Underwater Civilizations Take 3

Why do we even need underwater smelting as underwater creatures? I am sure you can make a floating platform and either hold breath ( How To - What Fish Can Survive the Longest Out of Water? | Live Science Forums ) or just make reverse scuba diving (strap some wooden buckets with water to your gills, its not that hard lol). Then you can just make a furnace! It would take a long time to discover that there are things you can do above water you can’t below water, but it would be possible! Now prove me wrong… (I am reviving this topic since it is the only one unlocked about underwater civilizations and I didn’t want to make another topic)

seems like you didnt read hhyyrys post


Read this thread (and all the previous talk threads about this) so that you can find out that your idea

  1. has been presented before
  2. doesn’t prove underwater civs because you committed the classic fallacy of underwater civ talk on assuming the species already has land suits

I know, the underwater metalworking/electricity argument has been done hundreds of times, and
I agree that it isn’t feasible in any way, but,
Is it possible that some sort of deep sea society could dig deep enough for there to be magma, and then using rocks or something shape that magma into what they need, and then let it cool?
Also, instead of electricity couldn’t an underwater civ use water pipes of some sort for “powering” certain machines?

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I have the solution!
A wiki post formatted as such:

This is where we put ideas for solutions to the underwater civ predicament.

This is a wiki post so if you have an idea just edit it in.

Solution 1

A short summary of this solution.


Arguments for this solution.


Arguments against this solution.

Solution 2

A short summary of this solution.


Arguments for this solution.


Arguments against this solution.

Solution 3

A short summary of this solution.


Arguments for this solution.


Arguments against this solution.

… Alright I guess Hhyyrylainen put it here. I guess just put your solutions after the line below.

Hydrothermal vents

Use hydrothermal vents to smelt metal


The hydrothermal vents produce heat that could be used to smelt metal, maybe by building a forge around them to capture the heat.


The vents get to hot for most large creatures to stand at all, it literally boils the water around it. For a creature to withstand that heat, they would have to have a thick carapace to block the heat, and even the they would not withstand the heat long enough to build something or care that some rock melted.

Why underwater civilizations can make fire

It would take a lot longer for them to figure out, but it would be possible for them to make fire, even on an ocean world. If you can’t smeltal the meltal in water, just use air.


that is CLEARLY over the water
your argument is invalid


This idea was raised before

But everyone thought it was a joke. And maybe it was. But does it have to be? We know water is the problem. And you have to be inside the water to make an underwater civilisation. The logical conclusion is, get your hands out of the water. It checks all the boxes.

another thing you could do: have liquid hydrocarbon oceans and high oxygen levels in those oceans

But then the oceans would literally burn, killing all life on the planet! (maybe, definitely all aquatic life, but not so sure about terrestrial life, but still, that’s going to cause a mass extinction!)
Edit: please, this isn’t funny, @50gens. Mass extinctions are no laughing matter. You want to preserve biodiversity, right?

no, there would be oxygen free areas of the oceans(like on earth) and the hydrocarbons would likely be replenished by a biological or geological process so the oceans would survive and so would any marine life that could move and store large amounts of oxygen or just live without oxygen

I have no idea how fast hydrocarbons regenerate on Titan-class planets, and as such, i cannot give a valid counterargument.

as i said: biological or geographical processes

Oops. I didn’t read THAT part. :frowning:

it is reasonable if you know what is mudskippers (Mudskipper - Wikipedia) mudskippers is fishes with limited [terrestrial locomotion (Terrestrial locomotion - Wikipedia) and jumping so if underwater civs want to go to stone age to iron age then they can just skip to land and start a fire and start to heat iron

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I’m assuming you’re rather new, so welcome! Underwater civs have been a long and intense topic. The current policy is that all proposals must have a thesis, a clear outline of points, argumentative paragraphs in the format of a research paper, and references to substantiated sources. Trust me, it’s necessary; we’ve heard your suggestion, for example, atleast 50 times the past 3 years.

The thread I linked above is the most recent thread about the topic here. Dive into the topic and see what you think. Expect this thread to be merged soon; many threads with the same topic pop up.

Welcome again!


Hasn’t this point been made before that amphibious creatures can create civ on land and then transition to water. But then at that point that’s not a Underwater Civ that’s just a Land Civ with a long commute.

hh when someone says “underwater civs”


It’s largely people trying to prove that such things are scientifically plausible, as they are cool and developing a way they can plausibly be done would allow there to be potential for their implementation in the game under non-LAWK settings


Someone has actually ‘proved’ that it is possible to smelt metal underwater (The Holy Grail: Hhyyrylainen’s Challenge of UC Metalworking Completed and Formalized with 47 Citations! ) but shaping said metal has yet to be proved (as water would enter the molten metal, and it would be generally difficult to shape underwater)