
I think Garry’s Mod achievements have to play up the parody - there is no game structure and no balance, so the only real achievements have to be simple checks and statistics. There’s, of course, the “:belgium:hole developer” (more intentional for Rust) aspect of both Gmod and Rust.
Rust is a great social experiment, but that’s a topic for another time. The malevolence is just part of the test.

Thrive is not going to be that sort of game. I’m one for making the game itself punishing (for realism) but it’s not a meanie out to cause distress to the player.

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Great as long as it remains a video game. I don’t think it would be great if it really happened.

True, but having to play with the dev who doesn’t play anymore? Kinda excessive. The Workshop ones too. As for the other ones, they are relatively easy to get if you know how to. And no, you don’t have to play an entire year to get the time achievements. You can use the Windows hibernation mode. There is a steam guide about it if folks here are interested. Anyway, these two achievements were just excessive.

Oh no! No, no, no, no! :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

blackjacksike is deeply traumatized

In such an event, I’d do everything to get out of the island. Even making deals with the scientists.

As said by XCOM soldiers panicking, “We need an emergency EVAC. We need an EVAC now, belgium! NOW!”

shoots enemy

Wait, what does that mean? I know it’s censoring, but the [REDACTED]hole doesn’t remind me anything.

The ideal time to complete the microbe stage should be tweaked to be about 2 hours. Having it longer than that is going to be just too long for an average player. We aren’t making a game were it is an achievement to just finish one playthrough, we want people to have the patience to try multiple times with different tactics.


But still, why? The entire point of an achievement is the bragging rights behind it, and the sense of pride and accomplishment behind it. If you cheat to get it there is literally no reason for it.

That wasn’t the point of my post. It was just an introduction to my saying. The point is that it’s not because an achievement is supposed to give pride and accomplishment that it should necessarily be difficult.
Also, nobody talked about achievements based on luck. In Plague Inc., it can become really tiring of trying scenarios over and over again because most of them purely depend on luck, which is why I’m not playing them right now.

Yeah it sort of is? I don’t know about you, but I don’t get any feelings of accomplishment if it didn’t take effort. That’s the entire point of accomplishment, the feeling that you managed something difficult.


Wait, I email-posted here. Why can’t I see my new post?

Discourse incoming email says:

Seems it is some post rate limit: (this second thread seems to indicate that you should have received a failure reply)

It kinda seems that you can only reply by email once every 5 minutes (as emails are polled every 5 minutes). I don’t think I should disable posting rate limit (which is set to 5 seconds). The problem (from what I gathered from those linked threads) is that the emails are processed every 5 minutes and all the posts are made at once (ie. there is a delay of 0 seconds), so the second post is rejected.


Then, I’ll type it here.

Yeah, it can be difficult, but not too much. I’m not really a man who likes challenges.

MAHANDICUS GHANDICUS- through all the game never harm anyone.
GHANDI’D- never harm anyone untill the research and usage atom bombs
THE STAGE THAT WASN’T IN SPORE- finish the microbe stage
THONK MODE ACTIVATED- finish the multicellular stage
OOGA BUUGA TIME - finish the aware stage
BUILDING! UNITS! PIE! - finish the awakening stage
MECHANISED INDUSTRY- finish the society stage
SPOCE M8 - finish the industrial stage
THE ASCENSION (image is the face of kane) - finish the space stage


wow, just, wow: evolve humans…and watch them go extinct in a few generations.
mouths don’t go there!!: evolve a creature with a mouth in other place
does this remind you of something?: in the civ stage, as an island nation, watch a colony you made in a continent far away becoming independent.
hercules: evolve a strong sapient creature
how is that possible?: evolve a sapient limbless creature
alien darwin is here: in the civ stage, one of your creatures discovers evolution

At this point, should vote for a universal name for stage transitions achievements?
I mean, they are pretty common among suggestions, so maybe we should collect the names and then do the vote.

I don’t think that will solve it though. See: the fact that 5 posts after a discussion against ‘do some basic thing for a funny haha achievement’-achievements there came posts about ‘do some basic thing for a funny haha achievement’-achievements.

Honestly this thread is useless at this point, even in the earlier forum every notable achievement that could actually have results was posted in the first 20 posts, near everything after that was of lesser quality than the misc thread.

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But you know that stage transitions achievements are about progression in the game, and thus good for players? And if you tell me that 2 hours for a stage isn’t enough, I won’t believe you.

I know that, it’s just that at this point even the useful achievements have all been done multiple times.

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Wait, when was that?

  1. Microbial Carnivore - Complete the cell stage only using the predatory play styLe

  2. Never Ending Disco Party - Complete the entire game in Disco Mode WITHOUT dying.

  3. Square Cubed - Complete the Aware stage while maintaining a cube-like shape.

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The Cycle: After ascending,bring a species all the way from single cell to ascension.

Unlimited Power: Make a civilization that uses the rotational energy of black holes as an energy source.

Destroyed Worlds: Reach space stage and die five times.

Type Three Civilization: Reach Ascension stage and use your power to conquer and terraform 100 worlds to your own desires.


“Unlimited Power” unleashed the forces of the SW references! (I’m a proud member of r/Prequelmemes even tho I’ve watched only Rogue One)

“I am the Senate!” - Corrupt every politic in a Republic

“You were my brother, [insert species name], I loved you!” - betray a species you have high relations/alliance with (or maybe they’ll betray you :thinking:)

“Never tell me the odds!” - do something successfully when the odds are against you

“There’s always a bigger fish” - meet a superior species