouldn’t be enough to maintain the original gait. So speed remains 1:1 with the previous size.

If the “Intermediate Brain” several players have at this point is like a fish/reptile brain (in loose terms), and the “Advanced Brain” is like a mammal brain, then there could be one more tier following that. The last tier would provide self-awareness and abstract thinking.

However, you’d also need dexterous appendages (arms with opposable digits, etc.) and social behavior (so that innovations can be spread).

I suppose full-on sapience could be one last mutation, if you want to linger in the pre-stone age (just unaltered rocks and sticks, no flakes).


I did a small amount of editing to the wiki because it didn’t mention the existence of Minacia labuntur, but other than that it’s looking great!

Since player made things like Aah’s cladogram we’re added, could we add other things made by the players (such as my drawings and the one’s TeaKing said he plans to make, or memes such as the one aah made as examples)?


Edit: aight well I’ve uploaded my images to the thrive wiki but being on mobile having trouble placing them correctly lol.

The three I’ve done of other peoples species are all listed as:

(Genus name)(space)(species name).jpeg

However, mine is listed as:

(Genus name)(species name).jpeg

Due to a licensing error I made, so currently the one that is genus space species has been edited to a black image because of said error.

Anyway if someone else who can more easily adds them wants to that would be great, if not I’ll figure something out eventually lol

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is this better?

Cladogram upgraded, filled in missing errors, images and round 12!
(Removed to not take up forum space)


Round 13 - 130 Million Years

In response to increased predation on land plants, an even taller vascular plant has emerged, transforming the southern lowlands into an overgrown wetland. Meanwhile, a resilient moss is speckling fog deserts and dry mountainsides with green.


doomlightning - Hydrobullus scutellus - LC

  • Small Herbivore

  • Habitat: Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

Mutations: Increase Size (Small), Accessory Heart, Gut Bacteria

The Fulgurmortis line has grown larger in the generations following the catastrophe. To sustain its larger size, its water vascular system is now accompanied by contractile sacks throughout the body. These accessory hearts maintain balanced oxygen levels in the internal fluid. Meanwhile, its simple digestive tract has become host to bacteria that ferment tough cellulose into digestible sugars. This new creature, Hydrobullus scutellus, uses its chelicerae to pull tangles of Porcusetum apart.


  • 3*2.5 = 7.5 Stealth

  • 2 Speed (Water), 3 Speed (Land)

  • 4*1.5 = 6 Strength (Venom-Resistant)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Marchantinella colliosa, Porcusetum convolutus

Predated By: Legendicus transitorium

fralegend015 - Legendicus transitorium - LC

  • Small Omnivore

  • Habitat: Rivers, Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

Mutations: Hip Bones (-1 Swimming Speed, +1 Walking Speed), Scales (+1 Strength), Arm Feathers

The bones connecting Legendicus’s legs to its spine have been reinforced with a pelvis. On the outside, its thickened skin is now made up of scales. These scales shed independently, more akin to the scales of crocodiles than lizards and snakes. Uniquely, the scales on its forelimbs have lengthened into quills with thin vanes along their sides. Feathers have become the distinguishing feature of adults that have left their aquatic larval stage and reached sexual maturity.

Now that Fulgurmortis has given way to the larger Hydrobulla, Legendicus is having difficulty finding prey weak enough to take down. The young of just about every animal this species shares the supercontinent with is either difficult to spot or puts up a fight. Its range has also not expanded back into the coasts or riverways due to the predators now entrenched there.


  • 3*2.5 = 7.5 Stealth

  • 5/7 Speed

  • 2*1.5 = 3 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Marchantinella colliosa, Hydrobullus scutellus, Testificatus relictus

Predated By: N/A

aah31415 - Hexapinna verrucosus - LC

  • Tiny Herbivore

  • Habitat: Rivers

Mutations: Intermediate Ganglia, Split Mouths, Detritus Stomach

Hexapinna’s peripheral nervous system has become more sophisticated. All throughout its body, its ganglia store memories and process sensations even as they provide motor skill. It’s a mystery what its “headaches” should be called. Meanwhile, its primary stomach for digesting nonliving matter has been cordoned off from its fermenting counterpart entirely. Both stomachs now connect to two mouths housed in two distinct jaws. As each upper jaw now has a socket for its respective eye, this gives Hexapinna the illusion of having two heads.


