Which stage are you most excited for

Cell stage looked really fun to play at first but it felt nothing more like a glorified mini game.

Even evolution of species, a Spore cell stage ripoff, does a better job at the cell stage than Spore.

Yeah kind of
Like from cell
To animal
To space god
Really gives off that grand feeling of evolution


Aware, I want to know if this cell has a soul.

Multicellular Stage: I really want to play this part of the game, because I will slowly guide my species from a microscopic thing to a mighty animal. Also, I don’t know how much the Aware Stage gameplay will be different from the Multi.

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I think the aware stage will focus more on the speculative animal side of things

which is why I’m excited for it the most


Since aware starts when you get a enough evolved “brain”, aware stage will probably be based on complex animals, with highly specialized tissues… the multi will probably be simple animals and stuff
Ex.: Multicellular => sponge like
Aware => a dog a complex animal, like a chordate, for example.

Aware will be richer in “animal things”, like organs, brain, vision… the late multicellular be more like a macroscopic clump of cells like “nematodes and flatworms/platelminthes” things.


Yeah early aware stage will play like the promised aquatic stage in Spore
It won’t just immediately start on land

AFAIK you can play the entire Aware Stage underwater, you just can’t advance to the next stage.

Yes that is the idea I think
Or maybe you can go to the next stage but stop right there because you can’t make an underwater civilization

Isn’t it that you can go through awakening and early society underwater, and it’s industrial you cannot reach

you cant smelt, so you cant make any metal. No more talking about underwater civs or we will all get banned.


It depends on when you have to “discover” fire.

Now that I think of it, you do need the extra calories provided by cooking to, if not become sapient, at least built a society. Hmm. I wonder if there are other ways to get those.

Let’s take this to the underwater civilization thread take three so this won’t be off topic

Multicellular! I seems like modular… And gameplay looks likely to be good. Aware is next.