Unfun facts

Did you know that Generation Z is the most sensitive generation?

i’m pretty sure that article was made by a non-credible source based on the words above the link, also because they seem to be focusing exclusively on the loud minorities of gen Z and not the true majority

edit: nevermind it’s just mainly not exclusively.


:warning: Bzzt, that’s a strike. It even says it is an “opinion”. Once again this is Science! category where discussion must be about real science.


unfun fact #1: your body produces everything you need to be biologically immortal* but the only reason you aren’t is because of random chance and the fact that you body doesn’t release stem cells into your blood to help heal anything with cells that can differentiate into the cells of the wounded organ

unfun fact #2: if you don’t lose blood for too long your blood will get thick and make your heart have to work harder to move it this was apparently just something my parents have and after going long stretches without giving blood their blood starts moving slow and after giving blood it starts moving normally again

Source? I won’t accept your claims without a source.

We are very close to needing a new rule here that each unfun fact must come with a scientific source, otherwise an official warning will be issued to the user posting it.

fixed it

Yep, as expected. 50% of your unfun facts were literally false. And the other is some upcoming stuff that’s being hyped up a ton in science mainstream media.

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Unfun fact: 90% of statistics are made up on the spot.

(This is not a fact, but was an amusing slogan in a Guiness ad.)

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at least link the ad the slogan is from

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I can’t find it. It was one from the 90’s. There were various surprising statistics, followed by that one, which suggests the others were made up.

I just felt it was relevant to the discussion.

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I’ve heard that joke many times before.

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)

Unfun fact: Orcas originate from land there is evidence from their useless pelvis and finger bones on the fins these are evidence of the fact they are from land and most unfun fact is that orcas originate from a somesort of wolf ancestor. :dolphin: :heartbeat: :wolf:

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Unfun fact: Certain species of worms/eels live and reproduce inside the bowels of sea cucumbers, potentially eating their feces.

Source: Absurd planet episode 2.


unfun facts
you can only see your name here’s perspective and not somebody else name here’s perspective

Unfun facts: You can die from falling out of bed, and 450 people die that way every year.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread (Part 2)