Government? Not really, there isn’t a formal government. Ideology? Why not yeah, sounds differentiable.
Here again could come the issue of eusocial hives being “ahead” in the aware stage.
Perhaps the behaviour editor could transistion into ideology stuff viewer of some sort?
I think the behavior of your species would dictate its preferred ideologies.
Yeah, most likely. Albeit behaviour editor itself will need to be tweaked before moving on to strategy stages…
The real problem with that is we have exactly one species capable of politics on earth. Extreme things like eusociality and flight have evolved several times, we have examples of various ways it can turn out to give us a glimpse into the kind of diversity we’d need. With politics, humans don’t seem to have a preferred ideology, but that’s almost certainly because we have nothing to compare to. With no comparison think about how other things would seem. If bugs were the only ever class to get flight, no matter how diverse they were we’d assume flight was a thing only used by tiny animals (and even if we found fossils of giant bugs we wouldn’t know about huge scavengers). That still allows for billions of species of insects. We don’t even have that. Maybe obligate carnivores would be meaner, or maybe they’d be much more cooperative. Maybe R-selected species would be susceptible to much more callous behavior and horrific ideologies, or maybe without much connection to their children, would have no interest in dynasties and not really get that power hungry. We genuinely have no clue.
As so we need to take careful guesses on what would be the influences a species biology has on it’s ideologies if it achieves sapience…
im not risking political debates here, so ive removed a few messages
I already kind of wanted to ask if they weren’t a bit too “human-political” in nature.
I did ask lol but I only ask that when I also have something worthwhile to say. Honestly my response could have been a lot less encouraging but criticizing where people get their information isn’t that productive.
no messages. i can’t figure what happened. okay. nevermind. its censorship again. you don’t have to capacity to have thought. to deal with it like a mature person.
don’t have any politics in the game. don’t have hayekism. don’t have politisised universities. any politics that humans discovered is too controversial.
except, no. any ideologies that didn’t happen to humans is also eliciting negative emotions.
there is no need to have this thread. lock it. copy paste the first three ideologies you see in wikipedia. that has the authority and breadth you crave
You do know the moderators have a good reason for why political discussions are not allowed in this realm?
maturity is following the rules when we’ve explained countless times why the exist in the first place
also how the hell is the outcome of a debate between two people important in any way, shape or form to potential government systems in thrive???
It is not important to Thrive. It is important to political opinions being shared in this forum, which as we all know is strictly prohibited. And for a good reason…
Is it just me or have “political discussion breaches” been increasingly frequent in the recent times?
It seems like posts like that appear in waves, so while a lot of posts that need scrutiny / moderating right now, the increase will probably go away in a little bit.
I have a feeling that those waves have been unusually frequent over this year…
Honestly it’s no bigger than previous waves imo, things have gotten pretty wild, maybe less deleted exchanges, but definitely comparable amounts of crazy. I’ve also been responding more which can’t be helping, I apologize for making some opinionated walls of text appear for everyone lol.
Well, they all get removed soon after, so most people probably don’t get to see them.
So then it’s a easter egg for the lucky few that saw it…
Perhaps we could include some forum legacy elements as easter eggs in the game when the time comes for more eastereggs to be added…
I’d assume that your choices and environment in the Aware stage would have a significant impact on your species’ evolutionary psychology and thus the field of ideologies. At that point, though, you’d end up with very alien aliens, with ideologies only tenuously similar to those of humans.