Endless Expanse 2.0

Find proteins to produce lipids (using both actions ig if you’re fine with it)

those would only affect the ones that find them and would get diluted among their offspring since you can’t replicate proteins, you could look for RNA that does that and have it actually affect you for more than 1 round since you will be replicating that though

yeah that is fine ig

I’ll dedicate time to reproduction, and engulf cells to try to get an endosymbiont (to attempt to get a nucleus).

Trying to repuduce and try to find places with sustainables compound sources

I still cant see anything about me in that post , is that still in the work?

@Chiori your section is now finished

i’m going to look for RNA that makes proteins that increase membrane size before it splits due to just being too big

ROUND 2: action results


attempted actions: focus on reproduction and attempt to get an endosymbiont


you successfully gain a member of your own species as an endosymbiont but after you divided you were a normal kryto namenaldi cell and another cell with organelles and RNA between your two membranes. this has caused you to speciate and leave behind around half of your population

species details

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Solaris examinai
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid double proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to RNA absorption rolls), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to transfer energy*2
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other kryto namenaldi to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 50nm, speed: 37.2nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -48, population: 700, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 12, average energy usage: 6


find RNA that produces lipids


you find and absorb enough RNA that produces lipids to easily replicate it enough to spread it through your whole population rather quickly

species details

base element: carbon
common name: rare vent protobacteria
scientific name: Primium thrivium
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, extremely effective sulfide metabolism that produces a lot of Cl+, hgt, 6 independently replicated plasmids, iron chlorinating rusticyanin that protect the RNA from chlorination and work fast enough to only have their energy production limited by the Cl+/Cl2 concentration, lipogenic RNA
respiration methods: H+, sodium sulfide production, iron chlorination
description: an endangered species of sulfur respirating and iron chlorinating prokaryote that can reproduce by transferring its plasmids to protocells and micelles as well as by performing mitosis meaning that it is able to come back from extinction as long as a single plasmid remains but the plasmids do not replicate in the absence of usable energy
current habitat(s): bathypelagic vents
Stats: size: 40nm, speed: 0nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 0, population 298, fecundity: ~4/pop, energy gen: 12, energy usage: 7


look for RNA that codes for membrane stabilizing proteins


you find and absorb some RNA that codes for random junk and does nothing when your ribosomes read it

species details

base element: carbon
common name: proto archaean
scientific name: primium κλειστόθείοκύκλος
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, independently replicated RNA replicase, hydrogen sulfide reducing proteins, telomeres
respiration methods: H2S reduction, facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration
description: a telomere bearing prokaryote that uses proteins that make energy from H2S and RNA proteins that make energy from anything with the same valence shell as oxygen to create a contained sulfur cycle which it uses to power itself with the only input needed when not growing being glucose
current habitat(s):
Stats:40.8nm, speed: 0, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, population: 245, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 10, energy usage: 4.2


focus on reproduction and find sustainable compound sources


you succeed in finding a sustainable source of lipids, sulfur, and glucose that will stay active for the next 4 to 8 rounds and manage to reproduce 1.25 times faster than normal

species details

base element: carbon
common name:
scientific name: primium flagellus
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, proteins that chop up any and all foreign RNA, flagellum that uses very little energy
respiration methods: facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration
description: a prokaryote that uses metabolosomes that don’t care what they use to break down glucose as long as it has the same valence shell as oxygen to power its flagellum and viral defense mechanism
current habitat(s): abyssopelagic vents
Stats: 40.8nm, speed: 20.4nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, population: 350, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 6, energy usage: 4

[color=]base element:[/color]
[color=red]common name:[/color]
[color=orange]scientific name:[/color]
[color=yellow]existing traits:[/color]
[color=green]respiration methods:[/color]
[color=red]current habitat(s):[/color]
[color=]Stats: size, speed, stealth, oxygen resistance, population, fecundity, energy gen, energy usage[/color]

AI species:

kryto namenaldi

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Kryto Namenaldi
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to finding and absorbing specific types of RNA), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to keep the wheel from stopping in energy deficient organisms that it can give energy to
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other kryto namenaldi to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 48nm, speed: 37.2nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -50, population: 495, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 6, average energy usage: 3.5



type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
starting atmosphere: 90% nitrogen, 0% CO2 0% O2 5% argon 5% SiH2
starting patches:
the core:
void(you must be able to break bedrock to get here),
near mantle:
superheated magma:
brimstone caves:
abyssal ocean
abyssal seafloor
abyssal hydrothermal vents: primium dichirus, primium flagellus
abyssopelagic caverns
bathypelagic ocean
bathypelagic seafloor
bathypelagic vents: primium thrivium
bathypelagic caverns
mesopelagic ocean
mesopelagic seafloor
mesopelagic vents
mesopelagic caverns
epipelagic oceans
epipelagic seafloor
epipelagic vents
epipelagic caverns
great lakes:
unnamed great pentane lake: Kryto Namenaldi
north pole
south pole
floating sea rock
skies: low atmosphere, high atmosphere
space: low lunar orbit, medium lunar orbit, high lunar orbit,


type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
characteristics: always near your starting rock but not orbiting it, deep red oceans made of ammonia, high pressure atmosphere with no oxygen, lots of volcanic activity, the oceans seem to be getting darker, more will be revealed with optical advancements through technological or biological evolution.

