with “like nobody else”, “PHOTOSYNTHESIS AAAAAAAAA”, “one way void”, and “energy hoarder” you can get infinite energy through the light bulb and solar panel method, so it would have a lot of ways to get more powerful unlike rapid growth, it just starts weak, but if you’re ascending to escape the heat death of your world you wouldn’t have to with “light up the world” at full upgrade assuming you found out how to turn matter and energy directly into eachother
photosynthesis? nah, photovoltaics: makes all photosynthesis organelles except carbon fixing ones produce electricity instead of ATP and makes carbon fixing organelles require electricity to function, affects all organisms that evolve from you after you first gain the ability to eat light regardless of other perks, due to the lack of inefficient chemical transport mechanisms in your photoautotrophy this provides a 50% increase in light eating efficiency and makes it less viable for predators that evolve from you before you evolve photoautotrophy to eat you as they would not get as much chemical energy from you.
cold fusion: you get an organelle can fuse any element into another element(warning: this still produces things that can damage DNA so it’s best to use it in an area with no DNA that needs to be used). if combined with “one way void” the eukaryotic version is pitch black in dark areas but has a bright white outer layer in bright areas and either way this combination removes the need to keep it away from necessary DNA once you are a eukaryote, if combined with a conductive organelle outputs electricity while active
vacuum membrane: allows you to add an extra membrane to any organelle and what that membrane does is prevent all heat and chemical transfer between it and yourself (for organelles that produce a lot of heat but don’t let much out)
organic fission: (requires cold fusion and one way void)(WARNING: this organelle produces a LOT of heat when on so keep it in low density and where it will get cooled fast unless you have “extreme heat/cold tolerance” in which case you could use it to start fires wherever you walk or as a defense mechanism, for example: claws so hot they make the air glow) allows the player to perform fission in their own cells at the cost of producing a lot of heat extremely fast and quite a bit of ATP/s, the AI will generally only use this if they are autotrophic and to make the chemicals they turn into ATP unless you make them do otherwise, for example having a lot of these organelles in a specialized organ that is launched at an enemy and all of the fission organelles in it are activated on impact to rapidly increase the temperature and burn the enemy, if combined with “extreme heat/cold tolerance” allows using it for long periods of time and having thermal defense mechanisms that also can convert toxic metals into carbon and oxygen
absurd heat/cold tolerance: allows going into places that should not be physically survivable by any means like liquid nitrogen and the sun without dying or taking damage, upgrade to extreme heat/cold tolerance
gravity god: allows full control over how much you are affected by gravity at all times, powerful enough to make a black hole escapable from past the event horizon or make you get yote at 299,792,458 m/s² towards the nearest atom, maybe if you’re light enough you can use it to have negative gravity. usable by AI members of your species. allows control over the direction of gravity(should probably require saving up for a few ascensions to get)(upgrade to moon gravity)