Gods of the planet reboot

@TeaKing i am going to post the next round of fallout soon.

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Action: make more dice

@TeaKing please do the next round i have a plan.

round 10


roll 1
GM wasn’t able to fling any meteorites at Olina


3 roll
Veros made a big planet and named it Gigantica


roll 1
Tort made some rocks instead of dice

Action: increase universal gravity by 2

try the same thing again.

action: create a moon for Neruvia

i posted the new round on fallout.

Round 11


roll 1
Tort tried to change universal gravity but nothing happened


roll 3
GM increased the size of olina by a little bit


roll 3
Veros made a tiny moon for Neruvia

@TeaKing action: increase it again.

Action: dew it again

action: try stopping tort.

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round 12


roll 6
GM succeeded at increasing Olina’s size, now its the size of Earth meaning bigger than neruvia


roll 1
Tort, while trying to change universal gravity, broke itself in half, making it weaker and it will take time for it to recover ( tort’s rolls will have a -1 for 5 rounds )


roll 1
since Tort didnt do anything but break itself, Veros didnt do anything.

Action: say “yee haw”

cause evolution on neruvia.

but there is no life to evolve yet

create life on neruvia. also a new round of fallout is posted.

i already knew about it
i get notified when someone posts something in the thread

Round 13


roll 3-1=2
Tort managed to make some cute sounds instead of saying yee haw


roll 1
GM failed at creating life.

i try again to create life.