Hello and welcome to my guide to playing with no passive reproduction (this guide was updated for 0.7.0).
But first: Why play with active reproduction requirements? Well, this topic is a continuation of this one (slider for reproduction resource progress), so the theory is there; so suffice to say, it is more fun this way. To me, this way of playing is more gratifying since you actually have to earn your reproduction and not just sit there. I find this also more realistic because cells that don’t get resources don’t actually reproduce in real life (organelle and DNA duplication isn’t free). Given that the slider hasn’t been included (yet?) I will focus here on the practice of setting up your game and the aspects of becoming a proactive cell.
Anyways, here’s the things you need to know beforehand and which act as reasoning and justification for these options set-up:
- Since the game is now designed to auto-reproduce, moving more and actually getting the reproduction compounds is an extra cost on top of the balance. Result: We will need to adjust osmoregulation.
- The compound cost for reproduction is unreasonably astronomical (as admitted by developers). Result: The compounds need to be made more abundant.
- Last and more importantly, gameplay in each stage will be much longer (as also argued by lead dev; worst part and the only one we can’t fully compensate; thus the other topic). Result: We need to speed up evolution in each stage as well accordingly.
But, after all, most can be compensated and the reward is a much more proactive game. So let’s get to it.
“Passively gain reproduction progress” needs to be disabled, lest all the other changes be in vain.
Other settings:
Let’s set this between 0.4 and 0.5, since each of our stages will be 2-3 times as long in gameplay, even with the rest of adjustments. This will allow us to keep mutating at a good rate, though there will be less intermediate stages/gradualism.
Proportionally, this can be from 2.0 to 2.5 - As we will evolve faster, we need to ensure the AI can keep pace and even outpace us, for an interesting gameplay experience. This will also mean we will face more exotic cells.
As we need a lot of compounds to divide, and game design stopped accounting for this a long time ago, I’d argue this has to be around 2.0 - and no less than 1.5 at the least.
This is more like a “difficulty slider”, so you can use it as you please still. While we need more glucose, we will also have less discrete phases overall to lose environment glucose, so this balances itself out.
This is a tricky one. I’d say it has to be from 0.75 to 0.9 tops - we need to move more to get to those compound clouds. We will also be using compound-producing organelles to reproduce, which also cost osmoregulation/ATP/glucose. Also we need more storage, which again has an osmoregulation cost due to the membrane and it makes us bigger and slower. So, do not be shy to turn it down a bit from the default. Around 15-20% discount compared to your auto-reproduce gameplay could be relatively fair. AI cells are apparently also not affected by either this setting OR the reproduction difficulties since they just use population simulation, so take that in mind.
Since even with the discount we will have to move more and consume energy, I’d strongly recommend to keep this on. We are probably using this glucose just to swim a bit, and it won’t unbalance the game even for more “hardcore” players, since there’s no going around that you still to get a lot of compounds from the map.
Personally, I like to keep this on, as it is more realistic to be mindful of storing these compounds rather than consuming them instantly. But you can switch it off for faster gameplay.
If you want a day/night cycle, I’d recommend to go for a faster and shorter one: a day/night cycle of around 60-75 seconds will be more optimal, since you need the storage for other purposes, and also need to move more. Otherwise your photosynthetic cell may go “puff” very soon.
I’d say the greater resource abundance of “Hydrothermal Vents” is preferable; a warm little pond is playable, but can be more of a challenge specially if you migrate across the surface.
Rest of settings: At will
- The gameplay mode will not negatively affect if you are LAWK or not, Misc., Fog of War, switch to related species, death population penalty, and so on and so forth. You can choose your preferred settings with no ill effect.
Do tell me if this has been useful for you, or you have any other comments or reccomendations!
And remember to Thrive!