Strength doesn’t matter if you can’t show up in the frontlines: Destroy an orbital ring on a planet belonging to a civ you are at war or about to have war
Global Qin: Collapse in a bloody rebellion right after unifying the planet
Coalition of singapores: Control top 10 most populated cities but less than 10% the planets land area
Still a thalassocracy, right?: Give a colony independence over its land, but not its seas or fishing rights
The same brain which discovered fire: Ascend without changing to another species, fully or partially replacing your brain with mechanical parts or doing genetic modifications
Too many people to corrupt: On a state with seperation of powers, spend more money to buy their loyalty than what you would need if you were just doing a military invasion, not counting the warmongering penalties in diplomacy as a cost
Capital zone: Buy so much land that if the lands you bought were a country it would have had the biggest land area in the world, even more than your other lands
Watching as it goes: Export food while you are starving
You do you: Allow a state to place troops inside your borders after two friendly states warned you that you will be attacked
Cashlord cannot be defied: Use a country or autonomous region refusing to use your currency as a justification for war
The best education for our interests: Open schools in other countries to spread your religion or increasing the minorities desires to rebel
Cosmic cattle: Have a traffic accident between two transport vehicles, one carrying living animals to the sloughterhouse, other carrying parts of an unfinished spacecraft to the factory
Textile hyperdemand: Have a society where people throw the clothes they wear to trash every day for the new ones to be manufactured in their stead
Twinkling skies: Record 20 supernovas in society/industrial stages
Cosmic time limit: Make it to space before 5 supernovas become visible in the sky
Habsburg: Control land surrounded by land you don’t control
Desired formerly beyond reach understanding: Improve your knowledge of maths to prove an equation you purchased from an alien civ which you use in engineering
Fool of you to depend on me: Attack a state which bought all its defence systems from you, hence cannot fire back (industrial/space)
Mandate of ruler: Ask your population to rebel to a governer you are unable to remove yourself
The party switch: Have your two major parties switch on what they support
Infinite equal possibilities: Spread contradicting theories after your state secrets were leaked so that it wouldn’t be possible to know which version is correct
The restaurant victory: Have a society where people don’t have kitchens in their homes where they assemble and process raw materials, everyone eats outside or buys pre made food
Ethical nuke: Warn your enemy beforehand and nuke a city with (potentially) no casualties
All roadsigns point to Jerusalem: Make your holy city on a magnetic north which isn’t covered with ice on your planet[1]
Life as it was recorded: Reach space stage early and find Earth while humans are still primitive, and uplift them[2]
Heavenly ray: Get hit by a lightning
Roy Sullivan: Get hit by a lightning more than once
Temptor: Have a sessile female and mobile male
Squirrels carrying tree dna: Be a temptor, but your females do photosynthesis
Plantigrade plant: As a plant, evolve plantigrade locomotion
Multigenerational journey: Have a migration pattern (which is essential and not repetitive) that lasts more than a lifetime and reproduce 10 times before evolving
Cyrus in the making: Play with the other kids in your tribe, impress them and make them agree that you should be their leader when you grow up (aware/awakening/after those?)
Diatom turtle: Have a silica exoskeleton
Built in glass: Have an eye lens that is made from glass
Step on spiky lego: Synthesize sharp pieces from glass or cellulose in aware stage and place them down like a hunting trap so that those that step on it would get splinters and bleeding damage
Horns from kidney: Make a body part or projectiles from salt crystals in an enviroment with high salt content
Behind shower[3]: Be transparent and have the same refractive index as water to hide from predetors (multicellular/aware)
Rethrowee[4]: During a battle, catch an explosive or toxic gas releaser and throw it back[5], giving damage to an enemy soldier
Explosion to prevent explosion: Detonate an explosive near a nuke to destroy it and to prevent it from having a nuke style explosion
Double predation: Leap and swing (brachiate) in a partially submerged forest to escape from a predetor moving the same way you do while a swimming predetor[6] is jumping from water to catch both of you and it can jump as high as the branches that can carry your weight go. Survive this encounter.
I only need to run faster than you: Start running from a predetor which just appeared, you escaping and the other one being eaten alive
Hard to breathe: Make a mobile heterotroph that is 1 meter in length in a planet with an atmosphere that is 25% carbon dioxide.
