Thrive's Mysterious Vending Machine

Insert:Goat simulator

Receive: alternative to drugs

Insert: hhyyrylainen

Receive: A big sentient angry eye
Insert: The vacuum of space

Recieve: Celestial being from another plane of existence

Insert: Bag of Cheetos

(yeah i’m late I know)

1 Like

Receive: cheeto fingers

Insert: something new





Insert: Jellyfish with lenny face on it

Receive: image

Insert: Omnipotency to milk

Recieve: Lack Toes and Toler Ants

Insert: Myself

Recive: person who looks like a beach
Insert: destiny 2

Recieve: Disgrace to the Destiny fanbase

Insert: BowlDawg

Insert: my idea for a better destiny 2 and story
Receive: note that says piss off story sucks -ceo of bungie

You’re suppose to put recieve first, not insert.

Oh sorry bro

It’s fine, not much of a problem anyway.

Let. It. Die. Already. People.

Recieve: Speckled Ginger

Insert: Anak’Leboris

Recieve: Da fuq is that
Insert: @discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: My reply is no

discobot has officially closed the thread everyone, go home


Recieve: people who think this thread is dead
Insert: this thread is not dead guys