Forum Game Ideas

Name: Broken skies
Description: Reality is shattered, all that remains of the old world are ruins sticking up out of an endless expanse of dust and mist, distance, speed, space, and even time are all mutable. But there is worse to come for those who survived, in (time period undecided) everything that remains will be destroyed, and the world will reset. Except for you, kinda. You play as the central intelligence, a massive device that holds incredible power, and you command from the citadel inside the center of the city, your power lets you grant strength to others and has lead the people to put their trust in you for leadership. Prepare to die over and over, attempting to delay the inevitable.
Rules: Vs the world game systems, look up Cherno alpha vs the world to get an idea of the basic systems, some modifications to work with the different setting. Time loop rules are that once a certain set of requirements are filled, a massively powerful monster will teleport in near your city.
What would the GM have to do: Figure out systems on the fly, coordinate between forums, count votes.
Other: May or may not have a cross forum element. I call dibs on making this, just checking for interest and co gms.