New names: {“Raise the bar!”, “Resist against the Combine!”}
Is time to monkee: evolve a chimp
Kong is here: evolve a gorilla
Dr Zaius, Dr Zaius: evolve an orangutan
Did you think this was a joke?: in society stage, conquer a nation bigger than yours.
You thought this was a “David vs Goliath” situation: in society stage, conquer a nation smaller than yours.
Your lack of imagination disturbs me: evolve a human-like creature
Some new ideas: (Been listening to a bit too much music, likely)
Space stage:
- I touched the fire: Have a ship travel through the atmosphere of a star and return intact.
- And I felt the burning on my skin: Create a colony on a star.
Society into Industrial:
- The night is bitter cold: Create a functional colony on a polar ice cap.
- When I need you the most I go unnoticed: Cause a newborn colony to fail by ignoring all calls for help.
- My shadow’s the only one that walks beside me: As a social animal, spend a significant portion of your lifespan alone.
- To know I’m still alive: As a social animal, be the only survivor of your pack/herd/colony and live a full lifespan.
- Think I’m addicted to your light: As a cave dwelling creature, evolve to become a heliophile (sun loving organism, need not be photosynthetic).
- I’m surrounded by your embrace: As a ground bound heliophile, evolve to fly.
You find it!!: Discovers Mars
The red menace: colonize Mars
Red is menaced: terraform Mars
Invasion of the others: fill Mars with lifeforms that come from your Homeplanet
Native is best: fill Mars with lifeforms that come from Earth
That’s wasn’t supposed to happened: Uplift humans in Mars
Stop messing with this game!!: Uplift humans in Earth first and then on Mars
Let me guess, your favorite novel is WOTW?: Uplift humans in Earth first and then uplift other creature on Mars
10000 points for Gryffindor: reach the awakening stage as a hexapod creature with feathered wings
10000 points for Hufflepuff: evolve a creature that can inflate itself
10000 points for Ravenclaw: evolve a crow-like creature
10000 points for Slytherin: reach the awakening stage as a creature without arms and legs.
Why would you think earth and Mars would exist in Thrive?
I don’t know, maybe they are easter eggs that only appear in one of 100 games.
I mean I hope that can be implemented, it just seems unlikely. I like the Easter egg idea though.
Explain why we have a Fermi paradox: find another civilization in a stellar system near to yours.
You are the answer for the Fermi paradox: eliminate another civilization in the nearest stellar system.
Biblaridion is going to sue us: create a planet of giant spiders and jumping squids.
This isn’t Spore: Evolve an animal-like cell
Or maybe it is: Gain awareness as an animal-like cell
Why i’m hearing boss music?: fight against a creature bigger than yours
Are you kidding me?: ascend as a human or a human-like creature
Lovecraftian universe: ascend as a octopus-like creature
I’m naked: don’t invent clothes
Simearth reference: discover a planet where dinosaurs and mammals coexist
Why everything evolving into crab? - Evolve into a Crab-like creature
Wait, he speaks? - Reach the tribal stage as a slime-like creature
Learn to fly before you walk - Develop power Flight before you ascend to the ground (like Flish from the “the future its wild”)
It over? So soon? - Extinct at the microbial stage in mass extinction from a non-biological event
We are one, We are all! - Ascend as a Eusociality Creature
Stop that train: In industrial stage, watch a train gone wild without a pilot.
The Deep Impact would cause an Armageddon: In industrial stage, find an asteroid or comet that is going to crash into your planet.
Searching for a friend for the end of the world in Greenland: In industrial stage, watch that asteroid or comet crash into your planet.
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing: In industrial stage, stop that asteroid or comet or deviated from its path.
Inconceivable!: form a plot to start a war for political gain while someone else trys to do the same while one independent outlaw ruins both of your plans.
Overkill is my favorite kind of kill: use nuclear weapons to solve a totally mundane problem.
The great emu war: mobilise your nations army to deal with a infestation of non-predatory non-dangerous pests, and loose.
If brute force isn’t working you aren’t using enough of it: rearrange a solar system to suit your needs without using superscience technologies.
Dyson dilemma: reach ascension and truly thrive without making any mark observable by a lower tech species.
Space opera: unlock all superscience techs without undertaking any megaprojects, and live only on planets.
It’s been a while since I saw this thread, brings back memories… some I’d rather not have.
Nature’s Luck: Avoid 5 mass extinction events without dying.
“I like those odds.”: Get yourself into a fight where at least 6 organisms are after you and win.
Pure Precision: Kill three organisms by only striking them critically
Comms means communications btw.
Sci-fi classic: Try and fly a spacecraft without propellant
Dean drive: make a reactionless drive that turns rotation into linear movement.
Dean dangerous: have 7 or more conspiracies at once.
President Dean: have a society ruled by the academia.
Deany Dean: get all Dean achievements, including this one. How.
We can be heroes: in any stage, save a creature that is in danger
The Killing Star is here: use a relativistic missile for the first time
Have a corrupt security officer use excessive violence in his moment of extreme chauvinism.
Omnipotent trollage: step 1: reach ascension, step 2: find a awakening society. Step 3: perform miracles so they start a religion, step 4: stop doing miracles when they reach society Step 5: religion dies out by space, step 6: smite all of the nonbelievers