  • 7*3 = 21 Stealth

  • 6/1 Speed

  • 3 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Bryodea nodula

Predated By: Minacia chirodropoides

Nonametoseehere - Aclaronomenus ascendilus - VU

  • Tiny Mixotrophic Herbivore

  • Habitat: Global Ocean, Coasts, Rivers, Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

Mutations: Lungs, Cognitive Node Caste, Missile Boid Formation (*1.5 Strength)

In the wake of suffocating darkness, Aclaronomenus has developed lungs to draw oxygen from the air. These new iterations of the old swim bladder connect to thin slits around the mouth, ensuring they are among the first parts of this animal exposed when it leaves the water.

Meanwhile, colonies’ ability to organize themselves has changed with the arrival of the cognitive node castes, perpetual associates of the archivists. While the archivists maintain their integral role in accumulating memories, processing and interpreting them now falls to the nodes. More than that, however, a node is highly cognizant of the Aclaronomenus around them, especially of how they operate together. Together with their ability to communicate visually, the node castes have greatly expanded this species’s use of bioluminescence.

One particular application is in directing colonies’ defense. While Legendicus may no longer be a consistent threat, Aclaronomenus has found itself in an evolutionary arms race with Minacia armataevigil. This winged hunter’s agility is best countered with the ability to swiftly and fluidly respond to its raids. To this end, the node caste relies on bioluminescent cues to coordinate the missile castes.


  • 3*3 = 9 Stealth

  • 3 Speed (Water), 4 Speed (Air)

  • 2 Strength

  • Missile Caste (Small): 7.5 Stealth, 3/4 Speed, 6.75 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa

Predated By: Legendicus transitorium, Minacia armataevigil

TeaKing - Evolumia jormengandri - LC

  • Tiny Omnivore

  • Habitat: Coasts (Shore)

Mutations: Swimmings Blade-Fins (+1 Swimming Speed), Crawling Fins (+1 Walking Speed), Digging Claws (+1 Stealth)

Evolumia analysia’s blade-fins are now articulate to swim with - and, for a creature that must regularly ascend to the ocean surface to breathe, being able to swim faster is never a bad thing. Meanwhile, its regular pair of fins are strong enough to drag its elongated body ashore. They also end in claws that allow it to dig in sand. Due to its poor mobility on land, burrows make for excellent spots for juveniles to hide in, and for adults to spring on passing prey from. This new species, Evolumia jormengandri, retains its control over the coasts, and is not only the strongest predator on the supercontinent, but the most keen-sensed terrestrial animal.

While its pace on land is nothing special, this creature’s arsenal is a worthy deterrent to its flying cousin, Minacia armataevigil.


  • 6*3 = 18 Stealth (Electric Organ)

  • 7/1 Speed

  • 6*1.5 = 9 Strength (Toxin Glands)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Bryopsis digitata

Predated By: Iocusis myriadus

UndyingHazard - Minacia chirodropoides - LC

  • Tiny Omnivore

  • Habitat: Rivers

Mutations: Internalized Gills, Toxin-Filtering Organ (counters Peptides), Cartilaginous Skeleton (+1 Strength)

Rather than a skeleton of bone, Minacia has evolved a chondrified framework to support its body. Meanwhile, its gills are shielded by a nematocyst-coated operculum, giving this predator little in the way of weakspots. It even gives the gills modest water retention on dry land. To further put up with Testificatus’s new fighting spirit, Minacia has developed an organ that filters its blood of particular toxins. Namely, the peptide-based venoms that both it and its prey rely on.


  • 5*3 = 15 Stealth

  • 5/1 Speed

  • 8 Strength (Peptide Venom-Resistant)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Bryodea colliosa, * Hexapinna verrucosus *, Testificatus relictus

Predated By: N/A

Chiori - Caedotops scolopendra - LC

  • Small Herbivore

  • Habitat: Coasts (Shore)

Mutations: Advanced Brain, Lungs, Improved Nerve Connections

Nomenchiori’s evolutionary path to land has passed an important threshold: a pair of lungs now complements the heart and enriches the bloodstream. Meanwhile, its nervous system has become even more sophisticated. Its brain has a prominent cerebrum to store memories and make connections, and the nerve connections throughout its body are greatly refined. Distinct from its predecessor, this pincered, eight-legged herbivore now goes by a new name, Caeodotops scolopendra.