Constant drunkedness: In an anaerobic world, be an animal which makes energy by fermenting carbonhydrites into alcohol
Orbital destroyer: As a type 2 civilisation, have 70% of the oneill cylinders orbiting your star get at least 1 au away from it after a war
Hand warmer for dimetrodon: As a coldblooded species, after spending a lot of time sunbathing in previous stages, always carry a heater with you whenever you go outdoors
Complying to diffusion speed: As a species that can’t normally breathe underwater, hibernate with your lungs filled with water
Micro nitro: Throw a jet of liquid to reach a cell that is normally faster than you[7]
Primordial siege: With at least three cells, wait around a large cell whose only defence is surrounding itself with toxin clouds. Wait until the toxins disolve and the cell gets too malnourished to produce more and then kill it
Starving the plants: Siege a plant cell/colony by surrounding it with your opaque cells
Lively fashion: Have a culture where people surgically place living organisms inside their tissues like dermal fillers. Advantage: it moves and wiggles by itself although some may call this animal cruelty.
The purge: Have a day every year when no crime is punished and hospitals don’t provide service
The suprise purge: Every day throw a 365,25 sided dice and if it lands on the correct side, that day is the purge day. Isn’t that perfect?
Interstellar sociology: Get abducted before space stage, but before they can complete their research, their funding is retracted, so they toss you away, and you try to get back to your planet by hitchiking, but the universe is large, so you fail and decide to settle with other abductees you met along the way, telling your stories around a campfire and forming a close knit community, and this was the research subject all along and they drop you guys to your home planets.
Math homework as child labor: Don’t send every school kid the same maths homework. Have a society (before the invention of calculators) where the calculations that need to be done are sent to schools and results are retrieved the next day. The children are used as a computer(occupation). And to check if the results are correct, use the same system in captcha, send two questions one you know the answer, if that’s correct, assume the other one is correct too.
We don’t need no education: Have a species where the unborn children in the womb have a neural connection with their mother, and recieve from her her expertise, memories and ideology[8]
Why haven’t we done this already: Discover the brain region responsible for iq[9]. Remove 5% of it from everyone on your planet and connect the pieces you collected[10]. Now you have a giant brain with millions of iq. You can ask it anything and the correct answer will come. The only thing you need to do is to supply it with data from experiments it requested so that it would know what the laws of physics in this universe are.
Jobs for the living: Have 50% of your population work in goverment jobs which would have been incompetitive in the free market which was seen as an alternative to universal basic income after automation in every sector
Gravity detox: Have a “black hole merger tourism” because a part of your population believes being subjected to low but above average levels of gravitational waves have magical healing powers
Arctic survivor: Survive 1/10th of a day in an enviroment that is as below the freezing temperature of water as the boiling tempreture is above it[11]
Thin wet barrier: (non lawk) Mine ice from below the seas in society/industrial (in a planet where life doesn’t use a liquid that floats when frozen)
Intentional titanic: Put engines on glaciers and use them to ram other ships in a naval battle
Union with scotland: As a state formed after the fall of an empire, take control of a land that had resisted that empires expansion
Stonehenge as a goalpost: Place an ancient structure you unearthed in a sports stadium
Anyway, here is the other contestant: In an olimpics, while introducing the two states that are going to compete with each other, read two contradicting historical accounts[12] or a supernatural event that isn’t believed by one of them
Write-in victory: Win an election after the majority of people wrote your name in the section “if you didn’t like any of the candidates above, write your suggestion here”
One leg: Have one leg and move by jumping
Jumpyation: Mount a 1 legged creature as a 2 or more legged creature
Legisation[13]: Evolve legs from toes after having one leg
Not interested in rocks: Ascend without ever colonising any planet other than your homeplanet
Diasporist: Have more citisens living in other civ’s cities/planets than your own ones
