Different Species Developing

I remember that too that’s why i put it here instead of making a new thread

Check my profile and messages, I know I brought that up some time ago.

I just found a bunch of blood on my hand and I cant figure out where it came from…

alright Dexter you need to chill tf out


Currently it is modeled so that the editor applies the changes to the player’s species template so there won’t be any creatures with the old design hanging around.

Really that’s too bad I was hoping they would keep at leased one generation of the players species. It would kinda feel weird if every individual would evolve even if they are well fitted for their environment. I thought it would be more like the form game Path of the Wild (Forum Game) because I never liked how spore did that (yes that was ment to be a low blow sorry)

Entering the editor represents millions or hundreds of millions of years (it will get slower as you progress) so the fact that you get there by reproducing is only symbolic.
But the way it currently works it only changes the template so all the members of your species around you aren’t affected just the ones that spawn afterwards .

Ok good I was worried it was like in spore where every member of your species magically turn into your new species
so does that mean I could see my old species in the world until they go extincted from being out classed(or out class me)? or only an evolved form thats different form my new species?

I suppose what im asking is in the diagram below will all 3 be present in the world or just 2-3 and 1 is assumed by the system to have gone extincted during the time in the editor (#2 is the player)
also I think if you do end up going with all 3 then when you go extincted then you should have to revert back to 1 if its just 2-3 then go to 3



With the current approach you only literally see the old version until you go far away enough for them to despawn.

It is not meant to work like that the “old” version of your species sticks around. What we will have instead is other species branching off others. So that includes the player’s species and with that you will see variations of your species that have started to evolve in a different direction.

Because the game is meant to be realistic and we will do the auto evo in discrete steps (the evolution) at each step each species is going to mutate, possibly split or not change much or close to that, I’m not fully up to date what’s the latest plan on how exactly auto-evo would work (you’d have to ask @tjwhale about that). And the new versions replace the old. So once the player returns from the editor to the spot they were at, so that it simulates reproduction, all the old stuff will still be there but from then on all new creatures that spawn will be from the updated species. And in case of the player’s species dying out only the currently alive species exist so you’d have to pick from them.

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Nice summarization, i was going to post some stuff about new genuses branching off and new species branching off etc. But it looks like you hit on all that.

Theres some ideas like sometimes we retain the old verison and let them branch off into a new genus (right now (in the dev version of 0.4.0 ) , for AI ,there are three choices, it can choose to either mutate and update the old species , or split off a new species, or split off a new genus), so I imagine we will do the same randomization for the player species. So you may be competing with a mutated version of your ancestors, and maybe even a whole clade based on your ancestors.


(Hey guys, first post on the new forum!)

I had something to ask, and it kinda relates to this, so I’ll just put it here. Will there be syncretic evolution?
For example, three different species becoming aware at the same time, say, one that lives in the trees of a forested area, a reptilian one that lives in a desert biome, and the third living up high in the mountains. The main thing I want to know is, would it be possible (either by conquest or diplomacy) to absorb all three into one government, and then use their different environmental preferences to colonize a wider variety of planets in the space stage (of course, I don’t know how 4x-y you’re going to go with the space stage, so maybe not). I ask because one thing that always bothered me about Spore was that, in the tribe stage, other tribes were different species, but even if you made friends with them (rather than committing genocide) they disappeared once you got to civilization.

I can’t speak for other devs but in my opinion it should be very difficult and unlikely to get multiple aware creatures at the same time, the time frames are so small (as I have said the time frames will become shorter and shorter the more you advance so once one species is aware it takes them only a few hundred thousand years to get to space, whereas a less advanced species might get one editor cycle per hundred thousand years). So it would be extremely difficult to pull that off but if you do I don’t see a reason to limit your society to one species (unless one of the specied has xenophobic traits).


Personally I wouldn’t like this to be a thing, as beating/eliminating competition is all part of life. Take humans for example, there is only one species.

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I on the other hand would approve if the possibility, humans didn’t wipe out the other intelligent races in Earth, we outcompeted and outbred them. Not to mention bred with them. Multiple unrelated species would be very unlikely unless one was an aquatic civilization and one land based, otherwise they would inevitably be competing for the same resources, not saying one would explicitly wipe the other out, but one would eventually prove better at exploiting their environment and the other would gradually fade away.

The one question i’ve been wondering

How would other species develop vehicles and technology procedurally?

I’ve seen randomly generated ships from Avorion but they look very odd. images
This is one of the more normal looking ones.

That looks pretty cool Randomly generated you say


P.S just checked out that game looks cool and is kinda what i imagined thrive’s spaceship creator to look like was less blocky in my head

Well to be fair, as long as the ships remain in space things like aerodynamics don’t matter. A lot of ships will look way different than vehicles we have now. (Was that correct English? Idk, it seems pretty bad to me, but I don’t what what the correct version would be)

So i could have a fleet of spheres?

(just had the idea make a fleet of all the orblike ships in star wars)

Let’s make the borg in Thrive. Cube fleets assimilating planets.