every six or twelve rounds there will be an event that causes death followed by everyone that survives getting an extra mutation point for the next round or two and everyone that doesn’t gets to rejoin as an offshoot of someone else’s species

this round following this post is an editor round

@Cha @Chiori @Nonametoseehere

My new species name shall be Solaris examina (solar swarmers in latin)


Proper nucleus-like structure.

More specialized photosynthesis, with tiny photosynthetic panels extending outside of the cell membrane.

(Disadvantage) Collector structures on the bottom of its membrane that collect materials for reproduction (silicon, boron, phosphorous, and I guess copper for energy flow)

what do you think about how i made your attempt at endosymbiosis fail

I think that’s a pretty good way to do it.

1 Like
  • increased size
  • proteins that can be used to increase buoyancy and move gasses that come out of the water out of the cell

Mutation 1: Proteins that allow to store more compounds.
Mutation 2: Chemoreception

Mutation uno: Flagella

Mutation dos: protein that produce Hydrogen peroxide and release excess hydrogen into the ocean once done producing Hydrogen peroxide

ROUND 2: editor results


attempted mutations: proper nucleoid, tiny extracellular light collector structures, (disadvantage) collector structures on the bottom of the membrane to collect materials for reproduction.


5, 6, 1.

species details

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Solaris examina
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid double proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to RNA absorption rolls), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to transfer energy*2, porous capsid-like structures that each hold one copy of the genome, extracellular solar panel structures with conductive intramembranous roots and air bubbles at the ends, peaceful resource transfer pili
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other Solaris examina to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent, a few recent developments they have made are: solar panel structures that increase their photoelectric area, pili to give eachother resources to speed up their development, protein nucleoids that basically look like spherical porous capsids inside the inner membrane
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 50nm, speed: 36.8nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -48, population: 700, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 12, average energy usage: 6


attempted mutations: flagella, hydrogen peroxide producing protiens


3, 4

species details

base element: carbon
common name: rare vent protobacteria
scientific name: Primium thrivium
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, extremely effective sulfide metabolism that produces a lot of Cl+, hgt, 6 independently replicated plasmids, iron chlorinating rusticyanin that protect the RNA from chlorination and work fast enough to only have their energy production limited by the Cl+/Cl2 concentration, lipogenic RNA, slow flagellum, hydrogen peroxide synthesizing proteins
respiration methods: H+, sodium sulfide production, iron chlorination
description: an endangered species of sulfur respirating and iron chlorinating prokaryote that can reproduce by transferring its plasmids to protocells and micelles as well as by performing mitosis meaning that it is able to come back from extinction as long as a single plasmid remains but the plasmids do not replicate in the absence of usable energy, it also produces hydrogen peroxide for a reason that is not yet known
current habitat(s): bathypelagic vents
Stats: size: 40nm, speed: 0nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 0, population 298, fecundity: ~4/pop, energy gen: 12, energy usage: 7


attempted mutations: increased size, buoyancy controller membrane proteins.


6, 3

species details

base element: carbon
common name: proto archaean
scientific name: primium κλειστόθείοκύκλος
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, independently replicated RNA replicase, hydrogen sulfide reducing proteins, telomeres, proteins that go through the membrane to allow gasses to easily exit the cell as internal pressure decreases
respiration methods: H2S reduction, facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration
description: a telomere bearing prokaryote that uses proteins that make energy from H2S and RNA proteins that make energy from anything with the same valence shell as oxygen to create a contained sulfur cycle which it uses to power itself with the only input needed when not growing being glucose
current habitat(s):
Stats:48.0nm, speed: 0, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, pressure change resistance: 5, population: 245, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 10, energy usage: 4.2,


attempted mutations: proteins to store compounds, chemoreptors.