Caedotops walks about on land faster than the supercontinent’s other newest arrivals. While its gill-bearing larval stage is vulnerable to the most dedicated predators, when fully grown, this porcupine-like arthropod fears no other creature. On the contrary, its emotionally-complex brain registers only annoyance when its eyes set on competitors and would-be predators. Even M. armataevigil takes flight when it shuffles toward anything trespassing on its favored Marchantinella patches.


  • 4*2.5 = 10 Stealth

  • 5/2 Speed

  • 7*1.5 = 10.5 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Ulvopsis digitata, Kisthos thalassena, Marchantinella colliosa

Predated By: N/A

willow - Umbralysia volitans - VU

  • Tiny Mixotrophic Herbivore

  • Habitat: Global Ocean, Coasts

Mutations: Better Visual Cortex (+1 Stealth), Manipulatory Legs, Increased Ocular Resolution (+1 Stealth)

Even with the return of the sun, the descendants of Salixelysia aurata continue to live near the safety of the ocean surface now that Minacia armataevigil has consolidated its position as flying predator. Whenever they do choose to soar high above the eye, they rely on their enhanced sense of sight to stay vigilant. Both this animal’s eyes and the visual cortex behind them have refined, giving this species visual clarity rivalling a falcon’s. Meanwhile, the front pair of legs now end in digits, granting them dexterity that surpasses the secondary mandibles.

After millions of years of speciation, this species has become Umbralysia volitans.


  • 6*3 = 18 Stealth

  • 6 Speed (Water), 3 Speed (Air)

  • 3 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa Kisthos thalassena

Predated By: Minacia armataevigil

zenzonegaming - Iocusis myriadus - LC

  • Tiny Omnivore

  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Improved Eyespots (+1 Stealth), Lensed Eyes (+1 Stealth), Advanced Brain

Iocusis has made the rapid transition from cup-shaped eyespots to lensed eyes. These interface with its greatly enhanced brain. Its new intelligence has led to members of Iocusis swarms developing close bonds. As they are born highly underdeveloped, larval Iocusis develop the capacity for thinking once they become adolescents, about the size of most other animals’ juveniles. By this time, they become active members of their swarms, eagerly pursuing higher status through conflict or merit.

Recent developments have put Iocusis in a peculiar position. It is the only fully marine animal left on the planet. For the most part, it now has the algae-covered seafloor all to itself. However, the only prey it can find nowadays is aquatic larvae and sporadic adults.


  • 4*3 = 12 Stealth

  • 6 Speed

  • 6*1.5 = 9 Strength (Poisonous, Venom-Resistant)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Evolumia analysia, Vigintiseptem tetrapoda

Predated By: Vigintiseptem tetrapoda

Cha - Testificatus relictus - LC

  • Small Herbivore

  • Habitat: Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

Mutations: Thickened Exoskeleton (+1 Strength), Gill Mucus Coating, Stronger Legs (+1 Walking Speed)

Testificatus has made its penultimate strides onto land. Its book gills are now lined with mucus, ensuring they can draw oxygen from the air without drying out. Meanwhile, its ten legs have improved even further. It now scuttles at a respectable pace - of all land animals, Legendicus is tied for second with Fulgurmortis. Free to live beyond the water outside of reproducing, fully-grown adults have even begun to reach for low-growing Spiropteris leaves with their extended mouths.

As far as defenses go, this herbivore’s exoskeleton has toughened. In spite of Minaica’s ability to resist peptide-based venoms, Testificatus still has the endurance to drive it off in a scuffle.


  • 3*2.5 = 7.5 Stealth

  • 4/3 Speed

  • 7*1.5 = 10.5 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Bryodea nodula, Marchantinella colliosa, Porcusetum convolutus, Spiropteris coroneta

Predated By: Legendicus transitorium, Minacia chirodropoides

sci0927 - Vigintiseptem tetrapoda - VU

  • Small Omnivore

  • Habitat: Coasts (Shore)

Mutations: Eggshells, Increase Size (Small), Toes (+1 Walking Speed)

The descendants of Signumeris have evolved rapidly in the years following its near-extinction. Individuals in the female phase began to lay eggs enclosed with shells, allowing them to nest on land. These creatures’ pace on land has also increased thanks to toes at the ends of their four fins. Finally, their size at the end of their life cycle has more than doubled. All these changes distinguish this new creature, Vigintiseptem tetrapoda, from its ancestor.

