Would you survive in a deserted island?


The grass tastes. . . ‘unique?’ after only few mouthfulls you end up vomiting the grass as well as whatever else was in your stomach. You are very hungry and feel horrible. despite only being stranded for one day. your brain has already given up on you.

Hp: 16/17
status: bleeding from right knee
hunger: hungry
thirst: satisfied
*moral/sanity: Doing horribly


  • fred that is holding:
  • 2 pants
  • 3 underwear
  • 3 functional lighters
  • 5 tshirts
  • a slightly dull pocket knife
  • 4 plastic water bottles of 100ml
Magnus strife

rolled a 15

somehow you manage to light a fire!

like a absolute madlad you get a stick and light it on fire. throwing this torch into the jungle setting a small portion of the island on fire.

Hp: 17/20
Status condition: N/A
Hunger: satisfied
thirst: satisfied
moral/sanity: neutral


  • 13 packs of salted pretzals
  • 23 small salt packets
  • 9 plastic forks
  • 8 plastic knifes
  • 11 plastic spoons
  • 7 plastic bottles of 600ml water
  • one smol dead fishy boi

rolled a 18

_using your prior knowledge of tool building you construct a simple metal axe and manage to cut down 2 palm trees. _

Hp: 13/15
Status: N/a
Thirst: Thirsty
hunger: ok
moral/sanity: ok


  • Simple spear
  • 2 small fish.
  • moral-support volleyball named wollie.
  • simple axe

the sun is beginning to set. next round will be night.

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use fire to cook fishy boi. eat!!

Use those palm trees to make a nice little home, then pick up my blood faced volleyball friend with me. I place him on the small ledge of the entrance, fetching a pile of leaves to use as comfort, and then make my bed.

Goodnight ocean.

sorry about taking so long to respond… anyway
I go out and hunt with my pocket knife, try to kill at least 3-ish small animals, also i tell my barf i’ll be right back i love how you smell!


17 -3 due to low visibility.

Despite the low visibility you manage to hunt 2 small rodents. it seems your knee has also stopped bleeding.

Hp: 16/17
status: n/a
hunger: hungry
thirst: satisfied
*moral/sanity: Doing horribly
energy: good


  • fred that is holding:
  • 2 pants
  • 3 underwear
  • 3 functional lighters
  • 5 tshirts
  • a slightly dull pocket knife
  • 4 plastic water bottles of 100ml
  • 2 small rodents
magnus strife:

Not dice determined

As the fire in the forest besides you rages on. you happily cook and eat the small fish. Its quite bland but still nice.

Hp: 17/20
Status condition: N/A
Hunger: satisfied
thirst: satisfied
moral/sanity: neutral
energy: good


  • 13 packs of salted pretzals
  • 23 small salt packets
  • 9 plastic forks
  • 8 plastic knifes
  • 11 plastic spoons
  • 7 plastic bottles of 600ml water

rolled a 2

Before you even get a chance to sleep. the palm trees collapse, slamming down onto your volleyball faced friend. deflating it. WOOOOOLLIIIEEEEEEE you sleep on the leafy bed you placed

Hp: 13/15
Status: N/a
Thirst: Thirsty
hunger: ok
moral/sanity: decreasing after the death of wollie
energy: ok


  • Simple spear
  • 2 small fish.
  • Burst volleyball
  • simple axe

Gather some sticks, shove into Wollie, and make him alive again.

I try to light a fire where i did last time, as a tell Carly(my jacket girlfriend rember?) “See, look i’m impressive and cool and cute” she replys “Yeah you are” And she kisses me. If i sucseed at the fire i cook nice rodents on a stick!

@reeper66 you still playing?

Oh, sorry. ummm… find more fishy boi.

@Deathpacitoast you still hosting the game?

The funnest fourm game I’ve ever played…
Forever Remeber
Nerd Lord

Noooo! :face_with_hand_over_mouth::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::sob::sob::scream::scream: Sigh! Well, to bad.

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Its been 2 months and 12 days on this godforsaken island. I have no food, no Wollie, no nothing. I miss my family, and I am afraid to be forgotten.

I’m going to walk into the ocean, with rocks tied under my feet to weigh me down. Time to meet god.

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Before you die you see a picture of Wollie… He looks so majestic you see him strap to your back and carry you to heaven with his new wings as he says “i’ve always loved you” you die and go to heaven, or maybe hell idk… Depends if the wollie thing actualy happened.

At least Ricardo got the easy way out than the rest, who starved to death.

I can take pride in the fact that I had the most insane, and well sheltered person in the game
In all honesty i might take this idea if that’s okay with @Deathpacitoast and create a 2nd would you survive in a deserted island and invite all you guys to it

I guess I will join🤷‍♂️

Sorry for replying so late!

I wouldnt mind at all if you did create a new game.

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I have officaly started up the second thread for the game