So, I haven’t seen anyone talk about this much, but, how will galaxy’s be generated in late game space stage? Will there even be more than one galaxy? Will there be different types of galaxy’s? Will you be stuck in one, randomly generated galactic cluster? Will your galaxy be able to be attacked by a more advanced race from another galaxy?
This is here for reference.
plans right now seem to go for a single galaxy, also try not to think too much about the space stage, we’re still not done with multicell and microbe
i think that the galaxies should be rendered as one entity until you go to a star system or cluster where it would render the individual celestial bodies of the system/cluster as one entity until you enter them
Yes, that’s a lot better than the way I explained it.
the galaxy clusters should also be rendered as one entity until you are close enough to them to tell that they are multiple galaxies
I could not find this topic or anything related to discussed so here I am, making a place for it. I am not an expert on the games implementation or the science behind it’s mechanics but galaxy generation could not only effect terrain generation but create the basis for many environments conditions.
I had this I idea while playing the cell stage. [Perlin noise] (,details%20are%20the%20same%20size.) is a procedural generation of randomness at its core which means that its repeatable given the same seed input. from my understanding (which could be wrong) of its description this allows for the query of the value given any coordinate input. so my idea is to use Perlin noise to create an “interstellar background radiation” which could then be used to generate a star map for a hopefully unique galaxy. once the value map is created the black hole at the center is inserted and the generation of stars can begin.
an algorithm can then be created that uses the map as a basis to generate the type and stage of star as well as interstellar phenomena (nebula) to populate the galaxy (variables like size, shape, age can be random or changed in advanced setting). also offsets can be generated to make the x,y,z coordinated look more random (just an idea).
I had this idea while playing the cell stage. [Perlin noise] (,details%20are%20the%20same%20size.) is a procedural generation of randomness at its core, which means that its repeatable given the same seed input. from my understanding (which could be wrong) of its description this allows for the query of the value given any coordinate input. so my idea is to use Perlin noise(or an equivalent) to create an “interstellar background radiation” which could then be used to generate a star map for a hopefully unique galaxy. once the value map is created the black hole at the center is inserted and the generation of stars can begin.
an algorithm can then be created that uses the map as a basis to generate the type and stage of star as well as interstellar phenomena (nebulas for example) to populate the galaxy (variables like size, shape, age can be random or changed in advanced setting). also offsets can be generated to make the x,y,z coordinated look more random (just an idea).
once the star map is generated metallicity will need to be calculated based on its distance from the central black hole. As metallicity is a major factor in the type of planets that a star has (terrestrial vs gas giant) the metallicity value can be used as an input value for system generation.
when a system has the correct metallicity and is in the galactic habitable zone any terrestrial planet in the habitable zone for their star can harbor life in that galaxy.
now with the galaxy generated you have a basis for environmental conditions that come from interstellar origins. the Perlin noise means that with the exception of the seed value and the coordinates of the system only data that needs to be stored are those related to creature/ environmental changes. Plus, Perlin noise can be used as a terrain generation method meaning that one Perlin noise implementation can be used multiple times (galactic, solar system, terrain…)
In addition most of the current gameplay mechanics could be kept as is. while I don’t know how the code is written on the back end I don’t imagine that a lot of it will need to change to add this galactic generation method.
any additions or changes are encouraged.
I’d like to note that I’m not the best developer to comment on this, but as far as I’m aware, we aren’t planning to have very extensive procedural galaxy generation. Obviously you will encounter different life forms in the space stages of different saves, but the galaxy itself won’t change too much. We also are planning to limit the already gigantic scope of the game to a single galaxy.
As for planet generation: we have multiple developers with some understanding of astronomy and astrophysics and plans for planet generation. It is turning out to be a bit of a cursed feature since it never gets done, but eventually, it will.
For future reference; try not to double or triple post and instead edit posts.
that is fair, as I’m not a dev it not up to me to decide if its implemented, when I tried to make it one post it told me I can only have two links max. also I had the idea in my head and figured I might as well share, worst case it isn’t added. thanks for the response though
I think we’ll have to do small galaxies with just a few dozen solar systems to make the game simulation run at an acceptable speed. And to make generating the galaxy (I think we really ought to limit each game to a single galaxy, we can’t even realistically fill even a single galaxy) take a reasonable amount of time we’d use pregenerated entire planets to populate the generated solar systems.
Also you managed to quadruple post which is even way worse than double posting, let me quote you the forum rules:
- Do not double post unless you have a good reason. Edit your post instead.
Also I moved this topic to the right category.
they should be rendered how i said here and that should just be stored as a 2 digit number assigned to a specific star for a specific star cluster in a specific galaxy in a specific galaxy cluster
sorry if i explained this badly