Accidental Multicellular life (?)

You have provoked a gang war.

Been spending most our lives
Living in a microbe’s paradise


I hate posting off-topic things, but this might be the greatest Thrive community post of all time.


I’ve seen an entire species clump together.

Stratagy, eat them all easily, with a cost of wiping out their entire species!

With some sort of cell binder agent? You need 15 units of cell binder agent to connect yourself to a cell. Also after 2 cells unite, they are considered a multicellular life form according to the wiki.

So uh, basically the AI has access to a stage that the players don’t have? This is bad!

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Multicellular organisms aren’t implemented yet.

I know, it’s a joke… Everything i post is either a joke, or deeply serious, rarely something in the middle.

Did you just predict the binding agents or you posted after the announcement?

Ok that’s kinda funny

this is worrying for space time causality because he has to time travel probably.

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Not unless the post was made last year (which it wasn’t) because we started talking about binding agents being added last year, and the first playable version was already done in December.