This is a thread I made because I long for another experince on the fourms… I really would appreciate it if @Deathpacitoast@RoboRomb, and @reeper66 Would join and I will accept around 3 more people besides them
I am going to use the same character creation found first post here —> Would you survive in a deserted island?
This is what I want you to build your character with, I would say that if you had a character on the island previously you could use that, but most of us already killed off our characters (including me)…
here is the character creation
Dnd alignment (i would advise searching it up)
Also please provide a detail on your home life (single, married, has kids doesn’t have kids(if so say how many, is a teen, is a teen with a SO, etc…)
Please make these your 6 main stats which you must decide how to distribute 25 points into
In honor of Nerd Lord (RIP) I will allow for you to choose how insane you are (please on a scale of 1-10 choose a number between 1 and 7 how insane your character is, (8 9 and 10 are off limits for now, but can be earned by doing insane shiz.)
I have no truly planned script or story, but I will make one as we all go on so this could be considered a choose your own adventure game
Credits (accepted characters) @AgentTine Starring as Johan Lavino @EEGaming Starring as Lucas @Deathpacitoast Starring as James James @RoboRomb Starring as Ricardo
Name: Johan Lavino
Gender: Male
Age: 10
7 charisma
6 wisdom
9 intelligence
1 constitution
1 dexterity
1 strength
Insanity: 6
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Backstory: Johan Lavino is a relatively bright and charismatic young boy with little empathy for others. At the age of 5, he ran away from home, and by age 7, he was living in total luxury as the adopted son of a local Italian aristocrat.
Single, outcast, one pet cat, nerdy, bad in social situations
Lawful Neutral
Strength 5
Dexterity 3
Constitution 6
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 4
Charisma 1
Insanity to be determined edit: 57901 edit2: was a joke 7
That is not a vailid number to the character sheets, the highest possible insanity is 7 and you will be able to earn more insanity as the game goes on
(Destroyer of worlds. Eater of babies.)
james james
Age: 54
Dnd alignment:
james is the most average person you could ever find. He works as a janitor and isnt married. He is currently going through his mid life crisis.
@Deathpacitoast, you miscounted the numbers, that equals a pool count of 30 not 25 (you made this system how do you mess it up lol), I’d think the easiest solution would be to take off 1 point from each catagory (except one) to keep the stats as equal as possible, but it’s your character
By the way I love the name, (it’s my real life name)
(Destroyer of worlds. Eater of babies.)
Form V2
james james
Age: 54
Dnd alignment:
james is the most average person you could ever find. He works as a janitor and isnt married. He is currently going through his mid life crisis.
let’s just say wollie brought you down from heaven and returned you to your family, or is ricardo single (There is going to be some gameplay from before you arive on the island, so i don’t want to leave you out of the begining also please tell me what ricardo’s home life is like)
Ricardo’s home life was quiet and, all around, pleasant. Playing Thrive all day on his computer, eating food, watching episodes of Lost (kinda foreshadows this whole thing).
Then he got on a plane, then it crashed because the pilot was stupid, and he got onto the island.
I’ll start off and if a couple people want to join in a few turns in (Expecialy @reeper66) that’s fine (Please be extra descriptive when you are doing your turns expecialy in the begining)
Okay so the game starts off in your individual houses
Feel free to read other people’s summaries if you’re interested @AgentTine / Johan
You being a brat kid you decide to steal your mom and dad’s wallet and hopped into a boat heading for ireland a place you’ve spent all your 10 years of life wanting to go to, but there is one problem Your mom and dad’s wallet is hidden, so how are you going to find it?
HP: 10 (based of of strength)
Hunger: (Not relevant right now)
Thirst: (Not relevant right now)
You feel like going on a trip in a boat to Ireland, but there is a problem you don’t want to leave your cat behind without anyone to care, so you have to prepare to attempt to have him as a stow away (describe how you want to do it)
HP: 50 (based of of strength)
Hunger: (Not relevant right now)
Thirst: (Not relevant right now)
You want to go on a trip to Ireland, but you don’t have enough money, because you’re only a janator, how do you want to either earn extra money or sneak on the boat to go to Ireland.
(sorry for such a short and bland begining this is my first time and i don’t know how to start off this particular character)
HP: 50 (based of of strength)
Hunger: (Not relevant right now)
Thirst: (Not relevant right now)
you want to go to Ireland by plane, but you have a bit of a trust issue after the last time this happened, so how do you plan on overcoming this fear of flying?
HP: 40 (based of of strength)
Hunger: (Not relevant right now)
Thirst: (Not relevant right now)
(Destroyer of worlds. Eater of babies.)
Because i am a morally neutral person i will attempt to earn more money with some earnest and honest janitor work.
Plain D20 Based Roll Minimum roll 5 Critical roll at 17 : Rolled an 8
You manage to get about half what you need, but you can not work any more to earn the money because the boat you want to catch is leaving before your next pay check
HP: 50
Hunger: (Not relevant right now)
Thirst: (Not relevant right now)
(Destroyer of worlds. Eater of babies.)
Because i am a morally neutral person i will sneak into the boat.
@Deathpacitoast I want to know how you plan to do that, so I can make a roll and also for the funnies
(Destroyer of worlds. Eater of babies.)
Because i am a morally neutral person i will try to sneak into the boat without arousing any sort of suspicion. In other words. i will use the fantastical ability endowed by my ancestors.
“sneaking around people”
More specifically i will make sure that all the personnel nearby are distracted or atleast not focused on the entry way and worm my way through.
Advantage Dexterity(+4) Roll (Because you have easy time looking like everyone else because you are so average) Min : 8 Crit: 17
Roll: 13+4 = 17
soft crit
You easily manage to use your normality to not only sneak on a boat, but take control of a better completly diffrent boat after convincing the crew you are the captin because you are so unspecial you look like everyone you manage to get the old captin arrested under felony impersonation charges and are able to leave the dock when ever you want…
Lets wait for everyone else to be able to “escape” normal adult life before you leave the dock and head for Ireland
@Deathpacitoast /James James is able to leave to head for DEFINITELY IRELAND (What can go wrong?)
I dress the cat up as a leprechaun and beg him for gold.
… and punch people that threaten me/him.
… and sneak him in through my pocket
…if that doesn’t work I put him in a metal briefcase.