
I think there should be transportations. Cities will grow fast on this stage, so there should be, well, transportations and vehicles for citizens. I thought of some options for it.

Realistic : It is basically same with the reality. There will be a traffic jam and crowded metro/train stations which will give bad effects on users(anger, tired). I’m also thinking about big and small incidents, and it only can mean car incidents and train crash, but it can also mean terrors using vehicles. You will need parking lots for especially cars, or they will commit illegal parking, narrowing lane. There will be turbulences and bird strikes for aircrafts. Car accidents won’t be easy to settle. Severely damaged cars will get destroyed, and decently/slightly damaged ones will need to be repaired. Roads should be maintained in regular.

Half Realistic : This version will also have traffic jams and illegal parking, but other features on realistic version will become purified. Metro/train stations will only have the limit of people it can handle(no bad effects), and there will only be small incidents. No turbulences and bird strikes. Even severely damaged cars will be able to be fixed. You only need to maintain roads after a natural disaster.

Not realistic : This version will be like city skylines. traffic jams and illegal parking will exist, but metro/train stations won’t have a limit of people it can handle, incidents will be easily settled, and there won’t be turbulences and bird strikes of course. No road maintenance.

  • Realistic
  • Half realistic
  • Not realistic
0 voters

(all of them will have a variety of vehicles.)


I love cities: skylines being the benchmark for unrealistic. I feel the main issue with “realistic” is that the language you used seemed to be on a very per-incident basis, but there are tens of thousands of lethal car crashes per turn. You can simulate cars needing to be fixed without simulating a single car accident by having stressed drivers on unmaintained roads with high speed limits have a multiplier to the maintenance costs they pay on their vehicle, and you can have an insurance industry that just guesses the rates ahead of time and if they miss the rat as a whole the industry looses market cap instead of the maintenance going up per citizen, and the other way around, if they guess correctly the average citizen gets increases maintenance cost and the insurance market cap goes up. Similar things could happen for non-capitalist systems. The “severely damaged cars could be destroyed” bit can just be a randomly offset ratio of the car crash rate that gets added into the car sales number and subtracted from the disposable income number of something. IMO though, you should have to spend a LOT of money repairing roads all the time, because IRL even well funded governments leave potholes all over.


Also there should absolutely be options for the player to minimize or even prevent car use by playing smartly.
I don’t want the car dependent society I live in to be the only thing represented (Like cities: skylines).


They look very happy to me

What does this even mean? There are different severity levels of damages. Even if it becomes complete garbage, you can use it as raw material to build a new car.

You don’t fix it on the spot. As far as the trafic is concerned, what you only need is getting them to move again. You can pull it to the sidewalk.


This is supposed to be sarcasm, right?


How’d you know that was THE happiest moment of your life?

Going back to transportation, would all sapient species be capable of inventing bicycles for their own?

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That would probably depend on there leg/lower body structure. A centaur like creature might have trouble with a bicycle.


We then just “wheeled vehicle using solely power provided by the creature’s body to move” instead of “bicycle”?


And how would a lamia like, gorgon like, or other half snake-esk creature power it?

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I don’t think such critters could…


And what about a bird like creature who’s feet doubled as hands and had wing arms? Could they grab handle bars with wing arms?

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I think they’d rather fly if possible…


If they had a quadracycle (or tricycle even) they could lye down on, pedaling with there feet, it might be physically easier than flying, even if it’s not as fast. Depending on how light it is, they could maybe use it to build up speed for take off?

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Or to carry stuff too heavy to take into air with them…


Many people in Southwest Asia and around the world transport goods by balancing them on their heads while walking due to a lack of proper roads and vehicles. Should accidents happen when people bump into each other? Or this more relevant for the Tribal substage?


At most, they would case minor damage to the citizens and perhaps some material loss

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I mean, I think all transportation should have a failure rate. You could scale the failure rate with some sort of dexterity stat, or use a different formula for calculating how traffic affects the failure rate (If you don’t bump into anyone, you’re fine).


So for instance planes would have a fairly low failure rate, but if they do fail badly enough, all the passengers will die, right?

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Well, with modern planes, no. You can emergency land on a highway or a body of water, and we have sophisticated search and rescue. This is possible because of decades of innovation and investment, and possibly because planes were popularized through our planet’s first two total wars, and only truly global ones (Assuming you’re the sort of person who counts ww1 as global and the 7 years war as European, but yk.). It doesn’t have to be balanced. The real downside of planes is constant upkeep. They take tons of fuel, trained crew, constant preemptive repairs, and you have to rebuild the engines literally like once every two years (minimum) just to check to see if anything has gone wrong. If cars worked like that we’d all bike. (In the context of game design I’d model it by requiring high quality fuel availability and then just having a huge, flat upkeep cost) trains are like planes with no downside, but slower and require rails.


I wonder if planes would be delayed in development anyhow for already flight-capable species…