Welcome to Celestial, an interactive forum game about the aspects of a hostile alien invasion on an alien world.
Ceslestial shows an alien species in a bitter guerilla struggle with a seemingly unstoppable alien force, a species that not only has superior technology, but content with doing the most twisted, gruesome things imaginable to them.
Known as the Flome, these reptilian beings are ruthless, and are determined to decimate the population of this world until theres nothing left but a speck of dust.
This section of the game will revolve around controlling different types of resistance groups, by scavenging machinery, infiltrating alien facilities, and attempting to make a difference in the world. You will describe your resistance group with a name, how many members, description, and its political leader. What will your militia do to the opposition? Be sure to create a flag if you choose to do so.
You can perform an action by simply stating it.
Action: Scavenge scrap metal
An action can be used on anything, from starting a war or constructing vehicles.
You won’t be battling with the aliens all the time, though. You’ll also be going to war with other resistance groups, either for territory or for resources.
Instead of playing as the resistance, and if you have a more edgy side, you can play as the Flome, the alien invaders in this game. They built massive megastructures in the center of cities, they capture and enslave the survivors. Only 3 people can play as this, and all abide by the same rules, unlike resistance groups who will have their own perceptions.
Action: Construct breeding facility on Mantoga island.
Map of the world [Will be updated as time passes]
Resistance Movements
People’s Liberation Union
The “People’s liberation Union” is a liberal yet slightly communist party. Their alterior motive is to rid the alien oppressors out of their glorious planet, achieve a true utopian civilization, not ridden with false hope and accusations. Their movement usually goes by this phrase “The People Deserve a Greater World”.
The Final Front
The Final Front is an organization of rebels dedicated to the liberation of the planet and the destruction of the Flome.
The Front trains every able bodied person to fight with no exceptions. Those who refuse to train or fight are ejected from the Front.
A major motto of the Front is, “The merciless deserve no mercy.”
They are led by both veterans and soldiers from before the invasion.
Players: 6 players for each spot. Newcomers will be sent to the waiting list.