
We’re in the endgame now: turn off LAWK (life as we know it)

“They say all’s fair in love and war, but I won’t need to fight it we’ll be united!”: meet a peaceful spacefaring civilization while also being a peaceful spacefaring civilization

What’s in your wallet?: steal from another civilization (spacefaring or otherwise)

Spider-Man?: evolve a kind of biological suspension method

Bosons, gluons, and quarks, oh my: discover advanced quantum physics

Rain World: recreate the entire plot of rain world (why yes, I am to lazy to write out all that includes)

I’M NOT AN OWL!: become a sort of joint transmission between two spacefaring civilizations

If my heart was a house you’d be home: allow a parasite entrance into your species’ blood stream (blood being any fluid that carries nutrients though your body)

“Wack”: become fundamentally asymmetrical in the late multicellular stage or any of the aware stage

Target self-checkout camera: as a spacefaring civilization startle another species with your appearance alone

Hindsight: evolve an optical organ in the back of your species

Slenderman incarnate: become 3 meters tall and less than one meter wide

Nostalgic…: successfully create life from inorganic parts to make a cell

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age of war: start a war in the awakening stage and finish it in the space stage
hey, that’s my planet!!: colonize a planet that has already a sapient creature
sorry, we didn’t see you: colonize a planet that has an aquatic or a subterranean sapient creature
jumanji!!: evolve a sapient creature in the jungle
i, tarzan: evolve an arborean sapient creature
fly away from here: evolve a flying sapient creature
you laugh at the devs: reach the society stage a an underwater creature using hydrothermal vents to melt metals
the devs laugh at you: go to land to reach the industrial stage
decide at once!!: take an aquatic creature and 1) evolve it to a terrestrial creature, then evolve that creature to an aquatic creature, and then, repeat five times…
under the sea: evolve a mermaid
under the sea, under the sea: create and uplift a mermaid
teenage mutant ninja turtles: evolve an armored sapient creature that is, also, fast and agile
H.G. Wells aproves this: evolve a martian of the “War Of The Worlds” novel
you need to read WOTW: invade a planet and fail because of a small detail you didn’t considered
Tri-pod: invade a planet using three-legged machines
landshark!!: evolve a terrestrial shark-like creature
kong-frontation: find a giant “ape”
Look at my new appendix: evolve a sapient creature with tail
now i have a third arm: evolve a sapient creature with a prehensile tail
is only for decoration: evolve a sapient creature with a fluffy tail
are you kidding me?: evolve a sapient creature with a short tail
now, you are messing with me: evolve a sapient creature with a boneless tail
lord of the underworld: develope a subterranean civilization
are you sure this is a tail?: evolve a tail that has a hand in the tip
what is love?: evolve an asexual creature
bears are bad news: evolve a bear-like creature
fthag’n: evolve a winged octopod
pika?: evolve an electric “mouse”
is devolution, baby: downlift an alien civilization
is deeevolution, is deeevolutiooooon: downlift five alien civilizations
stellaris in a nutshell: wage war against every alien civilization you encounter
this…is…SPARTAAA!!!: destroy an enemy army with an army of 300 soldiers


Hey, I wrote a post quite a while ago about achievements, and I’ve read on the devs forums that many were putting impossible achievements. My post has possible achievements. What do you think about it?

Is that achievement list complete, or does it still lack some achievements?

Also, if the game is put into Steam, will the achievements be on Steam? This way, it wouldn’t be like Spore in which you cannot share your achievements on Steam (they are only in-game).

Probably this post and the two preceding it could be moved to the achievements thread if a mod is passing :slight_smile:

I am not sure there is an achievements list is there? There is a long thread with lots of ideas in which is cool however I don’t think any have been selected so far.

Personally I think the most interesting way to use achievements is to encourage people to play in an unusual way.


First Strike: Attack another microbe

Predator: Survive on only other microbes for five generations

Nuclear: Add a nucleus to your microbe

Let there be light: Add a bio luminescent vacuole to your microbe

Explorer: Discover a new patch (achievable in all stages with patch maps)

The Bigger they are: Kill a microbe that is trying to eat you

Multi cellular

Jump Start: Start a new game, skipping the Microbe Stage (achievable in all other stages)

Colony: Add another cell to your microbe

Reaper: Hunt a species to extinction (achievable in the aware and awakening stages too.)

Apex Predator: Reach the top of the food chain for your patch (achievable in the aware stage too.)