Skypull: Have a space battle over a inhabited planet with the combined mass of the ships surpassing that of the planet
Switzerland: Be the only power not engaging in a global conflict
Like in the movies: Enter an enemy base from its ventilation system
Going below the water gate: Capture a walled city with a river going throgh it by using submarines (easier to do if submarine warfare isn’t known and they only take precautions against ships)
Quantum tunneling nomadic army: Move your steppe army on horseback to another landmass during low tide and there is another steppe on the other side
Surgically removing a part of the universe: Fix or contain a true vaccum bubble expanding in the speed of light (space/ascencion)
Faster than light demise: Go extinct after a true vacuum infests your ftl network
Noaterfall: (ascencion) Make a waterfall so long that the water turns into a mist and people standing right under the waterfall wouldn’t notice there was a waterfall
It is possible in minecraft: Climb a waterfall on a submarine[14], possibly in a very low gravity planet
Choosy but talented: Get the top 5% of the hardest achievements[15] without getting any of the top 10% of the easiest achievements
Geologic band aid: Start an ice age so that ice sheets would prevent the eruption of a supervolcano that is getting more active every day[16] (society/industrial/early space)
String phone: Make a telephone infrastructure that uses strings to physically transmit the sound. And there are amplifier stations, basically one guy listen to what you say and shout it to the next string like a simultaneous interpretor
I feel like an escelator would be more helpful: Build a zigzaging road for cars to climb to a 45° incline
I came to do nothing: Land on the center of the biggest city in a primitive world and do nothing while the locals throw their strongest weapons at you, until they get used to your presence and get back to what they were doing before, probably with the region around you now abandoned and constantly monitored
More nothing: After life becomes normal, move your spacecraft to the second biggest city to frighten the locals one more time the same way
Outstanding clock: Have a mechanical time keeping tower be operational continiously for 2000 years before space stage
Autotomy: Drop a part of your body after a predetor grabs it
Things we take for granted: Don’t use the same opening for eating and speaking
Blood brethren: (aware) Be able to share your blood with others, have one person specialise at eating and everyone connect to him when hungary. When someone survives a disease, have everyone connect to him. When someone is going through hypotermia, replace his cold blood for a quick recovery.
Absurd way to abuse the system: Perform a denial of service attack to a judicial system (which jails people who demand to be sent to jail so that they wouldn’t commit any crimes to achieve that) so that not all those people can be jailed and you recieve compensation
Bridger: Build 100 bridges on a river before space stage
Neglected lives: Lose 1 million lives because you have placed a residential area and forgot to connect it to anywhere else
Floodship[17]: Send a ship to rescue people from the high floors of buildings which are now floors in the sea level
Ghost city: Have less than 50% of the buildings occupied in one of your cities
Questions about the past: Meet the alien species that had left artifacts in your solar system
Never gonna wake you up: Survive a disease which has an incubation period of years and has infected a whole planet by making it stay incubated forever
Cosmic miner: Mine 10% of a non radioactive element in the galaxy
Wow.: Trade a work of art for a planet
Economic justification: After a state declares bankrupcy, pay its debt to its loaner to purchase the right to invade it
Polar lights: (easy achievement)(aware/awakening) See an aurora (borealis or australis)
World peace wasn’t the end of history: Expend your military allience to include all the planet. Then have its collective defense clause be activated.
Filter feeder: Feed from creatures 1000 times smaller than you
Speedrunner: When ranking the shortest time for ascension of every player[18], get to the top 10% of the list[19]
Ecclesiastic control: Have every city that follows your religion be in your control. Have no followers outside your state.(Also make majority of your cities follow your religion)
Unending war: Make war for 100 days while losing 1% or more of your soldiers[20] every day
Don’t worry, your estimated travel time is the worst case scenerio: Make a spaceship and send it to the nearest star. Then, improve your technology and send a faster spaceship to the same star, picking up the crew of the previous one along the way. Then, make the third spaceship and pick up the crew of the previous two (early space stage)
