We have come up with 67 perks. Even if half of that is added to the game, that means the player would need to descend and replay the game 30 times in order to see all the post game content.
And also not all of these are equal. “Rapid Growth” can make the player overpowered, the same isn’t true for "Light up the world ". Point system can allow the player to gain the same amount of advantage after each descension, and try all of them with less replays.
Also the perks can be arranged in a tree, more advanced ones being unlocked after the precursor ones.
Unnatural disaster: You can trigger any natural disaster at the spot you are standing, as long is the biome fits it (so no landslide in a flat terrain, but you can create a volcano anywhere on the planet)
Summon flock: Spawns a random species from thrivepedia as pack members to help you
Out of proportion: Removes the square cube law for a few generations, allowing you to play according to the rules of physics that applied to your previous size
Double jump: You can jump while you are falling as if you are in the ground , but you can do this only once
Rapid evolution: You can pause the game and use the cell/organism editor, the changes are effective immediately, can only be used for your own species
Lifesteal: You gain a percentage of the damage you caused to another creature. Your hp can get above maximum.
Breathtaking: You can steal oxygen and stamina from other creatures within touching distance
Gluttonous bomb: (aware) You can place a blackhole on the ground. It isn’t effected by gravity, so it doesn’t immediately fall to the center of the planet. It only pulls objects close to it, such as animals, plants, soil, and air. The air is pulled from a greater distance compared to others. The low pressure can create a hurricane. After feeding for some time, it starts shooting a beam of light from its poles like a quasar, the intensity of the light increases with time. The range it pulls objects from also increases, it is proportional to the light intensity. When it reaches a certain size, the black hole explodes, leaving a crater behind, because this needs to end some way. The black hole causes time dialation(in single player), length contraction and red/blue shifting but its pulling strength is very low compared to a real black hole of that size, you can get away from it if you aren’t too close. All the creatures that were nearby get effected with a radiation poisoning.
Sweet dreams are made of cheese: You can make it rain cheese
You and I to get a breeze: You can give a knockback to other creatures with a wind, you can also use this for flying if you are light enough
Travel the world and the seven seas: You can open the patch map and teleport to another patch
Everybody is looking for something: You can click a spot in the minimap and every creature in the world that are loaded at that moment would start going there. If you move towards to a far away place and come across new animals, they would also be going there when you notice them. The animalls that arrived there start moving in random directions in a 20 meter radius area. When the countdown reaches zero, they start acting normally again. You can use this if you are low in hp and want to get rid of the predators that are following you
Some of them want to use you: You can give the control of your creature to the standard AI of your species or to another player. You can switch to 3rd person view but you can’t focus the camera to a far away place
Let there be flight: You can click any creature and it would start having wings and the needed biology to fly
The final countdown: If you activate this in multiplayer, the other players would have to kill your creature, otherwise the planet explodes. Useful perk for trollers. Can be disabled on servers. Can be given to another creature in the map editor to create boss battles.
Planet conditioning: You can change your suns size. To do that, activate this perk, look at the sun, and scroll the wheel in your mouse. Disactivate this perk to go back to the default. The sizes can range from white dwarf to red giant. The orbit of your planet or the other planets in the solar system aren’t effected. Only your planets climate is. Don’t like some glaciers? Melt them under the deadly rays of the sun. Want some liquid nitrogen rain? Sure, just turn off the heater until you are satisfied.
Sweater party: You can click any creature and a sweater will apear on its body. It acts as an additional layer of fur.
Upstanding: You can click any tree. Legs will appear attched to its trunk and it will start running around. After some time, the legs dissapear and the tree becomes sessile again, roots connecting it to the ground
Love is in the air: You can click two creatures and they will mate. The offspring will be a hybrid that carries both of their characteristics if they aren’t the same species.
Indeterminency: You will teleport to random places every secord, most likely 30cm to the right or something like that. You can’t teleport to inside an object or under the ground, unless there is a cave in there. When you press w and try to move forward, you will be more likely to teleport forwards, the expected distance travelled after some time will be the same as your normal speed. And you can increase or decrease this indeterminancy with the scroller in the mouse. If you max it out, you would travel to a random location in the planet every second. You can use this to get away from a predator. If you are injured and can’t move fast, and if it is about to reach you, you can increase the indeterminency to a few meters so that even if it reaches you and its average distance to you is zero (when measured with a vectoral sum), you will just keep teleporting around each other, unable to interact at all or doing that momentarily. There is also entanglement, you can make your distance and direction with another creature fixed, so you will teleport together and it will appear in the same place with respect to you. You can use this on your pack members or the prey you want to hunt.
World on a tilt: You can make the ground appear as if it is tilted. You can use this perk for climbing a mountain, for making the surface appear flat. If you make the tilt 180 degrees, everything would start falling up, except the ground. The effect is local.
Negative punch: You will cause a negative knockback when you hit something. If you charge at something and hit it with all your body, you will not stop after hitting it, you will receive a large speed boost instead. It will go through you, come out the other side and move at that direction at a great speed. This damages both of you