Unofficial Thrive Forum Game Competition 2

you think that pac will add marine snow to allow players to go from vents to surface?

Only if there already is a species on the surface.

tho this middle zone wouldn’t have any autothropic species, so it wouldn’t be very good for local ecosystem

Yes it would, there would be photosynthetisers that specialize in that zone

this zone is far too below surface for plants to go here

Then is not a “middle zone”

i mean, this “middle zone” is supposted to be like mesopelagic or sea floor, so it’s outside of vents and outside of surface

The mesopelagic is a photic zone, the bathypelagic and a small part of the abyssalpelagic too. Also, the sea floor can be in any of these zones.

@Pac_Mine no one evolved pigment, then how is fralegend getting it from HGT?

VGT I think, he voted for HGT but it got switched to VGT because of low roll (not 100% sure on this but I think that’s what is happening)

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is NOT htg. , . , . ,

How is VTG diffrent from HTG in terms of how it work? I think that you steal trait Someone already evolved, so you shouldn’t get pigment from VTG/HTG if no one evolved it yet

HGT steals a trait, VGT is basically sexual reproduction (I think) so it doesn’t steal a trait, just causes mutations

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oh, so HGT is stealing and VTG is Extra vote, ok, I understand now

I think? Don’t trust my word 100% on that but that’s what I understood

GENE TRANSFER (EXTRA MUTATIONS) (SEX VOTE): As a general rule of thumb, having a reproductive system is great. You can have one of the two systems: Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and vertical gene transfer (VGT). You can have only one at a time. They follow these rules:
1 – Opposite effect
2 – A bad effect
3 – No effect
4 – Parcial succes
5 6 – Success
You will have an HGT level ranging from level 1 to 4, according to your dice. You can “steal” mutations someone already has:
1 – Species you eat (in case you are a primary producer this include decomposers)
2 – Species you eat and eat you
3 – All species in your environment
4 – All species that are alive
You can only have 4 in a super mutation.
1 – A bad effect
2 3 – No effect
4 – Partial success
5 – Succes
6 – Great success
After the first 10 turns, you may not do a sex vote if you have done one in the turn prior, but you are not obligated to always do an sex vote when possible (but I suggest doing).

Looking at the rulebook, you’re right yeah.

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Trying to answer the last 30 messages doubts:
VGT is basicaly sexual reproduction.
HGT is absorbing someones genetic material.

There isn’t any middle zone. I just did bottom of the ocean and surface of the ocean. The bottom of the ocean includes vents but is not necessesarily just it. Using “Thrive environments”: (there are caves in both environments)

If you are eating a thermosynthesis/chemeosynthesis producer in the bottom, when you go up you can eat an photosynthesis one. Also, there are ways to survive on both environments at the same time, altough it is more complex (requires more mutations) to achieve.

adaptions: Just repeat what my species tried again for this round

act: predetory, or jsut eat other in some way

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My problem is that I am Turning Pedes into Photosynthesizing organism and i’m afraid that it won’t unlock photosynthesis before “starter food” runs out, and because photosynthesis can’t be done at the “Bottom” or at surface when you don’t have chloroplasts, Pedes would die because of it. Pedes still needs to unlock HGT at round 4, Golgi and reticulum at round 5, Anti-UV and Air vacuole at round 6, and finally Chloroplasts at round 7, so starter food may run out before chloroplasts are evolved in pedes (Because it is supposted to run out somewhere between rounds 5-8, which means that pedes may die in round 5 or 6, not to mention the fact that i may get bad dice roll)