Fresh Air: Evolve into a land species

Carnivore: Eat a diet of only other organisms for the entire stage

Herbivore: Eat a diet of only plant-like organisms for the entire stage

Omnivore: Eat any type of organism for the entire stage

Green Machine: Gain food through photosynthesis for the entire stage


Hunter: Kill 100 organisms for the tribe

Sacrificial: Sacrifice 20% of your tribe to the primitive gods

Close Call: Recover from almost losing your entire tribe in a battle

Friendly Neighbor: Ally with every known tribe

Zealot: Convert all known tribes/nations to your religion (achievable in society, industrial, and space stages too)

Share the world: Advance to the society stage with another sapient species


Atlantean: Have one of your society centers flood

Bread for all: fail to prevent a peasant rebellion

Short Fuse: have all rebellion types happen at least once (achievable in the industrial stage too)

Conqueror: Control 90% of the land on your continent (can be achieved in the industrial stage too)

Colonizer: Create a society center on another continent

Love is eternal: Form a royal marriage with another nation

Warmonger: Declare war on all other nations at least once (can be achieved in the industrial stage too)

Puppeteer: Subjugate 25% of the nations on your continent (can be achieved in the industrial stage too)

Ruler of the waves: Have the largest navy on your planet (can be achieved in the industrial stage too)


I am become: Construct and detonate a nuclear device against a rival nation

Orwell: Form a dictatorship

Crawl out through the fallout: Survive a global nuclear war

Swiss: Avoid all conflict for the entire stage

Plague Inc: Create a bio weapon that kills 90% of the global population

Makes the world go round: Become a corporate state and purchase the entire world

Relics of the past: Discover ancient ruins from a destroyed civilization (achievable in the space stage too)


Through the Wormhole: Travel to another solar system using interstellar travel

ErR0r: Start a galaxy-wide robotic rebellion

Singularity: turn a star into a black hole

Blackout: freeze aliens to death by shrouding their star

Time bomb: Reach the space stage before your planet is destroyed

The Red Button: Cause your home world to explode

Space Invaders: Invade a planet with a species at or above the awakening stage

Habitat: Terraform all planets and moons in your solar system (if you have multiple)

Bio Weapon: Genetically engineer an existing animal on a planet with a species at or above the awakening stage to destroy the biosphere

Devolving: Cause a space-faring species to devolve back to the awakening stage

Halo: Construct a mega-structure

The Sky is falling: Destroy the home world of another species by bombarding the surface


Playing God: Ascend


Couple small ones based mostly on WW2 / WW1 stuff i thought of

blitzkrieg - Using a combination of Aerial and mechanical ground forces quickly capture and conquer a large amount of opposing countries within 5 days

Hindenburg - Crash a Zeppelin (alternate version would be to crash a zeppelin on Film but that wouldn’t work in thrive)

What Treaty of Versailles? - After a major war which ends with a treaty that you are no longer allowed to amass troops over Amount here and construct tanks. Create tanks and amass troops anyways

Are we the bad guys? - Become the nazi’s Nuff said

World War 1 - Engage in a conflict with a large amount of factions in your planet at once

World War 2 - Engage in a second global conflict after the first one (doesn’t count unless there is atleast a year gap)

Wonderful Wunderwaffe - create atleast 3 varieties of “Wunderwaffe” Weapons (these can be new technologies not yet used by any other race on your planet and are near futuristic in nature in certain ways)

Sun gun - create a giant weapon which uses the sun to fire a laser

Just stop now - Create concentration camps (should actually remove an achievement )

Schwerer Gustav - Create the largest artillery in your planet for more than 5 years

Smeltle the meltle create an alliance with an underwater race on your planet and grant them metals and underwater smelteries

Water War 1 Have your allied underwater civ engage in a war with another two underwater civs in the planet whom have been gifted similar metal powers

Operation: Overlord - invade or be invaded in a massive beach invasion force

Operation: drolrevO - Invade or have an Underwater civ get invaded in a massive reverse beach invasion force

thats all for now


I wonder how high the achievements/second would be if most of the achievements in these threads would be added. Remember that they should be achievements, acquired by actually putting in effort. Some easter egg ones could be added, but currently around 9/10 are just awkward references and puns based on just playing normally.

If I were to play the current game with achievements added I would probably get around 5 achievements per minute because of the massive amounts of achievements like ‘add an oxytoxy’ ‘kill a cell’ ‘kill a cell using oxytoxy’ ‘eat the organelles dropped by a cell’.


