Unofficial Thrive Forum Game Competition 2

because you already have things for pigment generation, while most of us don’t even have 1 thing for it

And? It doesn’t really affect my ability to procure food

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it brings you closer to being terrastial species before starter food runs out

And? If the food runs out it runs out, it doesn’t matter where you are

Being a terrestrial species isn’t really all that useful when there are no terrestrial plants though, unless he wants to be the terrestrial plant

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Son’t worry about it. If the food was lost now, his species wouldn’t be in good shape. He can’t go towards food nor search for food. He is only better than some because he has a huge energy saver

Also, vacuola is still VU

the thing is that if you are plant and we are stuck in vents, then we won’t be able to escape vents ever again after starter food runs out, and you will be locked at the surface

There are two primary producers on the vents (Aurum and Rocky). I don’t plan on leaving the vents at all. I’m thinking in a way to ocupy the vents and the surface. I just didn’t think in a way yet

i think we may need to nerf thermoplast, so it doesn’t turn out to be chloroplast 2.0 and to make sure, that chloroplast is still viable

Admittedly, it’s definitely not chloroplast 2.0, seeing as it takes multiple thermoplast mutations just if you want to expand outside of the vents. It’s good situationally, ie, such as in the vents where there’s plenty of heat to be used, but on the surface or even just further from the vents at the depths of the ocean, it becomes increasingly less potent, limiting how much a thermo-dependent species can grow, if it can survive at all.

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Nerm said it all. Thermoplasts are less useful than chloroplasts. I am almost at the limit thermoplasts can go. If there is an ice age, all that aren’t on the vents would die and they would need to do the journey again to the surface

Edit: Also, for the competition:

Primary producers have special “skills”, one of them being “areas” and “area size” and the other “efficiency per area”. So if a photosyntesis has competition, they are more likely to win against other types in their own area

That makes no logical sense, it would actually be the contrary, what do you think heterotrophic species will eat if there is no autotrophic species?

basically my main point is that when starter food runs out, fralegend will be ahead of other species going for the surface and may be the only species that will develop chloroplasts before other species, which will die, while organisms in vents will have pac’s organism as producer, so all players but fralegend will be locked in vents as trying to escape them will cause their species to die

What? How does any of that make sense? Why would you be locked to the vents? If no one becomes a photosynthetiser then you would be locked to the vents, no food no survival.

thermoplasts exist, pac already has one

Thermoplasts are useless with the minimal heat that arrives from the sun

you would be locked in vents because you need chemosynthesis after starter food runs out and if you try going up then you will starve to death because in the “middle zone” there are no chemicals and starter food is no longer existand

i meant that pac species is producer in vents, thermo in vents are strong

No, predatory heterotrophic species exist, you know right?

Also scavengers