Vigintiseptem still needs sea water to drink and, in the case of males, dispense gametes. They remain fairly weak and easy to spot, so they rely on their relatively brisk crawling speed to avoid the likes of Evolumia. There are still two cases where they take to the water: occasional hunts for young Iocusis and attempts to flee from Minacia armataevigil.


  • 5*2.5 = 12.5 Stealth

  • 5/2 Speed

  • 3*1.5 = 4.5 Strength (Electricity Resistance, Polycyclic Toxin Resistance)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Ulvopsis digitata, Kisthos thalassena, Marchantinella colliosa, Iocisus myriadus

Predated By: Evolumia jormengandri, Minacia armataevigil

TwilightWings21 - Minacia armataevigil - LC

  • Tiny Omnivore

  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Enhanced Wing Muscles (+1 Flight Speed), Disruptive Bioluminescence (+1 Stealth), Throat Laser (+1 Strength)

Minacia armataevigil’s wings propel it so swiftly, it can now keep pace with an Aclaronomenus mover caste that has caught a draft of air. Meanwhile, it has evolved bioluminescent tissues all over and even within its body. On the outside, the intense flashes it can produce serve to both momentarily blind its many-eyed quarry and to confound the node castes’ intricate signals. However, the cells lining its throat are integral to a remarkable development. Both they and a separate kind of reflective cell can focus their bioluminescence into a beam of intense light. At its current size, these blasts are about as intense as a 500mw laser - still enough to burn skin and severely damage eyes.


  • 6*3 = 18 Stealth

  • 5/4 Speed

  • 8 Strength (resists Heat)

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Aclaronomenus ascendilus, Umbralysia volitans, Salixelysia radicatus, Vigintiseptem tetrapoda

Predated By: N/A

willow - Salixelysia radicatus - VU

  • Medium Mixotrophic Herbivore

  • Habitat: Global Ocean, Coasts (Ventures Inland)

Mutations: Glass-Cellulose Mesh (+1 Strength), Stronger Heart (Increase Size to Medium), Egg Pouch

Long diverged from Umbralysia, S. radicatus remains a basal member of the genus Salixelysia. Its most noticeable development is that it has gotten even bigger in size, now rivalling a human in body mass. A more subtle marvel of evolution is that its cellulose outer plates are now interlaced with glass derived from the mandibles. While only revealable under a microscope, this carbon-silicon composite is somewhat implied by its peculiar glint.

S. radicatus has developed one more unique adaptation: a pouch to hold its eggs in, bathed in blood. Mating still requires seawater as a fluid medium, but relying less on the habitat they share with M. armataevigil, combined with its water retention, allows this creature to stray inland to avoid its predator. Even in areas of the Eastern Desert near the coast, S. radicatus hovering far above the oceanic fog isn’t an uncommon sight.

Still, its conspicuousness continues to make this species opportune prey for M. armataevigil who don’t mind digging through its inedible armor.


  • 3*2.0 = 6 Stealth

  • 5 Speed (Water), 3 Speed (Air)

  • 4*2.0 = 6 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa, Kisthos thalassena

Predated By: Minacia armataevigil

NPC Plants

NPC - Chlorogyra filamentosa - LC

  • Tiny Producer

  • Habitat: Coasts, Rivers

Chlorogyra grows in fresh and salt water with plenty of sunlight. Its box-shaped cells line up in long filaments, their chloroplasts forming distinctive spirals. While colonies can survive anywhere in the water column, they form clusters at the surface and floor when undisturbed. In still waters, Chlorogyra can form a green carpet over rock and silt alike.

NPC - Ulvopsis digitata - LC

  • Small Producer

  • Habitat: Coasts

Ulvopsis is a marine alga that forms a thin, vertical sheet. It sprouts from well-lit sands swept by gentle currents, where entire fields of it sway. Its stern structure protects it from herbivores that lack jaws or mandibles.

NPC - Bryodea nodula - LC

  • Small Producer

  • Habitat: Rivers

Bryodea is a freshwater alga that grows in long, thin strands. It grows near the edges of rivers and lakes, where more sunlight can reach the bottom. If allowed to grow, its colonies weave together into tangled messes that are difficult to pull apart.

