Weird/Funny dreams

I had a dream where the Wither from Minecraft was being attacked by Kirby, CommanderVideo, Steve, and Flumpty. Not sure why CV was there but he was. Maybe i was playing too much BIT.TRIP. also Kirby combined with all the other Smash Bros fighters (execpt Steve) and became a Golden Ball.

I had a dream where Jorden Peterson got ridiculously scared by a roller coaster i went on this one time and i laughed at him cause i just had a blast on that roller coaster. a cant remember how but sonic was also involved.

I had a strange dream where I was in a video-game like world, seemed like either metaverse or roblox, or something else. The point of view was mostly 1st person, but occasionally 3rd person. At the beginning, I was swimming in a weird nostalgic pool, and I heard my grandma saying in chinese"the sides of the pool look poor", I looked under the water at the edges, and oh gosh, there was some green algea there, but I was mostly calm, I then looked down, and saw more green algea on the bottom of the white pool, someone swam by, and for some reason I decided to take off my goggles and the goggles dropped down into the pool, at a slow but steady pace, through some weird(I do not really know how to explain, since my memory blurred here), transparent, whitish, tangles with sporadic algea over it, swiftly dropping around them. My memory blurred again, and I entered a building with a friend and filled up the building with toxic landmines to troll people and we headed out, joined a local clash at a mall(probably triggered because I played D-day on roblox), it was pretty back and forth, I went into, and out of a trench with a RPG gun, but the leader of the clash decided I was part of a melee sneak attack and part of a second front, so I joined int the attack, and with the enemy surrounded by two fronts, they were overwhelmed into surrender. Then, a cutscene played where some players entered the building we filled with toxic landmines, and the players all got unalived and there was a very long "“oooooooofffffffffff” sound playing. After that, I just randomly broke into a random house, and there was a emo slender(as in the roblox slender stereotype) who told me to get out, so I got out, and out of nowhere, a bunch of people broke into the house, so I went back in, and then the dream ended.

Yeah, I asked because I used to have multiple different dreams (nightmares, really) that often repeated every few months, sometimes longer. I wonder what causes that

I have this recurring dream of entering a weird nostalgic empty mall at school, and needing a library teacher to guide me out


The dreams of the last two nights were crazy

In the first one, I was in a kind of weird mix between half-life 2 and a creppypasta by mario 64 (My gamer friend’s fault) And literally out of nowhere, I said “Oh this is a dream” And everything became clearer. I was lucid dreaming. I did a few things, I started to wake up but I managed to stop it by stabilizing the dream. Then I started to fly like superman (Specifically like superman because there are two ways to fly in dreams: this and jump high) and decided to go to the moon but I woke up before it arrived.

The next night I had a silly dream about a forest or something but the next dream was bizarre I was in some country town walking with some people (supposedly my friends doing some rpg) when a BELGIUM bat-monke appeared, normally me I would have woken up, actually I had noticed it was a dream but I didn’t, and the monkey attacked me and I felt everything then I saw a belgium spider monkey (No, it wasn’t charismatic, it looked like something out of a horror movie ) and woke up.
After this, I had a dream that was kind of goodbye lenin but jeff bezos was there launching miniature rockets

I was playing a future thrive. There was a semi transparent species that had visible organs. I moved my cursor to the swim bladder and its saturation increased. I right clicked it and a lot of options apeared like right clicking a file in windows. I selected “evolve this organ into a lung” and the game gave me a warning “Are you sure you want to do this? This action is permenant”


that is what happened to tetrapods, the first animals on land

earlier this week i dreamt i was going in some kind of field trip with my family and i was really tired when we got there, so i slept in a couch in the hotel we were staying at and some time after waking up i suddently knew i was dreaming, i didn’t give a :belgium: about it tho and just wanted to see where the dream went. In the trail we were following there was some mountain blocking the way and we could pick 2 sides to go to, i went to the right side alone and the rest of my family went to the left side. turns out the right side was really dangerous and i almost fell into an abyss because it was getting dark. I feared i wouldn’t get to see everyone again but i saw them close by and i managed to get through. we went back to the hotel and i slept again but when i woke up i was suddently back in my house. I saw a mannequin in my room with facial features (eye, mouth, hair, eyebrows…) i walked up to it to test if it was real or not because i wanted to know if i was still dreaming so i put my hand in its mouth and it bit me. I screamed and whispered to my self “pls wake up pls wake up” and i finally woke up, for real this time

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i dreamt there was some kind of prophecy that said there was a donut and a burger in a microwave and whoever ate it would be forever known as greedy… ok i don’t think it was exacly that but there was some sort of punishment
obviously i ate it (i could taste that burger in the dream :drooling_face: ) but when i finished it i got teleported to an endless plane with inanimate objects… i guess that was my punishment

does this count as a double post?

Today is the second day I have a dream playing Minecraft. In the first one, I was in a spruce forest but the spruces had yellow leaves (It was extremely beautiful) I made a basic house and woke up. The second was weirder. He was in a house similar to the one in the previous dream and he had gone to sleep. As I slept, I had a feeling that would scare me. When I woke up, there was an iron golem in the window, and I had a false awakening, because it was daytime and I saw something coming through the door. Slowly I moved to cover my head, at this point I didn’t know if it was a dream or reality.

