Thrive Rules of Nature Competition

Round 0 - 0 Million Years
I noticed that the evolution forum game in the vein of the original went on hiatus last year, and I’ve been wanting to try a ruleset that quantifies fitness, so here goes.

This game will skip the cellular level and begin right at the advent of specialized tissues. This should span a good 30 or so turns of play, or until someone becomes monke achieves sapience. I can handle anywhere from three to eight players.

Rather than have failed rolls put species at risk of extinction, a player’s vote will always succeed. Two votes can be cast per turn.

Instead, survival depends on how well they can thwart predators in the same habitat - or, as predators, compete with their peers. Predator/prey dynamics will be ruled by three stats:

  • Stealth: Ability to sense the signature of enemies while obscuring their own. Inverse to scale.
  • Speed: Mobility in the chase.
  • Strength: Weapons, defenses, and physical toughness. Correlates with scale.

In real life, hunts fail more often than not. So long as a prey species has the advantage in one of these stats over its predators, it will typically survive predation attempts, and an equilibrium will be established. Conversely, a predator will keep itself fed as long as it has at least one stat advantage in turn (this represents them targeting the young, old, and sick).

A prey species bested by a single predator in all three stats will gradually decline to extinction, and the same is true of predators finding no success anywhere in the hunt. Meanwhile, two equal predators competing for a single prey item will share Near Threatened status. For every one stat beneath that of its adversaries, a competitor with no advantage to compensate will fall down a level, starting at Vulnerable. If their enemies are performing better in all three stats, the species will be Critically Endangered and face imminent extinction.

Scale (from the old wiki):

  • Tiny: Around the size of a mouse. 3.0 times more Stealth.
  • Small: Around the size of a cat or chicken. 2.5 times more Stealth, 1.5 times more Strength.
  • Medium: Around the size of a dog or chimpanzee. 2.0 times more Stealth, 2.0 times more Strength.
  • Large: Around the size of a bear or cow. 1.5 times more Stealth, 2.5 times more Strength.
  • Huge: Around the size of an elephant. 3.0 times more Strength.

A predator cannot sustain itself off of prey that is two sizes below it.

Not all mutations have to apply to the above. Things like shelled eggs and lungs/spiracles are still necessary to establish yourself in new environments, and a skeletal and vascular system are needed to sustain complex functions. That being said, if you believe a mutation should enhance a stat, please say so.

(These rules are subject to change if it turns out they’re not fun, of course.)

Events will take place on every sixth round (60 million years). I will roll for scale and severity - they can be anything from localized disasters to global extinction events. Even a benign disturbance can be a death sentence for a species who is on the ropes.

(Everyone will branch off from this creature.)
Starter - Thrivittifera sciocontensis - LC

  • Tiny Detrivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Thrivittifera can be seen crawling on the seafloor, sucking up anything organic. Its flat, oblong body has a digestive tract, but no gills or bloodstream. Gas exchange takes place at the skin, and nutrients diffuse freely inside. The two light-sensitive spots on its “head” allow it to distinguish night from day.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 1 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

  • Light-Sensitive Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
  • Muscular Tissue (+1 Speed)
  • Filter Mouth (+1 Strength)
  • Digestive Tract
  • Diffuse Nervous System

NPC - Chlorogyra filamentosa - LC

  • Tiny Producer
  • Habitat: Coasts, Rivers

Chlorogyra grows in fresh and salt water with plenty of sunlight. Its box-shaped cells line up in long filaments, their chloroplasts forming distinctive spirals. While colonies can survive anywhere in the water column, they form clusters at the surface and floor that Thrivittifera has trouble breaking up with its simple mouth. In still waters, Chlorogyra can form a green carpet over rock and silt alike.

Coasts: Warm, saline waters surrounding the supercontinent. The floor lies as deep as 150 meters beneath the surface.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra
  • Fauna: Thrivittifera

Rivers: A network of waterways found all over the supercontinent, but especially the West and South.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra

Badlands: A muddy, rainswept land spanning much of the supercontinent.

Great Mountains: A jagged wall of mountains at the heart of the supercontinent.

Eastern Desert: A vast rain shadow desert on the eastern half of the supercontinent.

Round History
Round 1 - 10 Million Years
Round 2 - 20 Million Years
Round 3 - 30 Million Years
Round 4 - 40 Million Years
Round 5- 50 Million Years
Round 6 - 60 Million Years - Underwater Fault Line Collapse

Round 7 - 70 Million Years
Round 8 - 80 Million Years
Round 9 - 90 Million Years
Round 10 - 100 Million Years
Round 11 - 110 Million Years
Round 12 - 120 Million Years - Continental Fault Line Collapse

Round 13 - 130 Million Years
Round 14 - 140 Million Years
Round 15 - 150 Million Years


Then we needed the most, he come and save the day.

I will join
how do we start?

if I understand right, I just need to add one mutant, right?

You get two for your species per round, actually. (I didn’t want players to have to get stuck in arms races and not make progress in a direction they’d prefer.)

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I am the join.

Mutation 1: Faster, for I am the speed.

Mutation 2: teeth like structure to grind larger food before eating it.

if soo -
mutant 1- Corona (ciliated mouth ring)
mutant 2- Epidermis

cows be so stealthy now adays

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Is this UTGC3? I will join too! Time to revive Volarae and upgrade it…
Mutation 1: Basic teeth, making it able to grind on the plants
Mutation 2:Basic Bloodstream, allowing for better nutrient transportation

I’ll join.