Exactly, I think that achievements should be either

  • Showing the player’s skill or the lack of it
    (“Do this and that without ever dying” or “Go extinct” and so on)

  • Forcing the player to explore a new gameplay style
    (“Do this and that without ever inventing this and that”, you get the point)

  • Easter egg achievements
    (Most of the ones occurring here, these should be like 10 % of all the achievements at best)

If you reward the player for every move he makes the achievements stop feeling special. There’s around 500 achievements in TF2 and every time I get one, it feels like a great victory. Because the achievements require skill or at least some progress along the learning curve. Similarly, The Witness has only two achievements and they both make you feel like a god. Why? Because they are not trivial to get. Trust me, not at all (Okay, one of them is for finishing the game, but 1) that itself is a success and 2) the second one took me DAYS of trying one :belgium: challenge). The point is, by having a lot of achievements, you do not get rid of the feeling of rush and accomplishment they are supposed to give you. But they need to be actual achievements. Quality over quantity.


Yeah, I think I should re-work my achievements to make them more valuable. I will see to that.

Do you mean the joke achievements that just can’t be added to the game or the ones I did that would just give too many achievements for nothing? For the joke achievements, they could just be added to the wiki like the TF2 joke achievements.

All things begin with a single click: Bootup the game.

Whats on the menu: See the menu.

The Calm before the storm: Linger on the menu for more than one nanosecond.

I’ll have that please: Interact with the menu.

Baby Steps: Play for one second.

Slightly bigger steps: Play for two seconds.

You’re making progress: Play for three seconds.

That’s what I like to see: Play for four seconds.

Playing the game like a boss: Play for five seconds.

I’m getting ‘Six’ of this joke: Play for six seconds.

Are we done yet?: Play for seven seconds.

Doing some more: Play for eight seconds.

Almost there: Play for nine seconds.

A true milestone: Play for ten seconds.

You suck: Die.

Rage quit: Close the window in a fit of anger.

That’s the spirit: Bootup the game again.

Crash landing: Crash the game by accident.

Gosh dang: Why are you still reading these achievements?


There you are, minding your own business playing Mario, and then suddenly you’re a plumber. You didn’t want this. You didn’t ask for this. But there it is.


Microbe Stage
Learn… : Complete the tutorial.
Ironborn : Use iron in your cell’s metabolism.
Symbiosis : Have a symbiotic relationship with another cell.
Organized… : Help your cell make phospholipid membranes inside itself (Buy a nucleus).
Autotrophic : Learn how to produce your own energy.
Heterotrophic : Become a hunter and consumer.
A new organelle : Engulf a bacteria that becomes an organelle.
The Ultimate Cell: Have a cell with every possible organelle.
Unification Day : Form a cell colony.

Toward sentience : Develop a nervous system.

Sapience : Start to craft and use tools.


The Battle of Five Armies: Have 5 species in Awakening Stage up to Industrial Stage at the same time and make them fight with each other simultaneously.
Together Strong : Build a Society Center.

Advanced : Have sufficiently advanced technologies.


Odd similarity : Go through the game while having a history similar to humans’ (Microbe stage to Industrial stage).
Snake Eater: Have an espionage mission accidentally spark an international incident.
Outer Heaven: Play as a nation of mercs.
The Man Who Sold the World: Use plastic surgery to fake your leader’s death.
Synthetic rebellion : Discover the robotic threat (robots rebellion).
Big old EMP charges : Win against the robotic threat.
Cold-hearted killers : Lose against the robotic threat.
Screw the Matrix : Overthrow the robotic threat by leading a resistance.
XCOM : Discover the new threat (aliens attacks on Earth).
Combine : Lose against the alien threat.
Seven Hour War : Lose against the alien threat in exactly or approximately seven hours.
Omicron’s opinion about The Elders’ IQ : Win against the alien threat.
Orange Crowbar : Overthrow the aliens by leading a resistance.
Enter the Metro: Experience nuclear apocalypse and have your species take shelter in re-purposed public transport.
Being RoboRomb : Find a way to travel through space.
Zerg rush: Reach the Space Stage as a hive-mind species.


The XCOM project: Invade a stranger species and be defeated due to them using your tech against yourself.
Fremen rider: Ride a worm creature.
Manifest Destiny : Find out what happened to humans.
Humanity’s savior : Revive or save humanity after finding out what happened to humans if need be.
Becoming a God : Reach the Ascension stage.
Earth Share : Help humans reach the Ascension stage.

Resources to Spare: Build a second ascension gate.

Ascension : Begin the Ascension stage.

P.S.: Yes, it’s the same post for now, but I’m editing it here because people don’t want to go back 30 posts aways from here to just see a bunch of edits. I’ll also try to unify the achievements from people here.

[In construction]


  • Post 61 by Biologicah
  • Post 68, made by Omicron.

Oops, I think I sparked an international incident.

EDIT: should I erase it, or was the joke politically ok? I was making reference to your old pfp.

Joke deleted

EDIT 2: @Omicron, will you delete your post? I won’t complain if you don’t, but I would like it if you did. Else, deleting my joke wouldn’t have any purpose.