NPC - Kisthos thalassena - LC

  • Small Producer

  • Habitat: Global Ocean

Kisthos is a free-floating relative of Ulvopsis. Its “leaves” are much smaller and grow in chains. With the aid of minute air bladders, this alga resembling green Sargassum can maintain buoyancy at the ocean surface. This has allowed it to expand into the global ocean, where the seafloor is too deep for light to reach. Great mats of it can form wherever the currents converge.

NPC - Marchantinella colliosa - LC

  • Tiny Producer

  • Habitat: Rivers (Shoreline), Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

Marchantinella grows in thin, fine strands. This plant is adapted to survive outside of water, and individuals coil together into a soft bed wherever they grow. Dense masses are able to cover the ground beneath them from the sun, slowing down the evaporation of water. However, they still need water to transfer gametes, so they can only grow on soils regularly saturated with water.

NPC - Porcusetum convolutus - LC

  • Small Producer

  • Habitat: Lowlands, Southern Wetlands

The stalk of Porcusetum houses vessels of xylem and phloem, allowing it to grow taller. About as thick as a grass stalk, individuals grow in wide curves that readily coil together. Their specialized roots are shallow and weak, so individual Porcusetum use this curving growth pattern to support one another. Hip-high thickets of this plant form in much less strict conditions than Marchantinella, even on hilltops whose soil collects little rain. Porcusetum allows its leaves to grow longer at the top when it finds support, but its stalk always has a spore-bearing head.

NPC - Pleopodella resiliens - LC

  • Tiny Producer

  • Habitat: Great Mountains (Dry side), Eastern Desert (Coasts)

This tiny, unassuming moss evolved in the wake of a mass extinction event. Unlike Marchantinella, it favors areas where rain is scarce. Instead, its bristly coils are able to trap precious moisture from fog. Pleopodella can be found growing on the mountains’ eastern slopes, where mist is sometimes swept in from the rainy side, as well as in areas of the desert that ocean fog settles over.

NPC - Spiropteris coroneta - LC

  • Medium Producer

  • Habitat: Southern Wetlands

Spiropteris is a spore-bearing plant that reaches as high as a human head. Unlike its relatives who independently support one another, Spiropteris emerges from its roots as two separate stalks, united at their tips. Both stalks coil around one another for support, growing long, bristly leaves away from their points of contact. These quill-like leaves grow longer toward the top, just as in Porcusetum. This plant’s spore-bearing head is wide and short, resembling a crown.


Global Ocean: A vast ocean spanning the entire world.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra, Kisthos

  • Fauna: * Umbralysia*, Aclaronomenus, S. radicatus

Coasts: Warm, saline waters surrounding the supercontinent. The floor lies as deep as 150 meters beneath the surface.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra, Ulvopsis, Kisthos

  • Fauna: Aclaronomenus, Chemorecepta, Caedotops, * Umbralysia*, Iocusis, * Vigintiseptem*, M. armataevigil, S. radicatus

Rivers: A network of waterways found all over the supercontinent, but especially the West and South.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra, Bryodea

  • Fauna: Hexapinna, Aclaronomenus, Legendicus, Minacia

Lowlands: Flat plains and rolling hills spanning much of the supercontinent.

  • Flora: Marchantinella, Porcusetum

  • Fauna: Fulgurmortis, Legendicus, Aclaronomenus, Testificatus

Southern Wetlands: A rainy, humid land that the majority of rivers snake through. Its lowest areas are prone to floods, and even dry areas are pockmarked by oxbow lakes.

  • Flora: Marchantinella, Porcusetum, Spiropteris

  • Fauna: Fulgurmortis, Legendicus, Aclaronomenus, Testificatus

Great Mountains: A jagged wall of mountains at the heart of the supercontinent.

  • Flora: Pleopodella

Eastern Desert: A vast rain shadow desert on the eastern half of the supercontinent.

  • Flora: Pleopodella

Hopefully I’ll be able to post more frequently this week.


Landfall coming in round 15

Also, the digestive track of dead matter is located above digestive track of plantmatter.

