just a reminder i only have about 3 character sheets so far, so i can’t start until another 3 people join
again, i still have openings for another 3 people.
okay, it’s pretty obvious to me that this is never going to get any new players so i might as well just start with what i have now.
i’m not making any promises but there might be a round coming eventually (but i’m busy with a lot of other stuff so it will likely take a while)
I will join. I thought the thread was just dead
Full name: Raimundo Schmütz
Nicknames: Rayman (Because English speakers can’t say his name right)
Age: 29
Gender/sexuality: Male heterossexual
Occupation: Otolaryngologist Doctor
A father, brother, wife (pregnant with a girl).
Likes: RPG, study, games, “weird” music (erudite/neoerudite, and Yuki Kajiura), his job, children, ants and birds.
Dislikes: socializing for long periods, other people getting drunk, consuming most forms of alcohol, onions, coconut, ground beef, cucumbers, palm hearts and musics that are musically poor or plain sexual.
Background (city): After America joined into one, they used better health care ideals than USA. Something like the SUS of Brazil could do the trick (people can go to the hospital without getting into debt owo). Raimundo works part for the national healthcare system and part for his own clinic.
Background (farm): After America joined into one, they used better health care ideals than USA. Something like the SUS of Brazil could do the trick (people can go to the hospital without getting into debt owo). Raimundo works decided to go to a rural area, where there would be little to no competition, working mostly for the national healthcare system and some to his own clinic.