Blackjacksike has made a good list of progression-related achievements.
I’ll type a list of what makes or breaks a good achievement.

  • Achievements should encourage the player to try new playstyles. Thrive will have many options, both in biological makeup, political choices, as well as self-imposed challenges.

  • Inspiring achievements should be the majority of challenges. Be the pitiful worm! Be a photosynthesizer! Eat iron! : ways to play outside the norm.

  • Many games feature achievements for simply playing the game for a long time, and performing common actions many times. These aren’t very interesting, they just happen eventually.

  • Achievements should be open-ended, there should be multiple paths to solve a specific challenge. Don’t bloat your criteria for epic reference points.

  • Achievements can vary in difficulty, but all of them have to pose some meaningful resistance to the player. Even “progression-based” ones are still challenges, but they aren’t just solved in one encounter.

  • Achievements can’t be “too hard” either. This is a subjective topic, but it ties into the “criteria bloat” idea I mentioned earlier, as tighter conditions tend to cause more difficulty. If your challenge is so hard so as to be unfun for the majority of players (including those who excel at the game), then don’t include it. Thrive will have many randomized events and few tight inputs, and this makes it more strategic than technically demanding.


It is always fun to have a couple really difficult achievements though, for the true completionists. I know someone who almost doubled the amount of hours he has in Dark Souls 3 attempting to get the last three achievements. It’s not like achievements are mandatory, they’re supposed to be for the ones that want a true challenge.

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Alright due to achievement discussion i’ll make it good (disclaimer first few ones are just speed run ones)

Fastest microbe in the Pool - Complete Microbe stage in half a real world day (i’m sure thrives final microbe stage is going to normally take longer than a day considering the complexities added to it)

The Speed for Need - Complete Multicellular stage in a similar time

Alien Cheetah - complete Aware stage in similar times

Big brain - Complete the awakening stage by speeding through inventions

Thee cannot matcheth mine own speedeth casual - Speed through the medieval portion of Society stage from start of society to the end of the medieval portion (saying this as if there will be a definitive medieval part of thrive)

Fast, Factories. Get to and through the industrial revolution point in time in a couple of in game days

The Fast and the Fuhrerious - Get through your planets world war by conquering the whole planet in under 40 in game days (you’d have to use blitzkrieg tactics in order to accomplish this remember they reached sedan in 3 days, Further more this achievement should also be rewarded if you complete industrial stage via conquering the whole planet)

No more speed ones

Perfect luck - Somehow make designs like the Tsar tank not fail once in service

You know they actually did this IRL - make a saucer shaped flying hover vehicle

You won’t be able to share this - make everything that you can customize under player control look like a dick (this takes time and effort you know so i think it qualifies as an achievement)

I’ll edit this list later my computer is lagging too much to add anything


Some funny joke ones I randomly thought of

Dark Cells : Beat the microbe stage without dying
Dark Cells 2 : Beat the multicellular stage without dying
Dark Animals : Beat the aware stage without dying
Dark Cavemen : Beat the Awakening stage without dying

…you get the point


Though, one can still cheat if they don’t want the challenge. It’s like my ironman playthrough in XCOM 2. I used a backup save system, so that I wouldn’t have to restart all over again. Eventhough, I savebelgiummed around 12 times, which was less than my non-ironman playthrough because I didn’t want to quit the game each time only to save belgium. Most people would tell me that at this point, I should use SAM. However, I still gave the effort of doing an entire playthrough. So, I don’t like ironman achievement unless it’s not bound to a specific range of difficulty.

As for Dark Souls, I never really played them. Are they like really hardcore?

Also, some achievements feel like troll. In Garry’s Mod, there’s an achievement called “Yes, I am the real Garry!”, which requires the player to play with Garry Newman, the game’s creator. Nonetheless, he isn’t playing the game anymore, which was the reason of the achievement. There was an event in 2018 for that one, but I missed it because I wasn’t an achievement hunter back then. But I am now, and I can’t get it. There are also the workshop achievements, which really suck. You would need to be very talented and very popular to get them. Crap.

There are also the Rust achievements that suck. Even though they are easy to get, you can’t do anything without being shot on sight, raided, r@ped or trolled. Having experimented friends to get them is very recommended. Most of them are bugged and can only be unlocked on Official Servers, which don’t include any PvE. I got them all, and then I uninstalled the game due to me being severely traumatized by the game community and players.

Yeah, Facepunch sometimes likes to troll the players for some reason.

So, don’t push the achievements too hard. If the players want the challenge, then they should create their own challenges and do them by themselves. It’s not because they feel more rewarding that they should necessarily be put into the game.