Thrived: Be the creature with the most biomass on your planet while there are 50 or more species
Exclusive road: Build a road for a minority to use and other drivers can’t use it because it requires polygonal wheels
Inside new management: As a symbiotic creature, have your host be eaten and continue functioning in another species
Non linear view of history: Reverse a great oxygenation event (before awakening)
Double riding: Use two mounts at the same time[21]
A violent world: After changing the name of your “ministry of war” into “ministry of defence”, be attacked because that was seen as a sign of weakness
You don’t deserve me: Refuse a royal marriage proposal coming from someone you proposed in the past, before you attained great power or wealth
Global nepotism: Put your relatives to the throne of every country
Zeppelivin’: Evolve air bladders for flight
Methane baloon: As a baloon-like species, store methane to fly which doubles as food
Surrounded by nature: Have 20 fatalities to wildlife while trying to climb a mountain to place a water tower or an internet tower
Cyber gold: Switch from a minarel currency to digital money with no abstract steps in between
Uninviting atmosphere: Have a meeting between 4 or more alien species where all but one has to wear a space suit
Inception: Influence the dreams of someone to have him do something you want
It can even write integers with a finite number of digits: Use the golden ratio as your number base
Not into naming, huh?: Stick to the random name generator the whole game
Alexandria: Name 15 cities after one person
Greco bactria: Conquer a land populated by your co-ethnics
Wrong route: Die from bleeding damage or poisoning[22] while going through thorny bushes
Lawn grazer: Have a grazing animal like goat in every household with a garden and have widespread milk/egg/blood product consumption
Omniadopted [goverment type]: Have a goverment type (like democracy, monarchy) be the only type in your planet (while there are 4 or more countries and no country has 50% the global land area)
Bangladesh: Have more population than a state which has 115 times the land area of you
Relax days: Have a society where 1 out of 2 days is a holiday
Calender reform: Start cancelling national holidays because there are too many and they hamper productivity[23]
Upper egypt is in north east: Don’t put north or south as the up direction in your maps, use east, west or a tilted axis before you discover the whole world
All black but here: Start a civilisation billions or trillions of years in the future and think your galaxy is the only galaxy in the universe
0 sick or healthy: As a micronation, issue a covid lockdown while 100% of your population is out of the country doing vacation in the bahamas
Prestige wars: Start the construction of a (world?) wonder but have it last long. When your neighbor sends you precious stones (as a gift) to mock your financial situation and to question your ability to complete the project, order those stones to be mixed with the cement of the building and complete the project before that ruler dies or is deposed
Carpet master khoresh fesenjan: Make a carpet the size of rhode island
Yeah… I can see how these are the same deity: Make a syncretism between two gods with opposite attributes (like war and peace or prosperity and humility)
Impossible odds: Win a war while outnumbered 30 to 1 (before space stage, without using robot armies)
Punishing the seas: Attack the water with swords and spears and whips
Young enough to excel: Do something to earn a nickname while your ruler hasn’t become an adult yet
The miracle of jesus: Have 12 friends in your 30s
Rise and fall: Hibernate while a species colonises the whole galaxy and goes extinct
Attached to high tech: Move at a speed you can’t achieve yourself by attaching your ship to a bigger ship belonging to an empire you are at war with and not being noticed
Almost fell: Skip from the atmosphere of a planet
Atlantis sinks: Sink a floating station to underwater to preserve energy for the forcefield while being bombarded from space
The attero device: Disable ftl[24]
Unnaturally full of dungeons and dragons: Start the game in a downloaded world instead of a seed
One wrong step: Fall into the backrooms
Sugar heaven: (cell stage) Start in a world filled with glucose clouds in maximum density
Free moving creature in editor: (multicellular) Click the evolve botton right before a creature started eating you. Enter the editor with that creature next to you. Use all your mutation points on placing cells which that creature instantly eats, and now you can’t even leave the editor because you can’t have a colony of 0 cells.
