Thrive SCP Thread

So you’re saying that frale is/was behind all of this all along?

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There is a reason Zenzone called me “The wizard of evil”.

Are you going to turn all humans into catgirls or make it so that the non-catgirls can’t reproduce?


I am pretty sure that trappist wants to make a 8610-esque catgirl kind, meaning that they would quickly infect all of humanity and turn them into catgirls.

Hmmm, I wonder if they will feature this incident in the next edition of Paranormal Cases…

cowrect. i’m not the evil mustache man, i’m a catgirl. Quoting a tumblr post, “I feel personally wronged by the fact my body language is so limited. No pointy ears to flatten. No tail to wag. No hackles to raise. No sharp teeth to bare.”


What is your plan now?

notwing too elaborate :3 i’m going to travel acwoss time, changing some thingies here and there, and then, unleast the infewction. and then, give this new humankind the ability to choose which way they want to be, with a tamed form of the 8610.


I see…

So now you are this ultimate form, or can you switch back to being a regular human or catgirl?

Me when Hound of Tindalos:

Wait, does trappist’s revealment mean that now there are 2 gods present on the forum?


This is getting out of hand -

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It will really get out of control once TeaKing finally summons The Tea God.

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I am the gate keeper/passe of that tea god

He will succ then I am aloud that

and I do alod that


i still think it’s the most plausible solution

there was an version including burgeonblas cuz both of them were in a civil war about underwater subs

o-oh? me the godness of art? hah, don’t make me flustered! (i’m feeling so much gender euphoria and whatever is the name of the feeling when you get praise in art right now frfr)

i’m at complete bliss right now (THANK YOU SO MUCH :3333)


Now I wonder, how can a planet be a catgirl at the same time?

long short story, confusion at the registry office that was next to the observatory happened, now an oceanic planet is named from what was supposed to be my deadname.

remaster™ because why not


I adore the new lore sm:>

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Me who shows in both games credits:

yes, I approve that

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Did you give disturbance a mouth in that place?

depends. i mean, beiwg a foxgirl and a raccoongirl seems really attwactive choices to me.

not my pwoudest design choice.

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