I haven’t been here for a long time?
But okay, prepare your microbes editor, make your cells resistant to cold and darkness because we are diving into the depths of the second version of the iceberg
ADMIN reminds you almost all topics related to what was on the forums and community will not be affected!
These topics have already been dealt with in the version of the first review of the iceberg.
Multicellular stage - This is the second stage in Thrive, in turn, it is divided into early multicellularity (Still 2D) and macroscopic (3D).
Thrive subreddit (Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/thrive/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriveU8PCivsPipeline/new/) - Thrive has an official subreddit, as well as a second but fan-made one… in which people discuss underwater civilizations and plantoid civilizations
Thrive R/place - Idk
Thrive Wiki (Sources: http://thrivegame.wikidot.com/ Thrive Developer Wiki) - Thrive has a developer wiki where you can find information of interest to you. Thrive also had an older version of the wiki, (wikidot) which is no longer relevant.
These topics were covered in the first version of the iceberg analysis
House made of cells - This probably refers to the fact that metal fragments (in microbe stage) can be moved, and thanks to this you can build a “house”, Or it refers to the fact that you can try to create a large colony of eukaryotes that will be a kind of home.
Old Oliveriver Soundtrack - it’s hard for me to say something, but for understanding, just listen to the old themes that Oliver created for Thrive.
5 diffrent ways to get Thrive - 1. Download Thrive launcher from github (free), 2. Buy the game on Steam, 3.Buy game on Itch.Io. 4.Compile your version of Thrive. (free and you can have a devbuilds without patreon, but needs some techical skills) 5. IDK
Fossils and Thrivepedia - If you’ve played the latest version of Thrive then you know what it is.
Belgium - any Thrive fan on the forums knows what it is, given that only the inhabitants of the forums will read this, then everyone knows what it is
This topics here are discussed above in the first version of the analysis.
Elysian Eclipse references Thrive on the splash screen -
Plant Civilizations - People wanted to become a civilization of intelligent plants, but science and developers are against it… nothing new, everything is the same as with underwater civilizations.
I don’t know anything about these topics, and to be honest, the last two points scare me, pls HH save/pleh me! I don’t want to become belgium!
pre-multicellular prototype colony organisms - Prior to the introduction of the multicellular stage prototype, players could only become a colony of eukaryotes.
Thrive paranormal Vault - 👻 The Thrive Vault of Paranormal Activity after reading this thread, you will stop thinking Thrive is simple game about evolution.
Spore easter egg - swimming in the patch, you can find a reference to Spore
Screenshot by Retha (in official Thrive discord)
Misterios Toxin bubble bug - I don’t know what is this bug
Rain sound in files - (rain.ogg - Google Drive) this sound remains in the game files from the first versions of Thrive, anyone don’t known what rain sound do in game files.
About reddit, I explained it above, about other idk.
I explained almost all of this in the first version of the iceberg analysis.
Helicopter build - cilia accelerate the rate of rotation of your cell… and now guess what will happen if there are a lot of them.
I explained almost all of this in the first version of the iceberg analysis.
Achievement thread (Achievements - #161 by robotictoan) - It seemed like a good idea to give developers ideas about achievements, but people started to suggest “make a crab” type of achievements, and the question arises how the game should determine if you have created something that looks like a crab.
March 9, 2023 is not exist.
End, thanks to everyone who read this.