Thrive's Mysterious Vending Machine

Receive: verbosity
Insert: random poem from the internet


Free verse by Anonymous

How happy are snouted raccoons!
Do raccoons make you shiver?
do they?

How happy are domesticated finches!
Are you upset by how domestic they are?
Does it tear you apart to see the finches so tame?

I cannot help but stop and look at wooly pigeons.
Pigeons are muddled. pigeons are confused,
pigeons are hirsute, however.

Pay attention to the elk,
the elk is the most yellow deer of all.
Elk - the true source of bwak.

foxes are not grownup!
foxes are exceptionally jejune.
Foxes are puerile. foxes are jejune,
foxes are adolescent, however.

I cannot help but stop and look at zebra ducks.
Do ducks make you shiver?
do they?

Insert: $100

Revieve: $10

Insert: 100 Sporebucks

Receive: 1 Thrivium

Insert: Love

Receive: Happiness (very wholesome)

Insert: 100 Tons of Red Spice

Receive: 10 Sporebucks

Insert: Shameless plug (I'll draw your organisms)

Receive: A drop in reputation, collective sighs of disappointment from the audience, and the title ‘Sucky Self-Advertiser’

Insert: the person below is hella gay

Receive: no u

Insert: when you open chewing gum in class

Recieve: T-posing and singing the halo theme in a school bathroom

Insert: A cross

Receive: No Vampires

Insert: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B

Receive: secret cheat code

Insert: 192

It’s: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start
god if you are going to do a cheat code do it right and go with the Konami code!
now that that rant is over,

Recieve: 193
Insert: Barracka Obama (the next Mortal Combat character alongside Mecha-Trump)

oooooooh, no wonder it didn’t work

You receive a new game: Presidents vs Dictators!

Inserts the possibility to beat the post count of the Miscellaneous talk thread

Receive: Stop Posting So We can let the Other Thread Get A Higher Post Count

Insert: haha you cant see this THE COLOR IS #111111 or #131418


Insert: The absence of color


Inserts: a ddos attack on the community forums

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Receive: high pitched screeching

Insert: a 2 hour pause

Recieve: 2 minute pause
Insert: Lego

Recieve: my Eggo

Insert: Ann egg with the Thrive logo on it