Wendigoon and another youtuber came to my house, I prepared them breakfast. Wendigoon said he was working on a new project. He believed US had technology to teleport people from one location to another. He also interviewed US officials, they denied everything, but unlike the british, they adressed him by his first name, which made him think he was being watched and he creeped out. He thought he could be the next target, that is why they were going to south africa to hide. As he spoke, I looked out of the window and saw a bus and the bicycle of a bicycle rider be teleported. After his bike was gone, his body remained the same, as if he couldn’t physically move, but kept moving with respect to the ground with the previous speed of the bicycle. I thought this was a safety mechanism to prevent the air from rushing in to the vacuum left behind and causing an explosion, the moving was just slowed and he wasn’t floating in the air, the air around him was also slowed and this rectengular region was sliding on the ground like butter on a hot surface. We exited the house and they were going to the car, and I said to wendigoon “they are probably using satelites to choose the next target. the moment you enter the car, you will be gone” He then panicked. We started running in non straight lines so that the device can’t lock on us. The other youtuber asked us what we were doing but his speech was interrupted, I didn’t looked back but assumed he was teleported to a US prison for knowing too many things. We went to someone’s garden (because it looked like it had a weird shape and that would make it harder to teleport). It was a one story building, in front of the building there was a flower garden and between the garden and the road there was a place with concrete ground, garden equipment in the center like wheelbarrows, walls to the sides and a blanket between the walls. The garden was still under the shadow of the building but the blanket was probably there to shield the equipment from the sun during the later hours of the day (I don’t know why there would be such a requirement. The dream is weird, okay?). We lied on the floor, under the blanket, adjacent and parallel the walls. Some time later I noticed a difference and said “hey, wasn’t there a blanket?”. Then the dream ended. You know how nightmares end when you fall from a high place? Maybe that moment was when we were teleported.


Two nights ago, I dreamed that I was living in a space ship and that gravity was turned off. I was in my room and was apparently waiting for my mini CNC machine to finish its job. It was impressively small considering that it was a 5th axis CNC machine and the drill could move anywhere at any angle. The hiccup, though, was that gravity was turned off, so I had to try and hold it still. However, because the ship just kept slowing down and speeding up and vice versa, that baby would get off my hands and the drill would slow down to not mess up the job.

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I had a dream that I was analyzing a lego set that was supposed to be the only lego set that took place in an alternate timeline, basically in that timeline a style of music based on car sounds reproduced by speech, was popularized due to Elvis , and because of that most of the music shows and parties of the 50s had the presence of a literal car inside the place, helping with the music.

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I had a weird dream about aliens sometime ago that was made up from 3 stages.

I don’t remember first stage well, but I know that it was about watching news that talked about a “Diplomatic crisis between USA and Aliens”

In second stage, I was near some lonely steep mountain in mist and there was a massive, but not rall, rectangular building that was made out of wooden plants and had one of it’s corners folded inwards, and there were some doors in here. For some reason, there was Xi Jinping just standing outside of this door, without any guards, and he just said in english “Americans have started classical war with Aliens”. Then I looked at that lonely mountain and i saw tens of flying saurcers in mist above it. I runned into the building.

And in third stage, I used my computer, and there was some order made for all civilians to start a migration towards russia as it was safer there. On my screen there was map of my country with large orange circle in middle of country and there was a pixelated trail going from this circle towards east.

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I can imagine him saying “These Americans are crazy!” right after that

A couple of weeks ago, I was dreaming about the Joker from The Dark Knight as he was in some sort of interview. The interviewer asked him about who he intended to attack. He replied:

The Mob, of course. They can become a problem.

Then, my vision skipped to a scene where he was killing off mob dealers.

My second dream was just a few weeks ago. I dreamed that I had a 3D printer, but it was also printing sheets of paper with textual information.

My third dream was a few days ago. I dreamed that I was a Skywalker, not just from Star Wars, though. I was with a group of people on the very peak of a skyscraper. We started walking down one of its facades and we kept teleporting to another location and teleporting back to the facade, which slowed us down enough so that we could actually walk onto the facade. We were sky walkers, haha.

I think it’s because I watched a video about Thrawn trolling Darth Vader before going to sleep. Thrawn is an Imperial Grand Admiral in the Star Wars Universe, but the thing is he once worked with Anakin before the Empire was born. So when he started working with Vader, he kept reminding him of his old identity. The last time he did this was during a mission where Vader had to use the force to drive a starship. Thrawn then told him about how his people called such travelers first in his native language, then in English: “Skywalkers”.

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Today I dreamed that I was using blender (I even got to the downloads page yesterday, but I was afraid it would blow up my potato computer) And I was modeling some level of the Backrooms, I was like, “Woah, it’s easier than I thought” And then for some reason, after I zoomed out, my renders were in the middle of a strange street (Later I found out it was a street in a small town somewhere in Korea) I even tried to keep going through my things, but my dream decided that I wanted to explore the city. It looked like an ordinary town, I think it was on the coast but I’m not sure, and it had a book store, or cds, I don’t remember. The city was constantly attacked by stuff, the only one I remember was a zombie epidemic, and all the survivors were hiding in the store. We managed to escape somehow, and a map appears showing that even with an immense continental blockade between China and North Korea, the virus had reached Taiwan and Malaysia.

I woke up. I went to the kitchen and looked at the bright sun and then I realized that I was lying on my bed, awake.

Edit: I mustered up the courage and downloaded Blender. Jesus Christ it took me two minutes to understand how to orbit

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today i dreamed i posted… how strange

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that is indeed strange