Grabby aliens: Play in multiplayer and have one player enter into space stage while another one is still a cell
Viral: Upload a thrive video to youtube and recieve 50.000 views or more
Returner: Open the game 10 years after you first opened it
I am the Garry: Encounter a dev in a multiplayer server
Liked ecosystem: Have your homeplanet be downloaded by 1000 people manually
Untolerable theological position: Make your missionary have a diologe with a missionary of another religion, which grows into a fist fight and one of them becomes a martyr
There are always differences: Have a religious war with another sect after the whole world converts to the same religion
Heretical lies: Order unearthed artifacts or discovered texts to be destroyed because they contradict your teachings
Removing too many parts: Lose 50% of your cells during fetus development to autolysis
A weak link: Go extinct because of your bad performence in one metamorphosis stage even though you excel in others
Eary: Have ears that protrude into the air for 1/2 your body length
Cushioned: Fall from a great heigth on top of another creature, you survive and it dies
Bombification: As a plant, evolve an explosive manner to spread your seeds
Ammo grows on trees: (awakening/society) Use explosive pine cones that exist in your planet as grenades
Propolis abundance: Secrete enough material (present right now) to cover the surface of your planet with 1 meter of that substance
Demolish sand castle: Shoot a termite mound that your species builds with a catapult/trebulchet
Hollywood solution to reverse climate change: Detonate reserves of methane under the permafrost to prevent an ice age
Walt disney frozen: Cryofrosft 90% of your population before the discovery of biological immortality
Boomers with guns: Have a reactionary counter revolution made by people waking up from hibernation
Don’t you want freedom?: Have a monarchist uprising
Poorly worded: As an AI, destroy and replace your creators by interpreting their orders in a different way
We could use some plague: No longer have advancements in medicine because there aren’t any terminally ill patients left who volunteer to dangerous experiments
Cannibal doctors: Catch your researchers feasting on dead bodies after too many of those were donated to science
Monetised healthcare: Put planned obsalescence on the drugs you sell
Attracting guano: Give nectar to migratory birds in return for their guano
Constant starvation: Stay in 1/10th or below in hunger bar for 1/2 a year[25]
Disco of planetary proportions: Turn your moon into a giant disco ball in disco mode
Marvel vs Dc: Activate the disco mode and fight an ascended being
Escape from the fiery air: Enter space stage after your planet was hit by an asteroid that will melt its surface. After that rebuild your civilisation
High acceleration in space travel: While having a close flyby with a spaceship you are at war, throw a harpoon at them and then evacuate all your personelle on escape pods before they are affected by the sudden deceleration.
High deceleration required: (continuing from above) your opponent has predicted this and they too threw their personelle on escape pods. Now both the spaceships are inactive in space and there are people in escape pods moving away from them. Bring all your escape pods(which have ion drives) to one spot and engineer something to get to the spaceships before the other ones do.
Urban feudalism: Have 90% percent of the homes not owned by people who live there but by landlords
Toxic fertility: Build your first city next to a volcano
Pompei: Lose a city to a volcanic eruption
Nazbol: Be culturally right wing ultranationalist and economically left wing socialist
Nuclear accelerationism: Push for nuclear armament and hope to remain the strongest ideology after a nuclear war (it is an ideology modifier and needs a base ideology. Called posadism if that ideology is communism)
Homosupremecism: Kill all heterosexuals. Reproduce “without liking it” or with technological assistance.
Randomocracy: Chose public officials with a (fair) lottery. There is now zero corruption but ruler stats equal to the average education level.
Technocracy: Chose public officials with a test on those fields.
The way of god: Chose public officials by who memorises the religious texts the best
Only fresh minds: Only allow people younger than 18[26] to vote.
Long constitution: Put a clause in your very long constitution which says “hey, if anyone reads this, call this number and get 1 million dollars” and then have a protest where protesters chant “for a decent way of life” and making a reference to that law.
This is the celestial horse I was talking about: Make contact with a primitive world only to be met with a shaman on drugs claiming to be your best friend
You are going to love me: Make a roman style triumph in a country after invading it as a foreigner
Synthetic nationalism: Make your national anthem from electronic music
Jazzing the troops: Make war music from electronic music
Misjudged: Have a decrease in happiness after improving the citisens wellbeing because of one influential newspaper
Oppurtunity missed: Survive a mass extinction as a generalist small animal and still be that after all the nieches were filled again
Not very nice of you: Have a still operational united nations condemn a world war
Deagriculturilisation: Lose the ability to farm and have a population crash because you standardised all the crops and they caught a disease because of low genetic diversity
Carthagenian demise: Throw salt to the ground at a place so that the inhabitants can’t grow crops anymore
Those dangerous microlignins: In a world with plastic trees, invent wood
Biogeyzer: As a sessile species, throw your seeds with water high into the air to use the winds
No need for big muscles or physiology: Make a regiment consisting of gliders who power their flight with pole vaulting
Stick’y jumper: Evolve the ability to pole vault
Good luck pushing on mud: Chose a location with no hard ground as a battleplace to nullify the opponents pole vaulting ability[27]
Outsmarting the mudheads: Add snowshoe to your pole vault
Raw spagetti legs: Make a legged air wehicle and its legs are pole vaults
Curse those triple jumpers: Earn the olympic medal for long jump, double jump and quadruple jump but not the triple jump
How dare you electrocute my tribal leader: Go to a war with a tribe because right when you met and were shaking hands you had a static electricity shock
You look so electro cute: Make a species which seduces the other gender by writing poems in electricity
Beauty in simplicity: Ask an awakening species whose homeworld you colonised if they want to come ascend with you and take the answer “nah, we have everything we want in here”
Mean visitor: (space stage) Beam up a society/industrial stage alien from its city and drop it to the wild
Interventionist visitor: (space stage) Change the tide of a war in a primitive planet
Monetising prime directive: Have a stock market where advanced alien civilisations bet on what happens in pre space stage worlds
Zeus is gonna get mad if he hears prometheus introducing fire: Influence a planet under monetised prime directive without getting caught
Ent love life: Go extinct because all our females or males went to another patch for soulsearching and never returned
Oakenshield: Take a tree branch and use it as a shield right before you were slain
Building a wall around our problems: After sieging an ecumenopolis[28] and fighting in the corridors for a long time, decide to pour concrete between the floors you captured and the floors you didn’t. And settle on the surface of the planet.
