Game launch and intro videos are now stuttering quite a bit. They looked pretty smooth before.
At one point, another organism was chasing after my species, and moving up to them as if to engulf, but they couldn't because they had cellulose membranes. Here's an image:
[Fossilise screen](
The tutorial in the editor made the screen go too dark to see what it was referring to. When discussing the ATP bars, they were not visible at all. Don't recall if this was a pre-existing issue.
The Engulf tutorial kept pointing me towards empty space after organs had been swallowed by others.
Cells are overlapping a lot more - when trying to feed or bind, and also in multicell.
It is much harder to engulf or bind with other cells, which might be related to the overlapping issue. It usually takes a lot of pushing on the enemy cell while in engulf mode, before I can swallow it. The pulling cilia make it easier to engulf, but the issue is still clearly there. It also isn't only when near the limit for ingested material that this happens.
Auto save failed when going out of editor (after reloading the in-editor autosave):
error report
Error Saving - Saving failed! An exception happened exception: ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarException: Entry closed at '6014976' before the '6015842' bytes specified in the header were written
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarOutputStream.CloseEntryAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, System.Boolean isAsync) [0x0010e] in <82d3b1a41c8a4daeb7a8d496582b1183>:0
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarOutputStream.FinishAsync (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, System.Boolean isAsync) [0x00089] in <82d3b1a41c8a4daeb7a8d496582b1183>:0
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarOutputStream.Finish () [0x00012] in <82d3b1a41c8a4daeb7a8d496582b1183>:0
at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar.TarOutputStream.Dispose (System.Boolean disposing) [0x0000f] in <82d3b1a41c8a4daeb7a8d496582b1183>:0
at System.IO.Stream.Close () [0x00000] in <02071a39c8a34187bdd1f58e4be38764>:0
at System.IO.Stream.Dispose () [0x00000] in <02071a39c8a34187bdd1f58e4be38764>:0
at Save.WriteDataToSaveFile (System.String target, System.String justInfo, System.String serialized, Godot.Image screenshot) [0x000a1] in <81b89da682a443c5ac703a6872d10919>:0
at Save.WriteRawSaveDataToFile (SaveInformation saveInfo, System.String saveContent, Godot.Image screenshot, System.String saveName) [0x0001c] in <81b89da682a443c5ac703a6872d10919>:0
at Save.SaveToFile () [0x0001e] in <81b89da682a443c5ac703a6872d10919>:0
at SaveHelper.PerformSave (InProgressSave inProgress, Save save) [0x00025] in <81b89da682a443c5ac703a6872d10919>:0
This happened at a couple of points.
– Issues in Multicellular Stage –
Changing a cell's name in the cell editor doesn't change the cell name in structure editor. I think it was working before.
Large Iron chunks sometimes disappear right before my eyes.
An enemy cell swallowed a couple of my cells, while I was trying to swallow it, as it was visibly smaller than any of my cells, even though it's base hex size was about 10 higher than any of my cells.
I saw a pair of cells from my own species (which seemed to be the stem cells) appear out of nowhere.
Game performance in multicell is much better. I have noticed no drop in frame rate - I didn't get the fps display up, but there was no jittering. Previously, when I had a creature of more than a dozen cells, and another of my species at full size came into (or nearly into) view, I dropped to roughly 5fps. Much better! :+1:
Textures are no longer displaying correctly in Underwater Macro.
Macro underwater shot
Before, the metaballs looked like in the eidtor, and the iron chunk looked the same as in micro.
Edit: I’m still getting used to formatting posts, and writing it in a text file first messed it up in a way I can’t seem to fix.