1, 2

species details

base element: carbon
common name:
scientific name: primium flagellus
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, proteins that chop up any and all foreign RNA, flagellum that uses very little energy, proteins that use kinetic energy(heat, sound, being pushed, etc.) to make glucose and release it into the cell, thermoreceptors
respiration methods: facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration
description: a prokaryote that uses metabolosomes that don’t care what they use to break down glucose as long as it has the same valence shell as oxygen to power its flagellum and viral defense mechanism
current habitat(s): abyssopelagic vents
Stats: 40.8nm, speed: 20.4nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, population: 350, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 6, energy usage: 4

[color=]base element:[/color]
[color=red]common name:[/color]
[color=orange]scientific name:[/color]
[color=yellow]existing traits:[/color]
[color=green]respiration methods:[/color]
[color=red]current habitat(s):[/color]
[color=]Stats: size, speed, stealth, oxygen resistance, population, fecundity, energy gen, energy usage[/color]

AI species:

kryto namenaldi

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Kryto Namenaldi
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to finding and absorbing specific types of RNA), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to keep the wheel from stopping in energy deficient organisms that it can give energy to, electroreceptors, photoreceptor
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other kryto namenaldi to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 48nm, speed: 37.2nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -50, population: 495, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 6, average energy usage: 3.5



type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
starting atmosphere: 90% nitrogen, 0% CO2 0% O2 4% argon 5% SiH2 1% H2S
starting patches:
the core:
void(you must be able to break bedrock to get here),
near mantle:
superheated magma:
brimstone caves:
abyssal ocean
abyssal seafloor
abyssal hydrothermal vents: primium dichirus, primium flagellus
abyssopelagic caverns
bathypelagic ocean
bathypelagic seafloor
bathypelagic vents: primium thrivium
bathypelagic caverns
mesopelagic ocean
mesopelagic seafloor
mesopelagic vents
mesopelagic caverns
epipelagic oceans
epipelagic seafloor
epipelagic vents
epipelagic caverns
great lakes:
unnamed great pentane lake: Kryto Namenaldi
north pole
south pole
floating sea rock
skies: low atmosphere, high atmosphere
space: low lunar orbit, medium lunar orbit, high lunar orbit,


type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
characteristics: always near your starting rock but not orbiting it, deep red oceans made of ammonia, high pressure atmosphere with no oxygen, lots of volcanic activity, the oceans seem to be getting darker, more will be revealed with optical advancements through technological or biological evolution.

current round is an action round

@Cha @Chiori @Nonametoseehere

Action: Increase mytosis (idk really rn)

Action: Try to reproduce more and find proteins that help the cell sustain itself when it gets bigger

you already are, it’s just a farther up one.

I will absorb RNA in hopes of getting something beneficial.

i’m going to try to spread to another farther up patch by way of bubble

ROUND 2: action results


absorb beneficial RNA



you successfully absorb RNA that makes cells stick together, increasing your available photoelectric area and marking you as the first organism to make a biofilm

species details

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Solaris examina
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid double proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to RNA absorption rolls), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to transfer energy*2, porous capsid-like structures that each hold one copy of the genome, extracellular solar panel structures with conductive intramembranous roots and air bubbles at the ends, peaceful resource transfer pili
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other Solaris examina to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent, a few recent developments they have made are: solar panel structures that increase their photoelectric area, pili to give eachother resources to speed up their development, protein nucleoids that basically look like spherical porous capsids inside the inner membrane
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 50nm, speed: 36.8nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -47, population: 1385, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 16, average energy usage: 6


focus on reproduction



species details

base element: carbon
common name: moderate vent protobacteria
scientific name: Primium virium
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, extremely effective sulfide metabolism that produces a lot of Cl+, hgt, 6 independently replicated plasmids, iron chlorinating rusticyanin that protect the RNA from chlorination and work fast enough to only have their energy production limited by the Cl+/Cl2 concentration, lipogenic RNA, slow flagellum, hydrogen peroxide synthesizing proteins
respiration methods: H+, sodium sulfide production, iron chlorination
description: an endangered species of sulfur respirating and iron chlorinating prokaryote that can reproduce by transferring its plasmids to protocells and micelles as well as by performing mitosis meaning that it is able to come back from extinction as long as a single plasmid remains but the plasmids do not replicate in the absence of usable energy, it also produces hydrogen peroxide for a reason that is not yet known
current habitat(s): bathypelagic vents
Stats: size: 40nm, speed: 0nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 0, population 2380, fecundity: ~4/pop, energy gen: 12, energy usage: 7


spread up by way of bubble



you succeed at going up through some bubbles, but a few of them were toxic gasses and you lost 50 pop.