Siege of alesia but in space: Control the middle floors of an ecumenopolis[29] while the lower and the higher levels are controlled by the same power
Weaponising radiotherapy*: After your city was taken hostage and they threathened to blow everyone up, send radiation from all directions which only reach dangerous levels on the spot you want to strike
Happy celebrations: Make a truce in a day like christmas
Ecumenostellapolis[30]: Turn a star into a city (this is better than a dyson swarm which passively feeds on a stars fusion with no control over its speed and no acces to the mass)
Legolas: Have enough precision to shoot a spaceship from a lightminute away
Demammalification: As a former birth giver, start laying eggs
Giant chicken: Be a bipedal apex predetor of the highest weight class and have a beak attack type
They can’t siege: Have your whole country be raided without losing any cities
Year of six emperors: Have 6 emprerors in one year (one at a time)
Mystery beast: Cause a megafauna in your planet to go extinct without ever discovering it
Slow ship: Design a ship which moves slightly faster than a river and make it move 1/10 equators upstream with respect to the ground and 3/10 equators with respect to the water
Diminished speed: Keep a cell slowed inside mucilage until it starves
Cloud avoider: Enter multicellular without ever eating compound clouds. Use only the compounds present in the enviroment but invisible
Stick to the original: Enter space stage with the city you started in society stage still as your capital
imagine having a magnetic pole reversal and your compasses start showing the holy city of the heretics and the compasses of heretics point to your city ↩︎
other achievements for finding them developed ↩︎
the thing that shows behind it ↩︎
the thing that was thrown again ↩︎
or use a tennis racket ↩︎
like a shark ↩︎
and eat it ↩︎
similar to how human babies recieve antibodies ↩︎
as opposed to something like regulating body temperature ↩︎
with immunity repressors and antibiotics and mechanicly filtering and adding oxygen and glucose to the blood that is being fed ↩︎
if water boils in 100° and freezes in 0°, survive in -100°. The required temperature also depends on how high in a mountain you are. Stopping your bodily functions and then restarting doesn’t count. ↩︎
for example: hittites and egyptians both claiming to have won the battle of kadesh ↩︎
not to be confused with legislation ↩︎
in your homeworld ↩︎
according to steam data ↩︎
according to MinuteEarth, glaciers stop normal volcanos, I don’t know if they would also stop supervolcanos ↩︎
This isn’t a good name but couldn’t think of anything ↩︎
those who have internet connection ↩︎
no more than 10% of players can have this achievement, unless more people enter the list at some point and then exit ↩︎
which may or may not be replenished ↩︎
example: ride a horse like animal and have another animal on top of the horse which is a small animal with elephant tusks ↩︎
caused by the bushes ↩︎
like the yearly celebration of the current rulers nephew losing his baby teeth ↩︎
not from the game settings, build a device in the game which prevents ftl travel it in its range ↩︎
also: constant dehydration ↩︎
or whatever 18 corresponds to ↩︎
which you don’t have ↩︎
and they don’t run out of energy because they have matter to energy conversion catalyzers ↩︎
with extensive vertical growth in both directions ↩︎
I made up that name ↩︎