Why? We’ll pick an optimal value based on real science numbers (with tweaks possible if needed for better gameplay).
to make things harder for the player and auto evo
man don’t you think that the current thrive is already incredibly hard?
The game is not designed to be used to speedrun, challenge or just quick fun, it’s designed to teach in another way.
i thought that it was meant to be good for all three/four
so you’re telling me im not suppost to bump up the mutation rate of the AI to max every time i play?
ooo of course not.
I agree that maybe for some people, thrive should be able to speedrun or challenge. But maybe this kind of setting should not be the default settings.
I mean, there shuold be a place to change them. That doesn’t mean that you can’t play that way, that just means that this maybe shouldn’t be the main way to play thrive.
In my opinion, sapience and thus the awakening stage happens when the species in question gets the ability to learn complex behaviours and use of complex/compound tools from its parents, or learns the use of tools alone in solitary species. Simple language also probably plays a role here.
I guess it is time again for me to post the link to the wiki with all of the stages:
As the official stage transition points are all set, and have been for years.