species details

base element: carbon
common name: proto archaean
scientific name: primium κλειστόθείοκύκλος
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, independently replicated RNA replicase, hydrogen sulfide reducing proteins, telomeres, proteins that go through the membrane to allow gasses to easily exit the cell as internal pressure decreases
respiration methods: H2S reduction, facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration
description: a telomere bearing prokaryote that uses proteins that make energy from H2S and RNA proteins that make energy from anything with the same valence shell as oxygen to create a contained sulfur cycle which it uses to power itself with the only input needed when not growing being glucose
current habitat(s):
Stats:48.0nm, speed: 0, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, pressure change resistance: 5, population: 383, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 10, energy usage: 4.2,


focus on reproductions and find RNA that codes for membrane stabilizing proteins



you keep bumping into the dominant species of the patch and don’t succeed to focus on reproduction but you do find RNA that makes your flagellum faster

species details

base element: carbon
common name:
scientific name: primium flagellus
existing traits: RNA duplicase, monolayer bilipid membrane, RNA enhanced metabolosomes, plasmid, ribozyme, chirality reversing RNA replicase, proteins that chop up any and all foreign RNA, improved flagellum that uses very little energy, proteins that use kinetic energy(heat, sound, being pushed, etc.) to make glucose and release it into the cell, thermoreceptors
respiration methods: facultative sulfuric/aerobic respiration, kinetorespiration
description: a prokaryote that uses metabolosomes that don’t care what they use to break down glucose as long as it has the same valence shell as oxygen to power its flagellum and viral defense mechanism
current habitat(s): abyssopelagic vents
Stats: 40.8nm, speed: 30.6nm/s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: 10, population: 350, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy generation: 8, energy usage: 4.5

[color=]base element:[/color]
[color=red]common name:[/color]
[color=orange]scientific name:[/color]
[color=yellow]existing traits:[/color]
[color=green]respiration methods:[/color]
[color=red]current habitat(s):[/color]
[color=]Stats: size, speed, stealth, oxygen resistance, population, fecundity, energy gen, energy usage[/color]

AI species:

kryto namenaldi

base element: silicon
common name: Living Solar Cells
scientific name: Kryto Namenaldi
existing traits: photoelectric RNA, RNA replicase with an RNA flagella bound to its back end, plasmid that likes accepting random bits of RNA (+1 MP but it has disadvantage), silicophospholipid proto-membrane, electric silicophospholipid production, chemoreceptors that can detect lipids and RNA of any kind as well as the pheromones they produce(+1 to finding and absorbing specific types of RNA), pheremones that are released in light, membrane bound silicon nanowires to keep the wheel from stopping in energy deficient organisms that it can give energy to, electroreceptors, photoreceptor, spike to sap energy from solaris examina by grabbing onto their membrane wires in low light conditions
respiration methods:
description: a silicon based photoelectric prokaryote that can give energy to other members of its species via extremely thin silicon nanowires inside its membrane as well as attract other kryto namenaldi to increase energy generation and make microscopic mats of unbound living solar cells that all share energy and move with the light to a certain extent
current habitat(s): pentane shallows
STATS: size: 48nm, speed: 37.2nm\s, stealth: 0, oxygen resistance: -50, population: 495, fecundity: ~1/pop, energy gen: 6, average energy usage: 3.5



type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
starting atmosphere: 90% nitrogen, 0% CO2 0% O2 4% argon 5% SiH2 1% H2S
starting patches:
the core:
void(you must be able to break bedrock to get here),
near mantle:
superheated magma:
brimstone caves:
abyssal ocean
abyssal seafloor
abyssal hydrothermal vents: primium κλειστόθείοκύκλος, primium flagellus
abyssopelagic caverns
bathypelagic ocean
bathypelagic seafloor
bathypelagic vents: primium virium, primium κλειστόθείοκύκλος
bathypelagic caverns
mesopelagic ocean
mesopelagic seafloor
mesopelagic vents
mesopelagic caverns
epipelagic oceans
epipelagic seafloor
epipelagic vents
epipelagic caverns
great lakes:
unnamed great pentane lake: Kryto Namenaldi
north pole
south pole
floating sea rock
skies: low atmosphere, high atmosphere
space: low lunar orbit, medium lunar orbit, high lunar orbit,


type: moon
orbiting: gas giant that is almost a star
characteristics: always near your starting rock but not orbiting it, deep purple oceans made of ammonia, high pressure atmosphere with no oxygen, lots of volcanic activity, the oceans seem to be slowing in their discoloration, more will be revealed with optical advancements through technological or biological evolution.

the first species to travel from one patch to another has been set, also i recommend looking in the planet boxes every round. there is a three round buffer in the atmosphere and ocean to adapt to oxygen in the form of silicon dihydride, metals, some sands, and some other belgium

current round is an action round

@Cha @Chiori @Nonametoseehere