An idea worstthan underwater civilization

Hey guys, it’s the Flood here, today we’re gonna be forming a civilisation…

Ali-A intro plays


Also, i think that Quantum Crab spammed the like button on my previous post, because i got like five different notifications regarding Quantum Crab liking my post.

What about a cave civilization?

Creatures that are blind, and use echolocation to hunt. Think of the bioraptors from Pitch Black, but civilized.

What about a fungal civilisation, one that uses the power of mushies

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Or a single cell the size of a, um…



UNIVERSE… or something…

16 posts were split to a new topic: Silicon based life

A little?
A single-celled organism is a little far fetched?

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Well, i guess this settles that discussion. Any other things that are worse ideas then underwater civs?

Space slug civilisation?

Only limiting factors are possibility of developing a complex brain and appendages

Alright, I haven’t checked this thread out in a long while, but now I see this has gone waaaay off-topic. This was orginally about sapient plants, not sillicon-based organisms or anything else. Please move all non-plant related subjects to an other thread. Thanks.

I went ahead and split posts about silicon based life to a new topic.

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Back to the plants. Is there anybreason you couldn’t have a planet with an atmosphere relatively denser than ours? You could have flying things that just kind of glide and photosynthesize, they wouldn’t need to expend much energy to move, and depending on how high up they are, and the particular orbital and rotational periods of the planet, they might rarely be out of sunlight. In fact, IIRC, a denser atmosphere would result in a slower rotation.

Something might be possible (though they’d need a source of the air that’s lighter than air, which might be difficult), but how would the plants obtain nutrients? Plants need more than just oxygen, carbon dioxide and water

Maybe parasitic flying plants? They hop onto a creature, steal some nutrients and take off to photosynthesise.

Well there is already one species that is like that

usually when saying this one would give the example

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I have actually heard of that fungi from multiple sources, from game theory and i cant remember what else.