Swim bladder (so I can swim upward)
Tail (more speed)

Im joining
From Thrivittifera, a new species emerges, named Chemorecepta seprentis
M1: serpentis has a longer, more slender body compared to its ancestor, which could mean that it is more dexterous and would have an easier time evading predatory attacks
M2: serpentis has developped a new chemoroceptive “organ” (or just a small cluster of cells) on its front end, allowing it to detect nearby food and nutrients easier

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Round 1 - 10 Million Years
Thivittifera’s overwhelming success has allowed it to radiate into a variety of new forms. It seems an explosion of biodiversity is underway.

@doomlightning - Fulgurmortis coronafera - LC

  • Tiny Detrivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Corona, Epidermis

Fulgurmortis is easily distinguished by its mouth. Like the mouth of a rotifer, it is covered in moving “hairs” that stir up the water in front of it, drawing in food. Fulgurmortis also has a dedicated layer of skin, though it can still respire through it.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 1 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Rotifer-like Corona
  • Epidermis

@fralegend015 - Legendicus vigorosus - LC

  • Tiny Herbivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Speed, Grinding Teeth

Legendicus has developed stronger lateral muscles. These allow it to crawl more quickly and even undulate above the seafloor for short distances. It uses its flat, calcareous teeth to grind any mats of Chlorogyra it comes across. When it has completely grazed a patch, it races off to find another one.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 2 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Lateral Muscles (+1 Speed)
  • Grinding Teeth

@aah31415 - Sequentioscriptus vasculus - LC

  • Tiny Herbivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Grinding Teeth, Bloodstream

Like Legendicus, Sequentioscriptus possesses calcified teeth that enable it to grind up Chlorogyra colonies with its mouth. It has also evolved a rudimentary vascular system to better distribute nutrients throughout its body.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 1 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Grinding Teeth
  • Bloodstream

@Nonametoseehere - Aclaronomenus ascendilus - LC

  • Tiny Detrivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Swim Bladder, Tail

Aclaronomenus is the principal sight in open waters. Its internal swim bladder provides it buoyancy, while its finned tail allows it to propel itself regardless of where the currents flow. Its swimming lifestyle allows it to capitalize on free-floating microorganisms, away from the bustling seafloor.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 2 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Swim Bladder
  • Tail (+1 Speed)

@TeaKing - Chemorecepta serpentis - LC

  • Tiny Detrivore
  • Habitat: Coasts

Mutations: Elongation, Chemoreception

Chemorecepta’s long, thin body makes it unmistakable among its peers. Its head ends with a chemoreceptive nerve cluster that serves it just as well as the auricles of a flatworm. Chemorecepta gracefully twists and curls on sand and among rocks, tracking down the signature of edible matter.


  • 1*3 = 3 Stealth
  • 2 Speed
  • 1 Strength

Preys On: Chlorogyra filamentosa
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Elongation (+1 Speed)
  • Chemoreception

NPC - Chlorogyra filamentosa - LC

  • Tiny Producer
  • Habitat: Coasts, Rivers

Chlorogyra grows in fresh and salt water with plenty of sunlight. Its box-shaped cells line up in long filaments, their chloroplasts forming distinctive spirals. While colonies can survive anywhere in the water column, they form clusters at the surface and floor when undisturbed. In still waters, Chlorogyra can form a green carpet over rock and silt alike.

Coasts: Warm, saline waters surrounding the supercontinent. The floor lies as deep as 150 meters beneath the surface.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra
  • Fauna: Fulgurmortis, Legendicus, Sequentioscriptus, Aclaronomenus, Chemorecepta

Rivers: A network of waterways found all over the supercontinent, but especially the West and South.

  • Flora: Chlorogyra

Badlands: A muddy, rainswept land spanning much of the supercontinent.

Great Mountains: A jagged wall of mountains at the heart of the supercontinent.

Eastern Desert: A vast rain shadow desert on the eastern half of the supercontinent.

I’ll go ahead and join if there is still room, if there isn’t you can go ahead and put me on the wait list.

Edit: I’ll branch off of Chemorecepta serpentis

Mutation 1: Nematocysts around mouth containing a paralyzing toxin.

Mutation 2: simple sharp teeth for more efficient meat eating.

Mutation 1: chemoreception
Mutation 2: basic gills

You can branch off from someone else if you don’t want to be two mutations behind.

Or even get one or two extra mutations, if everyone’s okay with that.

More focused photoreception, allowing it see the general location of other organisms.
Dull teeth, letting it eat more efficiently.

And I’m fine with UndyingHazard getting 2 more mutations, they shouldn’t be penalized for being a round late.

I decided to branch off someone else.

Is there still room for one more if i branch of of someone else?

If so then i branch of Legendicus vigorosus.

Mutation 1: Fins- to swim faster through the water
Mutation 2: belgiumes/Thorns- to fend of potential predetors (maybe enhances strenght?)

Mutation 1: 8 Fins for faster movement

Mutation 2: gills for better oxygen intake, allowing for a more extensive use of muscles.

Mutant 1: Pharyngeal slit

Mutant 2: Cephalization and Segmentation

Chemorecepta continues to adapt…

M1: simple teeth developped on their mouths, allowing them to grind up bits of food that come near them
M2: A tail also developped which made them much faster in water

i will join and split off from Aclaronomenus ascendicus with this mutation sheet

  • modify digestive system to keep the chlorogyra suspended with cilia and move them through a complex system of tubes that keeps them in the light

  • teeth made from iron and silicon dioxide from the water

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