What does your profile pic mean?

Hey, you didn’t stole that from me aren’t you? BTW mine is a star shaped portal to another universe.


Mine is just a pic of what i control. Yes, i am the king of tea! Now stop drinking my people.


What if we dump them in the harbor?

Anyway mine is a cell stabbing another cell with its pilus.


Ok but I’m doctor phil with no mouth or hair


So that’s what it was all along!


Ask the Bostonians. It only happened 3 centuries ago, but I’m sure the memory is still fresh.


Mine is a picture of a cat generated by an AI. Apparently, there’s an AI called StyleGAN that can randomly generate realistic pictures of human faces, as well as things that vaguely resemble cats.

StyleGAN learns what human faces look like from a database of images and uses them to assemble new faces. It also does this with cars, rooms, and cats. For the most part (except with the latter), the end result is so realistic, you can hardly tell it’s fake. To be honest, that’s one of the more unnerving things about this.

The thing is, in order for that to work, there can’t be much variation in the input. That’s why the humans are all in roughly the same pose. With the cat images, that’s not the case. They’re all in different poses, so their bodies are warped, unrecognizably misshapen, have the wrong number/placement of appendages, etc. Their backgrounds are different and may have extra objects in them, so the cat gets fused with everything. I once saw a picture of a cat that looked like it was either part twisted couch or part lumpy blanket fortress, or both. If there are other cats in the picture, one looks almost normal, while the others look like aliens. If there’s a human in it, they may combine into an entity so grotesque, you can’t tell where the human ends and the cat begins. I’ve even seen some pictures with jumbled-up meme text.

Don't look.


As for the cat in my profile picture, I’m not sure what that thing is in front of its face. I think it’s a tail, but it could also be a paw.

Anyway, I hope I didn’t get too off topic.


I think I won’t sleep tonight. :upside_down_face:


I use an edited picture of Bass.EXE from the Mega Man Battle Network anime.

  • enhanced shading
  • fixed a coloring error
  • colored his cloak to resemble the non-binary pride flag.
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What the pootis is that? (pootis was the post filler, lol)

My profile picture comes from my YouTube channel. It’s a blue jack-o-lantern because I think jack-o-lanterns are cool and I also think the color blue is cool.

I am hydrogen. I got it from the sound of hydrogen. I still hear vsuace memes when I’m alone.

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I can’t be bothered.

My profile picture is also about Lovat lords (as you may have guessed)
I want to change it for something like @BowlDawg’s pic. It would also mean lord/monarchy things but with a person. I started thinking that my current profile picture is :belgium:

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Now i changed it
Good huh?
What do you think?
Im thinking of doing another better
I’m also tribal now
Im with pumpkin
If you think about, i was like a pseudo speedrunner of forums ,but ok
And idk why im writing a new line every some words

It sounds like you’re writing a poem or something.

By the way great profile pic.

I forgot that I changed mine. This is one of my creatures in the TU, the Kwui

Interesting, I thought it was the feathers of a bird the first time I saw it.

i thought it was a butterfly
A brown butterfly
Yeah i haven’t seen a brown butterfly ever, i haven’t seen butterflies since about two years!

That is pretty Interesting