Mutant 1: Basic lungs, allowing Hexapinna to live outside of water. Note that Hexapinna, unlike Tiktaalik for example, will rather use lungs to live in tunnels above waterline and make holes to surface, where it can feed on local flora.
Mutant 2: Skeleton now extends to limbs, giving them more speed in water 'n land.
Mutant 3: Skeleton ALSO extends into the torso of the creature, developing protective plates near the various gangalia and creating jaw bones (so more strength)

Question: If you want to develop insect-like metamorphosis, do you have to evolve it as a separate trait or does it’s mutant come along with first differentiation between the two forms? (It would be kinda strange if you could just make metamorphosis change your creature from a larva again to… larva)

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Mutation 1: Chemoreceptors for better locating food

Mutation 2: a longer tail for more stabilization while running so Legendicus can run faster

Mutation 3: The scales in the final section of the tail enlarge and harden so that it can be used as a whip-like weapon

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Twilight, you’re playing a dangerous game…


Reflective fans, which when we folded, work as spikes, and when unfolded, can be used to deflect M. armataevigil’s lasers back at them.

More complicated bioluminescent communication, allowing more info to be transmitted, with extremely intricate signals that Minacia could never produce, it can also mimic Minacia to give them misinformation.

My very own lasers (with whole boids of me versus smaller groups, or even individuals of other creatures, their gonna go blind in seconds).

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U. volitans:

  • turn blood stream into one cell full of hemocyanin, hemoglobin, CO2, nutrients, nuclei, and a cytoskeleton that it can use to move the innards of itself around
  • duplicate the main hydrogen bladder again and split the duplicate into a hydrogen bladder and an oxygen bladder for an explosive escape
  • increase chloroplast density

S. radicatus:

  • extend gill-roots to be able to touch the ground but be retractable to half their length with muscles that also allow them to be curled up
  • glass spikes covered in perforator pili that house toxic bacteria covering the exoskeleton
  • gamete exchange channels in roots
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here we go

  1. size up one more

  2. A special organ inside the lung tubes capable of producing sounds, is used for communication if the sense of hearing (something similar to the vocal cords [voice box], only not in the mouth)

  3. The development of nervous/brain system complexity allows me/him to behave in a type of parental leadership similar to the combination of a crocodile and the behavior of a herd of spiders. This kind of behavior will allow me to increase the chance for my offspring to survive to adulthood while it would be better to have more eyes to look at predators and food

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You’re going on a genocide quest again?

Lol, it’s mostly for defence against predators, not hunting them down.

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Oh, okay. I was a bit concerned by the fact that you used “other creatures” instead of “predators” or even just Minacia Armataevigil.

Ayo I’m just tryna make a cool creature, not my fault you’re the easiest prey lol

Also, Your bioluminescence won’t confuse my species cus we don’t use it to communicate or anything, at least not while hunting.

Anyway I was going to try to broaden my prey selection this turn, not sure if I want to now though

Edit: Everyone on the ground; mundane creatures

Me and Noname; okay, time to replicate the entirety of Star Wars but just here in the air

Edit 2: Also reason I have yet to post more creature images is cus I got artists block for Nonames other species after making the basic caste

me: time to make some very toxic floating fish sessile and turn them into trees that extend into space as well as some space bird fish things that can survive gravity and a lack thereof to extend the biosphere past the atmosphere

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  1. camouflage
  2. internal fertilization (to help it be fully on land)
  3. stronger feet (to run faster and also make it so it can be further inland)

Mutation 1: improved fins (developing towards limbs 6).
Mutation 2: improved limbs (hind legs and grasping arms/front and middle legs).
Mutation 3: air breathing (alongside water breathing).

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Mutation uno: internalised gills with pocket holes from the bottom

Mutation dos: raptorial forelegs (located in front of the manidbles and “fangs” to restrict predators to allow the fangs to jab the predator more then once and to grasp long stalks down towards the mouth)

Sub mutation: muscles around the pocket holes to force air into the gills allowing greater intake of Oxygen

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Mutation 1: Cloud Gills - basically, my new gills are able to keep moist just by my species flying through clouds, allowing for a much broader range of habitats and more air time.

Mutation 2: Color Changing Scales

Mutation 3: “Invisibility” - My color changing scales are able to perfectly mimic the environment, via optical input from my many, many eyes. This renders my species visually invisible if it so wishes

(Woohoooo time for nightfury-style laser bombings lol)